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Everything posted by Demonic

  1. you said it, the only way to eliminate alliances is to shut the game down and that's not gonna happen.
  2. they passed us again: sparta 45.08 mcxa 45.11 we will probbly be leapfrogging each other for the next few days at this rate lol.
  3. that would take away from the fun of te (and cn) having people ghosting into your alliance is a bad thing but it makes things more realistic as it's not a controlled situation, their wouldn't be any fun in catching ghost and when if you have a ghost in your alliance it gives your real alliances members some practice at a "real" war before they get into an alliance war. and plus some people are active even tho their nation says inactive. about removing members from alliance in normal cn i say just leave it to the ghostbusters (or w/e your alliance calls em) and do it that way because in real life the UN just can't remove a nation they have to go through a process, we kind of do the same just a little different, we catch the ghost and warn him to leave and if he dosen't he will continue to eat a hail of bullets until he does so and we let other alliances know that he's not apart of our alliance. with that being said i like the current system better. anyways that's my two cents.
  4. thanks for the congrats, you guys were nice enough to keep this spot nice and warm for us, we will try to do the same (don't let that confuse you we don't want to give it up) o/sparta o/MCXA p.s i've been reading about your situation mcxa and i wish to say good luck.
  5. if i was new to the game, i'd join just b/c of that ad :lol:
  6. don't worry after the first DOW many will follow
  7. i don't know if i can be that but i got this : never knew that was possible lol
  8. sparta can give you 3mill in aid and can offer you protection and many guides to read and help your nation grow fast. we are currently ranked 4th (close to 3rd) the forum url can be found here http://www.cnsparta.com/forum are alliance on cn can be found here: http://www.cybernations.net/allNations_dis...Alliance=Sparta
  9. ya if CN gets reset idk if i come back b/c i donated money and it took me a long time to get where i am at now. i don't think i want to go thought it again.
  10. ya i got it last night too, i think to many people were just trying to get on at once and the server got over loaded.
  11. i'll be back....and that's all i'm saying :jihad:
  12. you could always join sparta we are currently ranked #4 and growing stronger by the day, you can be ghost buster, or anything you want in sparta. http://cnsparta.com/forum/
  13. you do realize that your people can always over throw you and take over your position for you, just because you founded the AA don't make it yours the AA belongs to your members not you.
  14. I don't know what compels me to say this.....but.................Bump
  15. Since you're here you're obviously wondering what alliance is right for you! Sparta is one of the best alliances in the game! We're currently ranked 4th in the Alliance rankings and have over 500 members with a combined Nation Strength of 11,054,677. But why should you join? As a Spartan you not only get to kick people down wells, but you also get to 1.) Participate in an alliance wide (and in most cases sphere wide) organized trade deals that get you those necessary bonus resources that you want and need! 2.) Receive aid in order to help your nation grow and prosper. (After passing our second recruit quiz we will send you 3 MILLION dollars with NO strings attached!) 3.) Provide the necessary protection in order to make your nation a viable figure in CN politics and warfare. 4.) Provide you with the necessary military training so you know how to defeat an opponent quickly and swiftly. 5.) Engage in an active community that allows for advancement within Spartan politics which could potentially give you control over decisions that could change the face of CN politics. We are a black team sphere but exceptions can be made for those nations who have had long lasting permanent trade partners, however it is strongly encouraged to join the Black Sphere. Don't wait...join Sparta today HERE . Register and apply within New Member Applications! don't forget to tell them Demonic Sent ya any questions pm me in game: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=153832 we are big yes but you don't have to be a face in the crowd you can become apart of the goverment or any other part of sparta you wish!
  16. Since you're here you're obviously wondering what alliance is right for you! Sparta is one of the best alliances in the game! We're currently ranked 4th in the Alliance rankings and have over 500 members with a combined Nation Strength of 11,054,677. But why should you join? As a Spartan you not only get to kick people down wells, but you also get to 1.) Participate in an alliance wide (and in most cases sphere wide) organized trade deals that get you those necessary bonus resources that you want and need! 2.) Receive aid in order to help your nation grow and prosper. (After passing our second recruit quiz we will send you 3 MILLION dollars with NO strings attached!) 3.) Provide the necessary protection in order to make your nation a viable figure in CN politics and warfare. 4.) Provide you with the necessary military training so you know how to defeat an opponent quickly and swiftly. 5.) Engage in an active community that allows for advancement within Spartan politics which could potentially give you control over decisions that could change the face of CN politics. We are a black team sphere but exceptions can be made for those nations who have had long lasting permanent trade partners, however it is strongly encouraged to join the Black Sphere. Don't wait...join Sparta today HERE . Register and apply within New Member Applications! don't forget to tell them Demonic Sent ya any questions pm me in game: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=153832
  17. /o sparta being back in 4th place B)
  18. ok ty, when you are able to send the trades to the others please let me know so i can inform them.
  19. tell you what i'll send you 2 mill when you send me 3 mill, you include the middle man.
  20. that would be fine. when you send me a trade offer i'll tell him to send you one (his nation link is http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=229405 ) so please send me your trade asap
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