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Beau Vine

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Everything posted by Beau Vine

  1. [quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' timestamp='1313538137' post='2782469'] Who says I didn't? [/quote] My bad, I've sometimes trouble reading sarcasm from posts alone, especially on OWF where I don't necessary... expect the best from people ;-)
  2. [quote name='GDI Crossfire' timestamp='1313563192' post='2782703'] Im so confused...... if you guys deserve a congrats, congrats..... if not.... then nevermind. OWF makes my head hurt. [/quote] They were a protectorate, now they're a partner, pirates rock, ninja's and Myth suck. What's so confusing about that?
  3. Buncha jokers... <mumble> Well I thought it was great yesterday, but apparently it was awesome. Finally something worth reading on OWF, Admin knows there hasn't been a lot of these lately (alright,"Lions, and Tigers, and Spies! Oh My!" was pretty awesome as well). Gonftw - did you write the part ostracising Myth as well? ;-)
  4. [quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' timestamp='1313531265' post='2782370'] sick burn [/quote] I recommend reading the reply two posts down
  5. [quote name='d3mon' timestamp='1313159353' post='2778562'] If you are not in IRON then you are missing a lot of fun.. Join TODAY!! [/quote] And if you didn't join then - today is your chance!
  6. I guess I can see where this is coming from, but yeah - it's still totally a Billy kind of situation, so it made me a bit sad-ish. Thankfully, you gave me a bit of a snicker with your post wording: [quote]On that note, PPO will be further protected by MHA for a period of 24 hours.[/quote] Paired with the fact that the very first thing I saw when I scrolled down was bright orange: [size="5"][color="#FFA500"][b]Will you be?[/b] [/color][/size] So what now, PPO? Help out those of us that are out of the loop - what your next step(s) might be. Will you look for more compatible protector alliance, or (as I actually had hoped for a while now) you'll get the Jolly Polly up high, take a sip of rum and sail around yourself, maybe stopping once or twice to sign some pacts along the way? Will this mark beginning of more active, in terms of belligerence, time in your history - or as KainIIIC suggested (and everyone thought ;-) ) it's only one more crow on the sky, circling casually to mark that we haven't had a proper full scale brawl for a while now?
  7. [quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1312789305' post='2774733'] Why is MK considered the top alliance (maybe I just read to much into it)?[/quote] Others have covered this question pretty well, but as to perceived influence of MK, in light of their recent alliance I couldn't help but to add my 2infra's: [quote]The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in sloans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan. As soon as you sacrifice this slogan and try to be many-sided, the effect will piddle away, for the crowd can neither digest nor retain the material offered. In this way the result is weakened and in the end entirely cancelled out.[/quote] /[IC]: unknown writer [OOC]:Far too well known Crazie. Consider how many posts MK (actually this can be said about many alliances thought to be of great influence) members make on OWF, and how many varying points they touch in each. Now compare them with posts made by members of MHA, the astonishingly underestimated alliance (hi RV!). See any connection with aforementioned observations on propaganda? But note that what OWF lurkers think is of little weight when most actual politics is made via different channels (ie - compare simplistic MK posts with their recent embassy leak).
  8. BTW, I'm a bit of a music junkie, always looking for a new fix. But while I do appreciate that you introduced us to Ida Maria, JRV - I appreciate the dissing of your interviewer even more Did you bet on him being happy with the title and not listening to it, or are you just plainly ice cold? Too bad I can't be online around the time you do your show though, it's like 5 AM where I live. Maybe play Tango Till They're Sore one day for sake of all us who can listen to it only whilst drowsy at dawn.
  9. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1312255432' post='2769737'] What's with all the !@#$@#$ yellow text? [/quote] MHA's board default background colour is [color="#000080"]darker and more grey-ish than this text[/color], so there's a lot of space for light colours font-wise Colours you see here are not editorial choice - should you visit MHA and see someone post who has yellow nick - he's from MoDF; red - she's a trium, etc. I'd rather lampshade it as MoDF trying to sneakily avoid attention than change it's colour. Also: o7 [color="#FF0000"]Working_Class_Ruler[/color], \o/ Scutterbug, next DP! could spotlight Gunther.
  10. [quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312255372' post='2769735']Glad you can decide you accepts me in their alliance. I'm sure they'll really enjoy you dibbling in their IA. [/quote] I honestly can't tell if you're just playing ignorant here, enjoying some inside joke I'm not seeing, or really have no knowledge of established recruitment procedures on Bob. Let me run this down for you: Step 1 You apply in appropriate thread on alliance forum. You're required to have set certain AA (be it main or X applicant), and team colour. If you didn't do the latter, your trades are being screened - and if you have good trades going, processing can go on. Step 2 You're being asked questions that vary from alliance to alliance (like "why this AA", "who recruited you") and one that is a must: former alliances. Some go a step further and ask if this nation is a reroll, and if so - go back to Q1. Step 3 Alliance screening. There might be an upfront question in this regard in step 2, but regardless of answers - recruits are being screened, most commonly via IRC for former alliance gov opinion on you as a member, but also any aid/tech they need to pay back, military orders, standing trials or - like in your case - sentences. Step 4 FA staff on appropriate level tries to level out any bumps that became apparent in Step 3. If alliances in question have good standing, it's customary to let go of minor offences. Step 5 Admission or rejection of applicant. One is accepted into an alliance only if he's got clean/cleared record, or if given alliance is plainly looking for a fight. NG stated over and over again that they still hold a grudge against you, are not finished with you and will not be convinced to let it go. Ergo Step 4 automatically fails, and you could not be admitted into any serious CN alliance unless they breach their own internal policies [quote name='King Xander the Only' timestamp='1312255335' post='2769734'] You can apply anywhere you like. You won't be accepted, though, because 1) you're obviously extremely untrustworthy, and 2) I won't be finished with you. [/quote] Quod Erat Demonstrandum. This is not "dibbling in their IA", but quite the opposite - it's a simple observation based on common IA policies and your current status in NG.
  11. Choose the sitter wisely though. If She/he has CN account you will be prohibited from having any substantial in-game contact, ever again. No tech deals, no trading, no military assistance - nothing.
  12. I don't know how 3G availability looks like where you live, but you could look into 3G mobile modems with prepaid cards. It's great if you travel with laptop anyway, and CN is very light so it won't take up a lot of bandwidth.
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