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Everything posted by paul711

  1. paul711

    OB DoW

    [quote name='JudgeX' timestamp='1288712505' post='2499879'] Your problem with [url="http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000292"]That Guy[/url] should be solved soon I hope. [/quote] Good, I cannot stand a coward or a flag runner.
  2. Best of luck everyone and have fun.
  3. paul711

    OB DoW

    Have fun and good luck, but I must warn you that DF are a pesky bunch
  4. You guys throw better parties than we do. Hal drank all of our whiskey and rum, not to mention all the beautiful women at your party.
  5. Thanks for all the heart felt Birthday wishes, guy and gals. We all you as well.
  6. [IMG]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100410155302/cybernations/images/b/b2/OPWarFlag.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J90iphspyB4/SUufoRnwhII/AAAAAAAAACk/gVlF4JnLHsI/S660/kool--the-gang.jpg[/IMG] That's right....it's Kool and the Gang....ready to celebrate and have a good time. Why, do you ask? You never really need a reason, but we have several. First, a little over a year ago, Ordo Paradoxia was founded. [IMG]http://www.wkyc.com/weblog/directors_cut/uploaded_images/Cupcake1-759670.jpg[/IMG] We're very proud of this 1 year milestone and want to celebrate it right. Also, this weekend is Halloween where all kinds of craziness occurs. [IMG]http://www.methodshop.com/picts/pumpkins/12.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://www.funny-potato.com/images/halloween/dos-halloween.jpg[/IMG] This, for some, is also a pretty good reason to whoop it up, sometimes too much. [IMG]http://www.funny-potato.com/images/halloween/halloween-party.jpg[/IMG] The third reason is pretty closely connected to Halloween. It just so happens that on Halloween morning in 1970, Mama Halushki was kind enough to bring me into this world. For the math whizzes in the group, that means that OP's current leader is turning the big 40. Some would commemorate this with some corny over the hill party. [IMG]http://www.giftsforgeezers.com/over-the-hill-gift-idea-t-shirts/40th-birthday-gift-t-shirt-experience-400.jpg[/IMG] But that wasn't really necessary. Besides a generous alliance wide Crown Royal Toast, the folks at OP are giving me what I want most for my birthday.... a round 14 [SIZE=14]WAR[/SIZE]. ....you guys are the best...what a surprise!...I don't know what to say... Anyway.... The question becomes, who gets this honor? The round is young, and it seems there's a new AA on the block. [SIZE=7][color=blue]What is a Tetridian and why do they need a federation?[/SIZE][/color] I don't know that this question comes up much at parties, but why not start now? [IMG]http://nuttyradio.com/web_images/lets_get_this_party_started.gif[/IMG] So, adding 'Welcome to TE' as yet another reason to celebrate, [color=blue][SIZE=14]OP hereby declares war on the Tetridian Federation[/SIZE].[/color] But..... that's not all. Not to toot our own party horn, but it appears we've gotten pretty good at nation building. Somehow over the last 10 days we managed to garnish over 20K more nation strength than TF with the same amount of nations. So, to keep things a little more 'fair' and festive, we need to add some icing to this cake. hmmm....Halloween....costumes... [IMG]http://crumleydotorg.chattablogs.com/archives/images/halloween_superfriends_web.jpg[/IMG] it's all too clear. [IMG]http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2174/2996701839_b182579151.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=14][color=blue]OP hereby declares war on Superfriends too![/SIZE][/color] Have fun everybody....this is a celebration after all! Hal
  7. [quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1288229252' post='2494717'] Seems to be a scaling issue between NOTHING and ALMOST NEVER. Do botched raids count too? LEC is a well from which you draw when ever you need to. Everyone knows that. Yet sometimes, we are told that LEC is off base and other times the actions say the opposite. Or I could be wrong. [/quote] Not wrong according to the raid of the Frogout one guys reason was "ordered by an airman", one of his attackers was Balan and 2 others were cadets. You make the call and remeber you made the thread not any of us. You wanted to brag about how anarchies LE had.
  8. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288227596' post='2494656'] You know better than that ! LE has never ran from anything and will not run from this. PAUL you would blow these boards up if you were in our or my situation, your blowing them up now and have nothing to do with anything. My post's were made by me and no one else and are in no way to reflect on LE as a whole. LE is a great bunch of people and there is a lot of good people that play this game. I also want to say that CADETS have nothing to do with LE wars and are almost never asked to join an LE fight, they are new players and are learning how to play the game, even the officers that train CADETS are not asked to participate in this war even though who would blame us for bringing them in ! The rest of my talking will be on the battlefield, I will be looking forward to seeing you there one day. [/quote] You do not know me to make suc accusations. I am blowing this forum up because I notice a pattern in LE members behaviors and their words, you talk and act in different manners, at least you do. Many LE are honorable, but the current leadership, well is not according to this post.
  9. Balan why create a bragging thread if you are going to abandon it? Is it going get tough and LE get going?
  10. [quote name='kong' timestamp='1288210353' post='2494402'] And again, LE Cadets never used this "tactic", Cowboy. You and Paul should've known me better. [/quote] I have told you privately now I will say it publicly, we at OP do not question your classiness, but we do question your current leadership's. LE has different rules than everyone else and tries to hold others accountable. Say what you must but a pig in mud is still a dirty pig no matter how you try to cover it up, this thread proves it.
  11. [quote name='infinite citadel' timestamp='1288153221' post='2494058'] Don't worry, it's just BALAN and it's no way endorsed by LE. Although the posting by OP in this thread is pretty hilarious, it seems they care an awful lot about LE [/quote] Nope just trying our best to eradicate hypocracy wherever it may be found.
  12. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288149962' post='2494026'] The only reason I made this post is to see how far out of context it would go. There is very few LE who even waste there time here. You have to admit that puppet thing got under your skin. LOL [/quote] Whatever helps you sleep at night
  13. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288151818' post='2494042'] I attacked the guy you are talking about, we asked him to peace out and gave him 47hrs. to accept peace offers with no reply. [/quote] Why should he have to peace out of a legitimate raid? I mean the guy was not in LE or Cadets when he got raided, was he?
  14. [quote name='Jarhead' timestamp='1288148713' post='2494007'] Putting all these discussion aside Hmmm, if I remember correctly over my paperwork [since I check raid section of LE], I believe he's attacked one of LE cadet member first[on the night of Oct.20th, I believe]; as a result, he gets attacked. Also, cadets are prohibited from raiding; LE members are also restricted on raiding an alliance more than ***number of members. Hopefully this will help you, gents. Cheers, =Jarhead= [/quote] Not correct at all, he raided a guy that then switched to LE and you guys ordered him to peace out of a legitimate raid. He was not in LE or LE Cadets before being raided.
  15. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288137047' post='2493854'] LE is of the highest class it just really bothers me that the majority of the posts think that this is a fair fight when in no way is this a fair fight!!!! I speak for myself, not all of LE. 138 verses 61 is in no way a fair fight, but if thats what it takes for us to be beat than so be it ! GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL !!! [/quote] LE is getting their just deserts, you declared on RE but got caught with your pants down as TPC had similar ideas for you. Basically you tried to bully RE and now it has back fired enjoy your wars.
  16. Not only are you trying to intimidate a failed raid target, but now you are gloating over your number of anarchies. That doesn't sound like the LE I know from a couple of rounds ago. Sounds kinda of like bullies.
  17. But LE is allowed to use bully tactics to get a guy from a small AA to peace out. Nobody else is though.
  18. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288128159' post='2493731'] How many RE guys does it take to anarchy one LE guy ? Couldn't tell you its never happened ! (maybe if 3 TPC guys worked the arms and legs) [img]http://www.found&%$@.com/pictures/artwork/puppet-world.jpg [/img] [/quote] How many LE guys and Cadets does it take to fix a raid gone bad? http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000978
  19. [quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1288073235' post='2493422'] TPC and RE vs. LE seems fair. LE will probably use the money and tech they get from RE to fight TPC. I don't see any problems here. Good luck to both sides. [/quote] That is what I believe as well.
  20. [quote name='Einer' timestamp='1288069578' post='2493387'] Well, this is awkward. [/quote] OP grabs its popcorn and prepares to watch the violence.
  21. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288036286' post='2492989'] We also value our INFRA but what is even more valuable to LE is the camaraderie that we have with fellow members. I honestly believe that this is the one thing that sets us apart from most alliances. Not one of our members would choose PIXELS over jumping in to help a fellow member, this is where LE's strength lies ! **GOOD LUCK TO ALL ALLIANCES AND REMEMBER TO HAVE FUN THIS ROUND** [/quote] It seems LE and OP have a similar philosophy
  22. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288025396' post='2492846'] I was just stopping by to see what is going on in CADETS. I also wouldn't suggest raiding any of LE or CADETS !! That wouldn't be good for your PIXELS !!! [/quote] Why would I wish to raid anyone in LE or the Cadets, everyone knows that OP values its infra too much
  23. [quote name='BALAN' timestamp='1288027877' post='2492877'] There has been a few changes in government for ROUND 14. DevilDog has taken the reigns this round and will lead LE. BALAN has taken over as **MASTER OF WAR** KONG92 has taken over LE CADETS SON OF TAEPER and FAR FROM PUKIN will also be helping in the training of CADETS. The future of Lafayette Escadrille is in good hands. All members of LE could do any job they were given at a moments notice. We would like to honor past ROUND LEADERS and members for there services to LE. Special thanks to RED BARON for ROUND 13 ! There are way to many members that went above and beyond the call of duty to list, so this is for all of LE [size="6"][font="Impact"][b]** S A L U T E **[/b][/font][/size] [/quote] Good to see, good luck in round 14 I know 3 of the 5 government members listed and have no doubt that both the Cadets and LE are in capable hands.
  24. [quote name='Josh21227' timestamp='1287969000' post='2492384'] ...O.o Why are 20 resources listed? [/quote] Think they are just trying to get any resources as pickiings are getting slimmer. Admins messed everything up on the first night by having the server down.
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