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Blog Comments posted by Sabcat

  1. I don't really play games and since no one wants to fight a classic war against me/us for fun all I have to do is log in to collect money/tech. I played Lunar wars for a bit many years ago and wasn't there in the waning days so I want to see what happens to CN when that time comes.

    I played LW as well, the fall out from that game cost me my first nation in this game.

    I still play CN because of the people and now to a great extent for the nostalgia of things that happened here 8/9 years ago. That said, there's some brand spanking new commie drama kicking off at the moment which is always fun.

  2. The funniest thing is the utterly pointless nature of it all, especially for any alliance that isn't one of the 5 or so that makes the plays in these global wars. We're currently in what is regarded as the "losing" side. It would make absolutely no material difference to LSF if we had entered on the "winning" side of this conflict. We'd still fight for a few months, someone else would negotiate the peace and then we'd go away and rebuild. The trick for alliances in our position is not to delude themselves that they have any skin in the game. Once you avoid that you get to do what you like for your own reasons. The machinations of the coalition leaders might as well be in Greek for all the significance they have.

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