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Posts posted by BrilliantGenius

  1. I had a little run - in with SSW18 back when they were small. At first they stead-fastly defended one of their members until they were shown that, in fact, said member had aided GOONS. They booted that member out, even though it was their highest strength member, as an act of good - will and attacked her.

    Since that incident I've been keeping tabs on them, and it seems that every time I checked back in they had multiplied three or four times their size from the time before. I think that one of their member's bios said it best, "We're growing like rabbits". Congratulations to SSW18. Everything I have seen so far has been handled in the right manner by them, and I see a bright future for SSW18.

  2. Don't think so, Ojiras Ajeridas. Though I cannot speak as gov, I am pretty sure the government won't be jumping to resign your treaty after you dumped us when times got rough. It was a friendship treaty, I think you're missing the point.

    "It calls to question whether or not those that claimed responsibility and "migrated" back to NoR for their AA were the only ones involved, or if there are members of NoV still to be named that were also part of the plot."

    Trust me, I will see to it that anyone involved or supporting this is kicked out. Please, if you know of anyone who either has shown support for it or helped in any way, PM me here or in game with their name and if you have any evidence a link. I'll get it solved.

  3. Once NPO and OV dropped their MDPs it no longer became beneficial for some alliances to continue to have a treaty with us. Because there'd be actual risks. Mind you some alliances have good reasons, but by no means all of those canceling the treaty.

  4. Preventing Legion members from leaving is going to end very badly. If enough people leave then the ultimatum is unenforcable because the orders will be at war with just about everyone.

    Unenforcable? We're talking about the Orders here. And even on the off chance something huge happens and they couldn't, they've got allies to back them up. So go ahead, test them. It'll make for more tech for NPO and allies.

  5. No, they won't have trouble enforcing it. Because anybody who gives our allies trouble is giving us trouble, and NPO has lots of friends, including us. So yeah, if some alliance wants to try to start something with NPO they are starting something with GGA, NoV, IRON, ODN, CON, SoM, TTK, CORE, NpO, and dozens more alliances. And it has been shown before: those that mess with Pacifica do not fare very well.

  6. The money is on PikaJew's side as well. He currently holds $135,458.87 while EL has $42.74.

    I have declared on both for two reasons. The main reason is to gather their stats (money, defending troops, etc.) on them and secondly, if either one of them tries to pull something (almost 0 chance, they're both good guys) I will end the fight for them ;).

    NO ATTACKING THE JUDGE. If I log on and see battle reports from either one of you I'm going to help the other one ZI you xD. That and, nobody else is permitted to declare on either of them to get their stats either.

  7. Could you please PM me those reports (and all future reports)? A PM on these boards is fine.

    BrilliantGenius's Initial Commentary (more commentary from Jason8 and Diskord soon):

    While PikaJew attacked and took out a decent chunk of infrastructure, Enraged_Lobster is holding pack for a quad attack. If the quad attack anarchies PikaJew he may be in some trouble. Another thing worth noting is the improvement difference between the two nations. Pikajew has many more improvements than EL, and this includes Satellites and Missile Defenses. Seeing as this war will be a long and drawn out conflict, all the way to ZI or until one contestant has been beaten down so much they are out of range of the victor, these improvements could give Pikajew the edge.

    :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn: :popcorn: --> Panel of commentators

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