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Everything posted by Frostfirefox

  1. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288401574' post='2496778'] And as I explained at the time, due diligence was not given to contact Arrnea. He was easily reachable had you spent LITERALLY 5 minutes. Let alone the lack of need for any replacement. [/quote] I had tried contacting him during this time to be fair. For unrelated reasons to impeachment. I just wanted to talk to him on my resigning from the alliance and that I had joined Sajasabie. He did not get back to me until a few days later. (which at that time I believe was his reemergence into activity) As well, many would agree that a temporary leader at that time was necessary. To clear up this misconception. Arrnea was in FULL control of SOS Brigade during this process. Mio was placed as a temporary leader to make decisions regarding SOS Brigade should Arrnea have been injured, or busy due to a personal matter. Mio was placed as the temporary leader to avoid breaking the charter since the charter states that pretty everything needs the Brigade Chiefs approval. Mio never had the access level Arrnea has and therefore, would not be able to take control of the forums illegally. If Mio did have the access level, she clearly did not take control of the forums.
  2. [quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1288321013' post='2495960'] Just for our own clarification, is [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000524"]this[/url] guy a ghost also? He was flying your AA when we attacked, but now is flying another one. It seems strange to me that 10% of your entire alliance would be ghosts... but I suppose it's possible... [/quote] Why don't you ask those 2 people instead of vaguely suggesting something is wrong with the alliance they left?
  3. Pirates are rad. There is more. Parrots are rad too. 'Nuff said. :3
  4. [quote name='King Ernie' timestamp='1288248938' post='2495027'] psh. everyone knows it's round 'Hunt Youmu' for LE Youmu. [/quote] I laughed... then wet myself :3
  5. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1288242506' post='2494958'] Woah there! That's just too [b][i]radical. [/i][/b]Lets just stick with good old fashioned round #14. [/quote] Aw man you sure? You could be the first time travelers of steve. Get some cool shades. Round 15 baby. Although, its not really like time travel. It would be more like, your in round 15 while everyone is in 14.
  6. [quote name='kulomascovia' timestamp='1288241259' post='2494930'] This round will be Round #14 for LE. [/quote] Shake it up a bit :3 I hereby declare this round for LE.... round #15.
  7. Hopefully not much left to add. [b]Visit us and say hello. We are very friendly. [url="http://www.newsakuraorder.co.cc"]New Sakura Order[/url] IRC-#sakura[/b]
  8. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288235444' post='2494837'] I believe I've said several times this would have been the better option. If you want to take your ball and go home, that's your imperative, but it doesn't mean you need to kick everyone elses' blocks over. [/quote] Unintentional. We didn't find it necessary, and many members still within SOS were still contemplating whether or not to go forth with it. Sorry we didn't hold your hand through our alliance creation, but honestly. Even if we told you, the same thing would have happened. You would have ended up in the same exact spot with SOS. Sure you didn't have a warning that these members were going to leave. But those really tied down to the alliance were indecisive if they wanted to go or stay. Thus why you see people changing there minds time to time. If the whole issue is that we didn't warn you we were creating a alliance, then thats bogus. The difference between saying we are creating an alliance, and not creating an alliance, is nothing. The same people would have left, Arrnea would have probably done the same things in replacing government. In no way was it harmful to not tell you 'Hey we are creating an alliance because we don't approve of the leader.' You probably still would have called us traitors as well. Edit: trust is an issue as well. you might be mad at us for breaking trust and having people whom you thought were supporting you, then really werent, hence treason. but there was mistrust on both sides not just ours. mistrust of what really was discussed, of what really was planned. and after Arrnea reacted to finding out about the impeachment talks I doubt anyone really wanted to bring up the alliance in SOS. i think keeping it secret until the day to leave was the best path. and I heard you guys found out about NsO before this topic was made. and before members left.
  9. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288234462' post='2494819'] What I find funny is that it's the people who opened the rift in the first place who beg for this to end. Those responsible for it in the first place. As I told DK1K earlier, you lost your right to play the time out card. You conspire to harm our alliance, don't be surprised when we don't like it. [/quote] It wouldn't benefit NsO to harm SOS. We just wanted the best for us. The best for us does not require creating the worst for you. If you don't like us having an issue in some of the actions of Arrnea that is fine. We created the rift of finding the best for both of us. Would you really be happy if the members in NsO were still in SOS? Would you be happier if we did it earlier? Would you be happy if we told you guys, 'Hey, we are creating this alliance because we don't want the leader of this one.' You would be angry with this no matter what option we took. You would either be mad 'traitors' are still in your alliance, or you would be mad 'traitors' left you alliance. You are just trying to milk hatred out of this. I don't want a time out card. Nor would I ever play it. It happened and you would have an issue in anyway it turned out. I beg for your complaints and lies on our alliance to end. The rift NsO created was separating two very different parties to two alliances. The rift your speaking of, is your own creation. I do not harbor ill-will for your alliance. I still harbor respect for SOS. I still harbor respect to Arrnea as well (shocking I know). However, I respect Arrnea as a person, but not as a leader. You guys think we all are bad people because we moved on from SOS. [b]Quit trying to hold us back. We do not want you anymore. We left for a reason.[/b]
  10. A full story of what happened, very comprehensive. The government of SOS was all like 'Yo Arrnea is a bad leader, but is he bad enough to impeach.' Arrnea found out and was all like 'WTF. You guys are trying to coup me' and he removed them all from power. A topic was made by one of the remaining government officials for impeachment. The results were 13 for, 12 against and 5 abstained. So the impeachment failed since 80% for it is required or something. When it failed those who were for it weren't going to stay when they didn't like the leader. So those members left the alliance, and joined Tetris while they created the things for this alliance NsO. It was made clear to Tetris that they were doing this. And now SOS is claiming Tetris to have harbored traitors and planned ill-will against SOS or something. Tetris was just helping friends from SOS and let some members use it as a safe haven while they made their own alliance. SOS is extremely angry that these members left. (or that they questioned the leadership?) Either way SOS is pissed beyond the extreme. [b] --------------- The facts random onlookers need to know is, people disagreed with the leadership. They talked about impeaching the leadership (SOS's major argument is that it was being planned illegally. although impeachment is in the charter. but illegal or legal, they disagreed with and wanted the leader removed). The leader removed most of them from Government (a few remained because Arrnea thought he was absolutely right about what went down). An impeachment process was started. It failed. When it failed [i]some[/i] members who disagreed with the leadership went to Tetris. Not all the members left for Tetris. A few went to other areas and some stayed in SOS until NsO was finished being formed. NsO begain its existence and this thread was made. Complaining started.[/b] [b]Really, it's just a typical DOE for any alliance that broke off from another.[/b] [b]NsO was formed by a disagreeing party dealing with the leadership in SOS. Not as some wacked out attempt to destroy SOS. NsO is neutral to SOS. Come visit us or join us at - [url="http://www.newsakuraorder.co.cc"]www.newsakuraorder.co.cc[/url] IRC - #sakura I am a proud member of NsO. NsO was formed for it's members. Before NsO was formed, I had already resigned from SOS and moved elsewhere when the idea was brought to me. The reason for my resignation is that Arrnea had put the alliance into shambles. Good fortune to NsO and SOS.[/b] Edit: as an added note. many members who stayed in SOS when this went down probably wanted to learn more before they made a drastic decision such as resigning. members staying in the alliance until the moment they created a new alliance isn't meant to be harmful. they just don't want to look like alliance jumpers (if i had heard of this before i resigned i would have stayed in SOS because now i have to explain to my former alliance why i jumped so fast. ) also it should be put on the record, that Arrnea went missing for a period of time after this happened. I had pm'd him on the se forums and he didn't get back to me for 2-3 days. he would get on the TE forums but completely avoided SE for this period (he had posted in topics on the TE forums). which caused more doubt in Arrnea as a leader.(i had heard many members saying if he didn't get on they would leave).
  11. [quote name='Michael von Prussia' timestamp='1288219113' post='2494506'] I haven't exactly seen Locke endorsing anything I say, and since I'm not government, my stance does not represent that of the SOS Brigade's. You're not very good at this. [/quote] Hehe. Which is why I added the line where Locke said he wasn't going to do anything about you slandering SOS's allies. It's not endorsing per definition, but it shows he doesn't care about the relationship with Tetris anymore. Also you seem tense. Back rub? EDIT TO BERN- I want no relation between NsO and SOS, hostile or friendly. I'd rather just remain neutral. I'm sure others agree on this. However, I know SOS has many unfriendly alliances who probably only keep peace due to your political position. But if you destroy your political position over us going our separate ways from SOS, they suddenly have reason to finally go for it.
  12. [quote name='Michael von Prussia' timestamp='1288215703' post='2494460'] I dunno, I don't go to channels I don't look at. I also don't go to channels where people are plotting against my allies. And again, so long as I have reason to believe you or your members were involved in plotting against our alliance, you can urge all you want, it's not going to happen. I'm being pretty damned civil compared to how I'd be if this was more private, I assure you, and if you disagree, I've already given you the option of contacting me via other means. [/quote] You not very good at this. Insulting NsO is one thing, but Tetris? Aren't you guys weak enough already without ripping your treaties to shreds? And locke who is government is even endorsing your shredding of your treaties. [quote]I know nothing will stop MvP, but you can stop encouraging his responses by not responding to him, at least.[/quote] I know you guys want to push this to the limits and stop at nothing, but your going to destroy yourselves at this rate.
  13. [quote name='Frostfirefox' timestamp='1288202585' post='2494356'] what is this round for LE, since it right after the reunion round? [/quote] Come on, somebody work with me here :3 I want to see your creativity flow and give this round a name of awesome
  14. Once again... you guys are weird. :3 what is this round for LE, since it right after the reunion round?
  15. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288199211' post='2494325'] May as well be, with the help he gave them. You've got the logs. [/quote] The only reason this discussion continues is because your trying to give NsO a bad name already. Your spreading filth everywhere and getting way to deep in this with your conspiracy theories. Thus why I call you conniving. The plain and simple fact, minus all your politician crap and theories, is that people wanted Arrnea out and things got dicey. Many didn't know what was going on. 16.2% of those who voted on the impeachment abstained, 43.6% voted yes, and 40.2% voted no. And many who voted yes or no were still highly indecisive. That stuff happened a few days after the fact and nobody truly knew what was happening. Your just throwing !@#$ around and making yourself look foolish. Are you really THAT butthurt we left that you can't possibly drop it. I personally didn't want Arrnea leading me after some of the things he did. A leader leads for the members not for themselves. He was leading for himself and probably was the biggest traitor to SOS of all time. Kicking the founding members of the alliance to the curb essentially. And they all put their trust in him when he was put into office. You guys speak of trust a lot. 'I once trusted you friend'. What about Arrnea? I trusted him not to be so power hungry, yet here we are. I believe there is still a mutual respect for some people in SOS (not ones like yourself who keep trying to stir up the coals of hatred.) Essentially, if you hadn't come to this thread whining and complaining over NsO, we would all be sipping tea and not as many people would hate you at this moment. Granted many hate NsO as well due to your efforts I would assume. But hate towards NsO is generalized, hate towards you is specific. Your hurting yourself more than us.
  16. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288159181' post='2494107'] I hate how this incident has shown me just how few people I can trust. So long, Impy, I once called you a friend. There's nothing wrong with action; they took the [i]wrong[/i] action, as I've been saying for some time. I don't know about you, but when someone who doesn't like me can take control of my forums (OOC: a real life property, I might add) and states their intention to do so, I'm not going to be very happy. [/quote] What I am saying is, they really had nothing to gain from taking the forums. They wanted to remove the leader, not take his stuff. New forums can easily be made. Case being the NsO forums. They didn't want the forums and thats the only thing you guys can hold on to for argument. They were going to take our forums! Bah. I think the only reason your happy, is because with the disappearance of many major figures of SOS you have gained more power. You'll probably end up trying to get rid of Arrnea as well. But then again this is an assumption and shouldn't be taken seriously. I wouldn't remove you from power if you thought I was a bad leader. Oh no, quite the opposite, I would try to be a better leader. Arrnea just gets worse as he tries to cover up the mess he already made.
  17. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288156901' post='2494091'] I vastly prefer our current government to the old one, and regret not speaking of my misgivings and fears of the old one to Arrnea before they were proven more true than I could possibly imagine.[/quote] T-T they didn't like the leader, but at least they did something about it. unlike you, who cries that they took action, you would rather sit and do nothing than take a chance, but when the smoke clears you act like the strongest man in the world and start to tell your true opinion of them. your just as conniving as Arrnea. edit: ill add this as well... are you saying you wanted to remove government similar to them? different people but you still wanted it. and yet you call them out for it when your just the same. hypocrite. [quote]Only he didn't remove them for using the charter, he removed them because he heard they were going to use more forcible methods (one of them had power to take over the forums) and when he asked them, they said they were planning [i]nothing[/i]. [i]Nothing at all[/i]. When he found out they were lying, he removed them for that very fact, [i]by the charter[/i]. [/quote] Forcible methods such as? The control panel? K, so lets say they took control of the forums. If they had no support it would have ended there. They can't FORCE people to be in an alliance. If they did say they were planning something he would have 'removed them for that very fact' as well. You lie all the time, but I wouldn't do anything drastic over it.
  18. [quote name='Medix' timestamp='1288154665' post='2494073'] Is it that surprising to have a replacement gov now? Unsure about the other guy, but Bern and Michael is pretty experienced and not a new guy by any means. And failed carbon copy of me? Elrich [/quote] Considering a full alliance was formed faster than Arrnea replaced the Government. It's pretty slow :3 But the whole point of that post is to show that while SOS is trying to make themselves look stronger than ever in this thread. They really have lost a lot. And now Arrnea has to resort to putting a handful of people in there. Really... I think he just took all the remaining active members and threw them into gov. Then, when he realized he didn't have enough people he trusted he started bringing back old members and other people to fill in the spots.
  19. [quote name='Michael von Prussia' timestamp='1288151957' post='2494047'] If being an labeled an extremist is the result of looking at treason, pointing out the perpetrators, and calling them traitors, then it is a title I will gladly wear. Guess what? [b]I'm biased against traitors and coup-plotters.[/b] [/quote] No, your extremist because you only view that side. Dictionaries are helpful for words you are unsure of (not supposed to be a mean comment, just saying) You fail to see the faults of the other side. I have already pointed out that those who talked about the impeachment could have had more faith in the leader. They should have been more straightforward on the discussions and possibly confronted Arrnea himself about the issues. I understand your side. You don't understand the other side. Arrnea did a bad move. I'm sure if Arrnea didn't overreact to impeachment talks and remove very good government members and basically exile them to the farthest reaches of Bob, things wouldn't be as bad. Impeachment is in the charter. If discussing something that is in the charter is treason, it should be removed from said charter. Maybe this is why they didn't approach Arrnea as well. Seeing how he overreacted, he might still have removed them from gov if they confronted him about it Thinking for the alliance with the best in mind is not being a traitor. Arrnea failed as a leader. It's only natural to replace him. To me Arrnea is the traitor of SOS who bent the charter and is now in full control. Thus to avoid this being ruled by a traitor, people choose to leave. Not all to NsO, but quite a few. [quote]Fair enough, I said they should be destroyed. And? [/quote] Nothing. It just proves you lie through your teeth for your own gain. You would do anything to win an argument.
  20. [quote name='Michael von Prussia' timestamp='1288148034' post='2493999'] What? I don't know you, I've never talked to you, heard from you, or seen you before, so could you kindly not make statements that appear to be meant as insults towards me? My comments in this thread are my own and have nothing to do with Locke. If you have a problem with them, why don't you point them out nicely to [i]me[/i], and not someone who did not make them. I'd appreciate it. [/quote] It was very nice. I neither insulted you or stole your comments. I labeled you as an accessory to Locke and called you both extreme. Two birds, one stone. Quick and to the point. :3 I do believe however, your politician is escaping you. Maybe your becoming an extremist because you easily develop bias. [quote]The closest I got to saying you should be destroyed is my remark about NSO rolling you over the acronym.[/quote] I don't think you can get much closer to saying something should be destroyed than by saying it should be destroyed. I don't think you can politician your way out of that.
  21. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1288127711' post='2493728'] no matter how bad it was for the alliance [/quote] I think them leaving was worse than them trying to impeach Arrnea. Check your government. Whats this?! You have a traitor in your government who had previously threatened members of your alliance?! You have someone whom Arrnea said he never wanted anything to do with again back into gov?! More?! Are you telling me Arrnea recruited his RL friend to fill in a government spot?! Past is past. I know you and your obsessive fan MvP want to be very extreme on the matter, but really. Each side failed to a point. Not having faith in your leader is much less of a failure than going power mad however. I don't find wanting to impeach a leader who has failed (clearly still failing determining the gov) as bad. You can argue they tried to illegally coup him. But whats the difference between impeaching and a coup. It's not like they could assassinate Arrnea and claim power through the forums etc. etc. Either way they would have needed a vast amount of support. And guess what. Clearly there was support for it, or else NsO wouldn't have been made . Shocker I know. Also, your charter does need to be fixed. I heard Arrnea 'revised it' and put that 80% crap in it. But that's just what I heard. Edit: removed a line i was going to do something with, but ended up not
  22. You guys are weird. Do you: Agree? Go to page 35. Disagree? Go to page 36. [b]PAGE 35 [/b] [spoiler]You have agreed with Youmu. You fall into a mental spiral of insanity and die. Game over.[/spoiler] [b]PAGE 36[/b] [spoiler]You are weird because you post weird things when you already have a thread open for the topic. Do you: Agree? Go to page 35. Disagree and try to punch Youmu? Go to page 118.[/spoiler] [b]PAGE 118[/b] [spoiler]You attempt to punch the Youmu. Your arm is therefore chopped off. Do you: Bleed to death? Go to page 150. Disagree? Go to page 190.[/spoiler] [b]PAGE 150[/b] [spoiler]Why would you choose this option. It's not like it doesn't say DEATH in the option. Game over.[/spoiler] [b]PAGE 190[/b] [spoiler]Hey, it's your fault for trying to punch me. Do you: Attempt again? Go to page 230. Say sorry? Go to page 249.[/spoiler] [b]PAGE 230[/b] [spoiler]Wow your not very bright are you? Game over (the reason for death is to gory even for words).[/spoiler] [b]PAGE 249[/b] [spoiler]Hooray you win! Your prize? Go to page 250 for that![/spoiler] [b] PAGE 250[/b] [spoiler]You guys are weird. End of story.[/spoiler] EDIT: oh, determining RE's reputation, i'll say it will take in the upper 20's.
  23. Welcome back ^-^ . . . . . . . . . I heard you guys don't like me roguing you :3 though technically speaking the first was a duel and the second two or three (three? two?) was after you declared free for all war :3
  24. [quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1287910730' post='2491912'] I would like to address this glaring factual error. This statement is utter rubbish. The result of the poll to impeach me was as follows: Yes - 13 No - 12 Abstain (effectively 'no' votes) - 5 With between 35 and 40 members in the alliance at the time. Hardly a majority. Please come back when you can perform basic mathematical operations. Edit: For those who can't be bothered to read our Charter (much like most of NsO), it is required that 80% of the total votes cast be in favor of impeachment for the Chief to be removed from office. [/quote] Arrnea, Speaking as someone not tied up to much in this, most the members were left in the dark. I personally had no clue what was going on and most members ended up voting yes or no but were still highly indecisive. I had abstained, then resigned a few days later. But I won't put the entire blame on you. Most of it was a failure by the [b]entire[/b] government to an extent. I won't argue apples versus oranges and say anyone was perfect. Everyone in the office at the time faulted somehow and this is how it turned out. However, I do believe you, as the Brigade Chief, faulted the most since you left major holes in the alliance. Immediately removing the majority of the Government without replacements is not a good move. Removing these members because they had discussed the possibility of impeaching you due to the way you had handled the rogue situations is pointless. Dear Brigade Chief, you had attained your position through impeachment, and the way you handled being impeached left a broken shell of SOS Brigade. Weeks later, you have finally finished collecting your government (I believe). Still you think you did whats best for the alliance? Is the current government even remotely as good as the ones you removed. I look at the IRC channels and the forums of each. To me I don't see less than majority of the SOS Brigade breaking away to form a new alliance. I see the majority of the active members doing something about it. I believe NsO to be even greater than SOS Brigade now. SOS Brigade became weak the moment you removed the Government who had worked so hard in creating everything the alliance is. Now that they are gone, SOS Brigade will change slowly, but I feel it won't change the way you are hoping. ♥ Youmu
  25. Glorious. Simply glorious. edit: im going to drown from all the sobbing over an acronym
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