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Posts posted by BrilliantGenius

  1. Indeed, it is clear that Purge is not the alliance it was when we signed our treaty. I'd like to remind everyone that unless your name is on the list in the original post, you ARE NOT PERMITTED to post here.

    Author's note: Closed RP, the following persons are only allowed post in this thread:

    - Oreocookie

    - Comrade_Korey

    - WarriorConcept

    - BobSanders

    - AnthonyK

    - NeoChe

    - thomas20

    - ChefJoe

    - Kicken

    - Sarriz

    - Rebel_Virginia

    - V the king

    - Czar Aleksander

    - Mogar

    - GenPinochet

    - Lady Dakota

    - ChiefStubbs

    - BrilliantGenius

    - Slayer99

  2. I'm starting to wonder why these people who dont know whats gone on feel they deserve to know.

    I'm in OPP, was regularly in contact with them, but I'm not interfering with their internal issues. You need to realize the boundaries. If you're part of Purge, it's your business. If you're not and you know whats going on, and not speculating, then you are in the loop. If you dont know whats going on, and not in purge, then guess what, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW.

    If they want you to know, they'll tell you privately.

    And to those people trolling, go find a treaty announcement to troll. I'm sure there are a dozen or so available for ya.

    edit: grammar nazi found me

    I know exactly what's going on here. Purge took a risk in trying to get that merger. But they decided not to tell TPF until after all the arrangements were in place, figuring that if they didn't have said arrangements in place they may be attacked and destroyed by TPF. These fears don't seem horribly far off, after a small disagreement between Oreo and TPF, a successful spy mission was carried out against Oreo's nation. While she doesn't know who did it, she suspects someone involved in that conversation. In addition, TPF had issued several veiled threats to Purge if they would not comply with TPF. I think Purge was in a bad spot, and so was TPF. If Purge didn't get that protectorate arranged, they were sure they'd be attacked. If TPF had to find out from third parties about what's going on with someone they've protected and taken under their wing, they have to feel a bit threatened by it.

    All - in - all I think it is an unfortunate situation. Purge was tired of TPF ordering them about who they could aid, etc. and wanted to move on so that they did not get on TPF's bad side. TPF wasn't happy about Purge not telling TPF before they did something.

  3. You really don't know what you're talking about and you're way off base with your accusation. That event has little to do with this situation.

    BTW-My original comment was very non-specific. Interesting how you focused on Oreo and made that assumption. Since you don't really know anything about the situation, perhaps you could go back under your bridge.

    Would you like to enlighten me, then? Because it's the only incident I've seen.

    Anyhow, I wish both TPF and Purge the best of luck.

    P.S: Nice one, Thick. :awesome:

  4. PURGE has been a great member of the OPP and a great group of people to work with. It's a shame that someone attempted to subvert them for their own twisted goals. This agreement will ensure that PURGE grows strong and thrives.

    Seriously? I don't have an opinion on the whole thing, but the fact is Oreo aided a member of an alliance who was not on ZI lists, was not at war with any member of an alliance, etc. That is not a crime. Just because you aren't happy with that aid doesn't mean you should go around accusing someone of having twisted goals. Let's be a little more fair here, eh?

  5. Oh, and how could I forget the proposed block Vox Populi was in discussions about with Browncoats, Purge, Trikymia Dominion, the Freebootin' Pirate Insurgency, and Crossfire (which was only there because MisterMonkey, aka Vader, was acting on his own without Shakes' knowledge). Of course this block fell through, but the fact it was even discussed shows that Vox is quite friendly with Browncoats and Purge.

    Throughout this entire incident we have seen the Browncoats defend Vox (we know you're friendly with them Browncoats, and we know you don't like the Orders very much), and we have seen Purge blatantly aid Vox members (hello Oreo). Take that as you will, and I hope this sheds some light on the inner workings of the anti-Order organization that is known as Vox Populi.

    Oh really? Because I happen to know this is false. Even if we COULD form a block, our protector would not let them. And we have no intention to be anti - order, in fact our protector has a MDP with NpO. Quit trying to stir up trouble, we weren't involved in any bloc discussions.

  6. Time to add in another treaty..... kinda.... it's a personal pact between Oreo and myself.


    Preamble: Recognizing the sexiness of both Oreo and BrilliantGenius, our two nations have come together to protect and assist one another.

    Article I: Oreo is awesome and so is BrilliantGenius

    Article II: Oreo and BrilliantGenius may touch each other's nations, but not in a "ZOMG I AM GOING TO DESTROY YOU" kind of way

    Article III: Since we all know the strong one in this relationship is Oreo, she shall protect BrilliantGenius if he is getting his $@! kicked. Even though she probably won't ever need help, BrilliantGenius will help her to destroy those that threaten her.

    Article IV: If BrilliantGenius or Oreo decide it's time to take somebody out, the other shall help them.

    Article V: Sharing is fun! Oreo and BrilliantGenius agree to share toys, games and soldiers.

    Article VI: This treaty can never be canceled. Well, it can, but the treaty remains in effect for 14,396 days after the notification of cancellation and is then transformed to a NAP for another 24,034 days.

  7. Margrave's choice of words perhaps could have been more tactful...... there was no offense at all meant by it.
    on the contrary, we hoped to build better relations with alliances that are generally on the down low..

    They're generally on the down low? Seriously, every one of your responses has been "we didn't mean that you guys were pathetic, but we are trying to help you guys because you're kinda pathetic". IN THE SAME POST. Please, just stop...

  8. No, it is fact that Kingzog simply decided not to continue acting in that capacity. The only thing that log shows is that Moshea suggested that, in the interest of better relations, someone else be appointed. I had no authority to make a decision in that regard.

    Agreed. I didn't see Zeppelin say anything about removing Kingzog. He simply took the suggestion and passed it on... which is the appropriate thing to do.

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