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Everything posted by PresidentDavid

  1. I am trying to find a phto-sharing website that won't resize my photos. Photobucket does, Imageshack doesn't want to upload big ones, I am trying to find one so if yall can help me out that would be nice.
  2. "I think it would be very adequate. He will be there." President David gathered his things and flew his own plane escorted by two fighters to the Free Association. "This is Celt One asking permission to enter Free Association airspace?"
  3. [quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298227486' post='2639610'] Great Britains an absolute Monarchy. I think, but dont quote me, I think Ireland is an AM aswell. [/quote] Will do. Also, North America coming soon!
  4. [quote name='Chancellor Patrick' timestamp='1298221059' post='2639523'] Understood, I am new at this war fighting, I have very little experience. Apologies. But I had already posted that my forces were in Fairbanks, as they arrived at a very rapid speed. [/quote] OOC: I am sorry partner Triyun decided he would drop a bomb on the city I was heading to so I couldn't drop the aid however if you still need it they can come back but I am not sure if the UFE will be as generous and let them fly away. I am sure he really wants to find a reason to invade me but is holding it back. Also, that is the disadvantage in poking your nose in someone's revolution/civil war. Things don't always go your way.
  5. [quote name='Chernarussia' timestamp='1298184854' post='2639230'] shouldn't Britain be constitutional monarchy? other than that great idea! [/quote] Ah I thought zoot dropped the monarchs when he changed from England. Will fix.
  6. I will do the easiest next. North America seems pretty self explanatory. Then again South America seems very easy as well.....
  7. [quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1298179696' post='2639139'] As they headed back six UFE F/A-47 Sino-Fighters would move on the sides of the C-130s, three meanwhile moved above the C-130s and fired their after burners creating a sonic boom right above the C-130s to shake the transport planes violently. [/quote] [b]Private[/b] "Uh yeah Overlord this is Peace one I have to UFE fighters on my and Peace Two's side. I think-" a large rumbling crackling sound was heard on the other end of the radio. "Peace One this is Overlord do you copy? Over." a few moments went by and then Peace One replied, "Overlord they were just showing off nothing to worry about. Problem resolved. Over and out."
  8. [quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1298179634' post='2639136'] Dude, this may be a long project for you. You got 6 more continents to do [/quote] Haha. I am up to the challenge. It will give me something to do lol.
  9. The maps here are to represent the governments of Europe. I will be expanding it to the other continents but I thought I would do this to give a preview. If anything is wrong then please alert me and I will fix it. I just thought this would be nice to see what kind of governments the world has and what kind of patterns exist. (The future map will be the size of the world map) [img]http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee361/PresidentDavid/7247d677.png[/img] (The New World) http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee361/PresidentDavid/2a72f4ec.png (Europe) http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/3020/governments.png Nations needed in the New World: Pacifica Artica New Cuba
  10. Private The pilots of the C-130s turned back to head to the the Islands. President David sat back in his office and shook his head at Robert, "God bless the murdered civilians. God bless Alaska Robert..."
  11. [b]Public And To Alaska[/b] Two C-130 Hercules cargo aircraft are currently bringing humanitarian aid to Alaska because this seems to be the center of conflict. The United States knows what Civil War can bring: Poverty Disease Violence. This is why we find it necessary to bring aid to Alaska. One C-130 will drop aid in a designated Communist part of the nation with a high urban population and the other will drop it's load in Anchorage unless specified otherwise. No fighters are escorting the aircraft and they do not have any offensive weapons. They are flying under the white flag of peace and international aid and diplomacy on behalf of the people of the United States of The Islands. The humanitarian aid consists of food and water and nothing else. The United States would like permission from the Communist and Democratic parts of Alaska to enter their airspace and give humanitarian aid. The aircraft will airdrop the supplies and then return the way in which they came from the refuel in the air at a designated location that is classified information. The C-130's are currently 2/3rds of the way there so an answer from both nations would be nice to have. -United States Chief Ambassador Susan [img]http://www.easterwoodairport.com/images/milimages/c130.jpg[/img]
  12. OOC: For the exception if the horseman was riding under tree cover of course
  13. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1298089554' post='2638005'] OOC: The fact that there were two Communist parties and an authoritarian party in the elections should have told you that they'd be rigged in at least SOME way. [/quote] OOC: true that
  14. "The United States of The Islands supports the people who stand for democracy and freedom. God bless you, you are in our prayers." - Vice President of The United States, Robert McNeil
  15. OOC: Congratulations for defeating the purpose of a democracy
  16. [b]Private[/b] The Chief Editor of the Island's Post sat back in his office and smiled. His buisness partner walked in, "What's got your gitty up?" The Chief Editor, Richard, sat up and cracked his knuckles, "Oh nothing. But a foreign government is criticizing our news paper. A socialist one from what I understand." Richard's buisness partner and best friend stepped forward, "Haha. I guess the commies got angry we have our own ideals." Richard laughed at how his friend stereotyped communists and socialists in the same pot and he took a sip of this new thing called "coke" and stood up, "If a government is reading a local newspaper then do you know how many more hits we are getting? Think about it, a foreign government.." he stopped in his words, "Dude this is outstanding. Should we reply? Give attack adds?" Richard laughed up a storm, "How about we just let them make criticism all they want? It's getting us sells and hits in a time when we should be suffering.. In fact.." Richard reached over the counter to a series of graphs, "You and I are $15,000 richer amigo." Richard's partner dropped his coffee and jumped in happiness. Richard smiled, "I say we give everyone a pay raise. What do you think?" his partner smiled, "Yeah, they deserve one. A big one." With so many more papers being sold in the Island this could only mean good for buisness and his employees.
  17. Vice President Robert McNeil of The United States attended and enjoyed the heart churning ceremony. With he himself being a Catholic he felt he had a special place here in the church while this all went on. With everything that happens in the world, it is nice to sit back and watch a historic ceremony. To think, one day his children will look back and say, "My father witnessed the crowning of a King who still stands to rule to this day." Also, with North America's history of war, this was a great thing to see done peacefully. Robert was tired of war. War had consumed his country, his life, his best friend's life. Peace was so nice to finally be a witness of. How long had it been since Robert had gone to confession? A a few weeks? A month? He didn't want to know. But thoughts like these started passing through his tired mind. He had been attending church often although he needed to be reconciled. David looked over a Maria Hapsburg and gazed for a second at her beauty. A fellow - well let's just say a friend - knocked him on his shoulder, "Don't get any ideas Mr. Vice President, she is the fiance of..." Robert caught on and quickly made the sign of the cross.
  18. [center][img]http://www.thepoliticalemporium.com/assets/images/s1.jpg[/img][/center] [b]The United States Stock Market?[/b] With several companies rising and falling it is wondered if a stock market will be created for the Islands? After all, there are investors so why not have it more organized? A stock market would bring risk to our Republic however it would also bring opportunity. With hundreds of people getting new jobs each day this economic boom will definitely be a golden age of prosperity. [color="#00FF00"]Pros[/color] The United States would get a prime system of trading stocks Great fortunes could be made Global Interests Could be brought to the Islands Companies could theoretically grow faster if an organized system could show how well they are doing so more investors and stock holders could be drawn to them [color="#FF0000"]Cons [/color] A typical collapse of a stock-market could bring down the hole economy with it Thousands could loose jobs Many local companies could eat each other up until there were a few big ones left Because this is an important political issue for the United States, we asked a local senator from New Dublin what he thought, "While it does have risk we can't shoot it down just because of that. Why would we? We need to take risks. I hope the private sector does get together and makes this work because I think it would be a great idea." It seems the greatest supporters of a stock market are from the north where they are recovering from the former communist regime. "If it can grow industry and jobs up here, then I am all for it" says Matthew Wallis, a local buisness owner. Obviously this will take off soon, so what will it have in hold for us? Let's take a risk everyone - let's see what happens. -Islands Post
  19. [quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1297983773' post='2637001'] Indeed, if the Republic understands correctly, it was created by one John Pemberton in the now defunct United States of America, sometime in the 1880s. Typical Capitalist move, to take the labours of another and claim it for themselves. [/quote] OOC: This is not recognized. First off you are historically incorrect. John Pemberton invented/discovered the formula for Coca-Cola. He latter sold it to Candler who created the "Coca-Cola Company". Also, no one ever RPd the United States in the 1880s and so that is not a true historical reference for CNRP.
  20. The President of The United States, President David Anthony O'Reilly, will like to attend. With him Asa Griggs Candler would also like to come. Candler is the founder of the "Coca-Cola Company" in the United States and so David thought it would be marvelous to have such an inventor and entrepreneur join the party.
  21. [b]The Newest Company In The Islands[/b] [center][img]http://www.kbelradio.com/Coca-Cola-Art_Enjoy_Logo_Ribbon.jpg[/img][/center] The Coca-Cola Company was founded about two months ago in New Dublin. The Coca-Cola Company currently sells one item and one item only, Coca-Cola - also know as a "Coke". A "Coke" is a beverage made of normal carbonated water with other products added into it which is what give a coke it's fantastic flavor. Over 7,000 bottles have already been sold (in New Dublin) and the number is growing by each day. When asked, locals responded with comments like, "A delicious drink that takes off the edge" "Delicious but not disgustingly sweet" "An amazing alternative to alcohol". Could the Coca-Cola Company be the first big boom we will get after the war? From what critics are saying - no it won't. However our citizens and companies seem to surprise the critics time and time again. With the United States growing and rebuilding it needs a new drink to keep it up at night when studying for a test or trying to finish a project, it will be coke. Many collage students honor Coca-Cola with, "An easy way to stay up at night" or "A great way to keep your spirits up is to drink a coke!" If this would be the next boom with young people, then this would definitely catch on fast. Currently, the majority of people who drink Coca-Cola are youngsters in their early twenties however younger and younger people, along with the older generations, are starting to catch on. [img]http://emoryhistory.emory.edu/images/asa_candler.jpg[/img] Founder Asa Griggs Candler is very optimistic on his new product. We were not able to speak with him because of the many buisness deals he was making but his secretary (his daughter) did tell us that her father was working very hard and that this was the best thing she had ever tasted. She also told us that the Coca-Cola logo was actually thanks to our advertisement saying, "Enjoy Capitalism". Several posters have been popping up saying, "Enjoy Coca Cola." So now you might be thinking: [i]How can I get a coca-cola? Are they expensive? How should one drink a coke, warm or cold?[/i] These are questions that many people have asked us on the street while we were interviewing and now we have some answers for you. [i] How can I get a coca-cola?[/i] If you live in New Dublin, then you are in luck! There are several fountain shops that are now serving coca-cola along with your favorite ice creams. Coca-Cola is also sold by several butcher shops and and bakeries that are storing the drinks in small coolers to sell to customers while they wait. If you live in Douglas or the North then don't worry! Coke will be coming to you very soon. In fact Candler's daughter told us, "If profits get us where we want to be then we will increase production and maybe expand [the output of cokes], so that we can sell the beverage to more people and put a smile on their face!" With the Western Isles in the Union now it is certain that they will, probably within a year, have coca-cola popping up in their local stores as well! [i] Are they expensive?[/i] Currently, we have seen that every single shop seems to be selling cokes for five cents so they are at a reasonable price right now. [i]How should one drink a coke, warm or cold?[/i] This is one of the most debated things in New Dublin right now. However, we have taken a pole and found that 63% of people in New Dublin say a cold coke is a better coke! Coca-Cola, the next boom for the United States. -The Islands Post
  22. [center][img]http://www.thepoliticalemporium.com/assets/images/s1.jpg[/img][/center] [b]A New Beginning[/b] [i]Punishment[/i] With the former leaders of the former communist nation in the hands of the United States government, their trials were moved first on the list. A judge and group of peers were brought together and a verdict was reached. Here is what the jury reached a verdict on. Violation of Human Rights - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] Crimes Against Humanity - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] Violation of Civil and Military Rights - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] Treason Against State Governments - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] High Treason Against The United States of The Islands - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] Attempted Religious Genocide - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] The Destruction of God Given Rights - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] Capital Crimes Against A Religious Organization - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] First Degree Manslaughter - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] Belonging to a Armed Rebellion To Overthrow The Government - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] The Murder of 2,869 People - [color="#FF0000"]Guilty[/color] The judge gave the highest sentence in the country - Unchosen Death. Typically when someone is sentenced to death, they may have the option of which way to be put to death, however this is going one step farther and stripping them of that one choice. Now all he may do is choose his last meal, which we read, was a baked potato with butter. When the President was asked if he would give a pardon to the former leader he said, "I am only to give a pardon if I think the courts did not rule fairly, which almost never happens. I think this man deserves what he is going to get for the murder of so many innocent, holy, faithful, and loyal people." The final question on everyone's mind was [i]How will the tyrant be put to death?[/i] The judge released a statement today saying simply, "Death by firing squad." [i]The Western Isles[/i] With the war now over, focus is moving to the Western Isles. Our military is currently there, going to towns and telling them they are now under Islands rule, and establishing government and order. Approximately 3,000 soldiers are currently there and more are planned to depart soon. With the new population comes new responsibilities to the government such as living up to the people's expectations. Of course they will be and are happy to be under Republican rule, however a system of states should be set up in the Western Isles as soon as possible so that they can have a say in their government. The biggest and hardest thing to deal with will be deciding which islands become states and how big they should be - whether based on population or land distribution. [i] Rebuilding The North[/i] All communist leaders of the north have been removed and brought to Douglas for a court hearing which will most likely have then in prison for the rest of their lives or sentenced to death. This means that the north now has a fresh start to rejoin the south as one country. With the general population never on the North's side, setting up a new republican government will be easy and swift. Most congressmen have already been elected in the North and a few more are to come. For the former capital of the rebellion the clean up is estimated to take about a month. Several fires have destroyed government buildings however the majority of downtown is not harmed. -The Islands Post
  23. Susan took a sip of her green tea and enjoyed the flavor for a few seconds and then replied, "President O'Reilly wanted me to set up an official meeting with your head of state. From my understanding he would like to conduct peace talks and maybe try to form a possible treaty between our two nations. He would love to come to the Free Association and talk personally if it would be permitted?" David, who now knew that Susan had noticed him, was sitting quietly in a chair as he listened to the conversation.
  24. President David happily signed paperwork. His country was united again, freedom was now on the little rock he called home on all of it. Capitalism was turning it's gears, Freedom was prevailing, priests were coming out of hiding - nothing could be better. David looked down at a new Island nation off the coast of Africa, "The Free Association Canary Islands and Cape Verde?" Robert was enjoying sending copies of a recent newspaper he had found stuck behind a freezer in the executive lounge to relatives, "They are about as capitalist as you can get David. I read about them this morning. We haven't recognized them yet.." Robert chewed his lip while he tried to perfectly fold a paper in half, "Maybe you could try talking to them about relations? Us capitalist nations need to stick together with all of these commies trying to use every little revolution they can to overthrow their governments." David laughed allowed, "You got that right. Look at Alaska." The President thought for a while then had Chief Ambassador Susan, his love, call Trinidad Jiménez, the Free Association's Officer of Relations. Susan sat in her office while the phone rang. She happily waited to speak with someone from another part of the planet - it was always a thrill to her. When someone picked up on the other line Susan said her hellos then began, "My name is Susan. I am the Chief Ambassador for the United States of The Islands. I am calling for a Ms. Trinidad Jiménez under orders from the President of The United States. It is concerning diplomatic terms." Susan waited patiently while she gave David, who was trying to use his non-existent ninja skills it eavesdrop on the conversation.
  25. The United States has plenty of bottled water ready to be shipped over immediately. Any other humanitarian aid that you request will be given. Our plains are already in the air and waiting for permission to enter your airspace. Give us the world and we will air drop the supplies in any location you wish.
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