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Everything posted by Furril

  1. Who's your favorite pony? Mines Twilight Sparkle. [img]http://i.imgur.com/KUVvF.png[/img]
  2. I don't know what you all are linking to, but its not Pony related. Also Everyone knows there are only 2 Important ones on the show, the rest are terrible. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/U1ixg.png[/IMG]
  3. HEY I love ponies. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/s8GRg.png[/IMG] Charlie best pony.
  4. IF only one large alliance could step is as a mediator and keep both sides honest should either one break the deal.
  5. I'm high Lord of Twinkies in GOONS, it's not an important position but I like to carry myself as though it is.
  6. 11: I like GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD [IMG]http://i49.tinypic.com/30sinmp.jpg[/IMG]
  7. [quote name='Silly Potato man' date='11 June 2010 - 04:41 PM' timestamp='1276296058' post='2333954'] What you mean constant harassment and stalking, plus what seems to be actions of hate directed at me, yeah i can see how this wouldnt cause issues [/quote] Hate is kind of a strong term. You act as thought the wars you fought deserve any kind of emotion.
  8. [quote name='Lamuella' date='11 June 2010 - 04:39 PM' timestamp='1276295933' post='2333947'] A harbor costs $200,000.00 that's hardly countless money. [/quote] It's a lot of money to a person without support or able to make tech deals: IE the OP. Looking over the OP, I never new that Small Potatoes could say so much.
  9. [quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 04:30 PM' timestamp='1276295431' post='2333931'] The right actions doesnt always have the best results, i didnt sit there and take it, lets leave it at that. plus i did gain a harbor so thats a TON of money countless money. [/quote] Yes, and what is right and wrong is realitive. So instead of debating what you think is right, I will merely disqualify all possible intended meanings. If your goal was: Money: Then the amount of money you made/destroyed is less than the amount a new goon would have access to within the first 10 day period. Destruction: The amount of cash value is was was taken/destroyed was less than the amount mentioned above and a drop in the bucket to anyone over 2000 infra. Getting a harbor: This is the first thing Goons buy, and then they have 2.8 million to play with afterward, WITHOUT the fear of getting ZI'ed by three nations. Im not saying you didn't do some damage, I'm merely stating that it's nothing near great or praise worthy. Grats on your harbor, now let see if you ever get to use it.
  10. [quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 04:25 PM' timestamp='1276295134' post='2333914'] Maintenance (n): Rebuilding something, in smaller and smaller forms, as it is continually destroyed due to your own massive political incompetence I dont see how this is political incompetence, i really had no choice but to attack IAA so i did, instead of cowering i stood up and fought back to do the right thing for my nation, thats called good leadership. [/quote] What are you the leader of exactly? You have no Infra, no followers. You preside over smoking craters in the ground. John Edwards could lead your country better than you do, He only has problems with his #$@%.
  11. [quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 04:10 PM' timestamp='1276294227' post='2333871'] Cause you constantly destroyed my maintenance? [/quote] BATTLE REPORT: ...diers and 0 Tanks. You lost 17 Janitors and 1 Mop Bucket(s). You killed 0 Janit... Actually, you know what, forget all the "facts" a grand war like this sounds exciting and adventuresome. Who can I attack to get Zi'ed and suck all my money out of the bank? I want to make a post about it.
  12. Maybe one of those Cruise Missiles hit the Text file. Noooo, the pixels
  13. I'm happy to just trawl you, but looking over your nation here: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=407501 You are totally full of crap. The biggest tell is soldiers lost. You lost less than 600 soldiers. I lost more than 600 soldiers on my first day of Quad attacks. Even with successful attacks you lose soldiers. At your assumed level, you haven't "thrashed" anyone, maybe got in a couple of successful or even unsuccessful attacks. The only way you could have made/destroyed money is had a ground attack from a wealthy goon fail and donate you some cash, but even so, you have nothing left for it. Everything you have bought is gone. Even a newbie goon can have access to several million in their first week with tech deals. A newbie with millions to toss around isn't even a big deal. Bottom line: You have nothing left, any damage you done is only a scratch to what most veteran players earn in a day. I'm sure you enjoy feeling good about yourself for this made up victory, or trawling other more successful people, but in the end, it's not a big deal. This thread is just a fun diversion in between actual and more interesting conflicts in game.
  14. [quote name='Islamic Republic' date='11 June 2010 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1276286993' post='2333571'] Go on and sell your propaganda and your Q.Q! i think your rabid denial of me ever having a plane proved me right. [/quote] 1: You realize we have to pay for planes even if we don't use them? It's good to carpet bomb people just to make someoen feel like they got their moneys worth. 2: Where is my cut from the sales of our QQ's? 3: We have rabies? Oh !@#$.
  15. I like arrangements like this. I'm sure there are many goons who would love to get paid to clean up little rogue nations. A++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WOULD ZI AGAIN
  16. Ask yourself, can you predict when you will not log in for 25 days? Or that the politics of the world may consume you? Deletion can happen to anyone, anytime, it's foolish to wait. You must act soon to save your internet soul Pray with me brother, accept Jesus into your In Game life.
  17. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Yea, NoR isn't doing anything strange. I'm sure they got 770+ likes in the item it takes other folks to get 3. Maybe whatever is storing that number of likes is set to a certain number, or some program is making likes up to a certain level. Either way NoR's likes are anything but legit. I wonder how many people will defend them because of "caress lovingly" GOONS! (I'll defend them, goons are terrible)
  18. Save time... Give people tech, take nothing in return. I have a aid slot open and could use it.
  19. [quote name='Methrage' date='07 May 2010 - 08:59 AM' timestamp='1273244330' post='2290249'] Why would I hate you guys? I just want to see you fail at the one thing you care most about in-game. [/quote] It would be a Shakespearian tragedy for GOONS if we could not have our flag waving simulator be complete. In fact, I'm getting my poison and suicide pact dagger ready right now.
  20. [size="4"]ATTN: Methrage and assorted folks not invited to the trade party.[/size] We GOONS enjoy a good laugh at someones expense, but this has goon on long enough. You see, we haven't maintained our tear harvesting equipment and I'm afraid that we are in danger of losing our primary tear collector. [img]http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/5403/gague.jpg[/img] I'm asking as nicely as possible will you guys please stop talking and/or shut up until our equipment can cool down? Perhaps keep it to 20 posts a day, that should do it. Thanks in advance, Furril
  21. Why do you post in blue anyway. [color=#CCCC00]Isn't yellow more your style?[/color]
  22. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='15 April 2010 - 07:35 PM' timestamp='1271381705' post='2262062'] [color="#0000FF"]No thanks. I quite enjoy the RIA. Stand up bunch.[/color] [/quote] Standing up is good. It allows circulation in the legs. It's a nice day outside.
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