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Posts posted by BrilliantGenius

  1. Far from being useless, this thread is a window into the soul (or lack thereof) of the NADC. The thing with public announcements is that you have to expect that others might take an interest. I believe that we have moved way past "useless thread" and we are now at "useless alliance".

    An interest is one thing, adding a page worth of replies stating "you guys stand for NOTHING", being addressed, then going back and saying "no, you guys stand for NOTHING," being addressed again, then going back and saying "no, but seriously, you guys need a spine" is really not needed.

  2. Ah people throwing with perm-ZI again. Does it never get boring? This game turned into a game for 15 year olds. "Ow no he is in an alliance that did something wrong. Perm-ZI!". Since the basis of a successful is making as much people leave as you possibly can.

    Only kids can get enjoyment of shouting perm-ZI at every possibility. Must make you feel good.

    When will ZI be enough again? Let them start over. They are not a threat anymore and if they happen to $%&@ up again (while most BAPS members never did anything wrong) you can rm and easily destroy them again. You seem to like that so think of the long-term and you'll realize perm-ZI is not the way to go.

    It's not like perma ZI is the only option, the nation can always choose to pay the tech and go on their way. Wars can be pretty costly, I doubt this one will be for Valhalla, TPF, etc, but if you go to war and lose infra and such to stop their out of control leaders, you're not going to just let the members off and accept the loss.

  3. I quoted the post. You had already said you disapproved with this thread and them coming out and having a big announcement to get to their end point, which was basically nothing. You then proceeded to make another post about it, then another, then another, then another. We get it, you don't like the way NADC is announcing this because to you it is a useless thread. You don't need to continually restate it.


  4. If NADC would have issued a Declaration of War, they'd be attacked for being bandwagoners. They'd be accused of going back on their word when it was convenient to do so and doing nothing but tech raiding BAPS. It was kind of a damned if you do damned if you don't kind of deal. The amount of trolling in this thread, however, is ridiculous. NADC exposed more of their actions, and responded to threats made to them. NADC was going to pay reps, but now they have told BAPS that with these logs being uncovered threatening them, they no longer will pay said reps. If you really hate this thread that much, let it fall to the bottom of the pile and stop posting response after response trolling them.

  5. Less redundant than this announcement it appears. Do you guys actually believe in anything at all?

    Do we really need to troll every thread? Give it a break, if you don't like their announcement move onto another one, stop filling pages with useless stuff like "great job you guys said you're doing nothing". Some of us actually want to read posts with substance in them, and this is making it very very hard. Sorry if I come off as harsh, but really, it's been said once in the thread and it shouldn't be mentioned again.

  6. So if they knew she was a perma-ZI of NPO, why accept her and wait to come to us until after she had been a member for a while? Why not come to NPO before accepting her unless they wished for there to be an issue?

    Edit: . =/= ?

    Why would they wish for there to be an issue? So that they can be destroyed? :rolleyes:

    It looks to me to be a stupid decision by Hal, but I don't see any malicious intent.

  7. Ok, so what you're trying to tell me is that Browncoats had absolutely no idea that LadyDakota was a perma-ZI target of NPO? There was a public post stating this BY LadyDakota on at least 2 occasions. I didn't think that any alliance could be that forgetful.

    This has been stated before, but it bears repeating:

    They knew. She thought she could get off their ZI list, however, so Hal let her join the alliance while she tried to get off the list. Stupid move? Maybe. But that's the answer......

  8. I'm sick of Gramlins to be honest. You guys really are the worst trolls.

    As far as LD being on perma-ZI, she absolutely deserves it.

    I think you should read this quote from The Mobius Accords:

    The signatories recognize the value of unity and will refrain from public discourse towards fellow signatories that can be considered inflammatory, hostile, or harmful to the strength and prosperity of the signatory alliances.
  9. That's what I would call SARCASM. If I didn't want you as a triumvir you wouldn't have been a triumvir. I proposed you to fill in an open spot, and went to the other triumvir to get the O.K., then I appointed you to triumvir. You seem to think that this whole time I was PUTTING you in power I was trying to REMOVE you from power.

  10. and then somewhere about that time.. .my old nation was put on maroon sanction... because they felt like it under directions of Brilliant genius

    Right. I control CORE. I also control RIA, who placed the sanctions. In fact, I control all of CN, didn't you know? :rolleyes:

  11. I was going to propose a charter amendment, because apparently the final draft had nothing in it about impeachment of triumvirs even though it stated it would be outlined in said charter. It takes 2/3 to change it, anyways. You wanted money for a yes vote, and it wasn't to "test how far I would go". You only mentioned "testing me" way later in the conversation, when you had to think of something to save yourself. And Max, I don't have to report my every move and every word typed on any forum to you. I posted everything that needed to be said in the triumvirate forums. This was never about me, if it was I simply would have kept it as 1 person in charge. You really have some problems if you're at home, sitting here all night trying to find ways to get at me because you tried to sell your vote. By the way, I love how you threatened me with your "500 dollar an hour lawyers" because I evidently "violated the patriot act" and "stole your intellectual property". I won't get into why that's even more funny coming from you of all people.

    Your childish temper tantrums have ended with all ties to your alliance - yes, it's yours now seeing as how everyone is leaving to get away from you - being severed. Apparently all of CORE was assisting me in attempting to overthrow you, even though I was the one who proposed you being a triumvir to fill a gap in the first place. You're on multiple ZI lists now, Max. You were sanctioned after you fled into peace mode last night and then proceeded to delete yourself. I've talked to our allies and gone over what exactly happened last night. I gave them the full logs and talked over the options with them, and both have found it in their best interests to cancel their treaties with us. You did this to yourself, Max.

  12. I remember 'BrilliantGenius' stating his intentions to coup Awesome-O multiple times in public channels. Now that each government member hates each other, it is likely that the alliance will die.

    How could I coup it? I was the one who put the other two triumvirs in place as replacements for a couple members who didn't come along to start the alliance like they thought they would. I could easily have not done that if I wanted power....

  13. BG is a troublemaker. I'm sure much of NoV could confirm this as well.

    Really, Kingzog? If anyone wants the full logs, contact me. That said, I'm tired of the drama and am resigning from CN.

    This all started when Max asked for 12m and 200 tech for his vote in an official alliance matter. With the support of our protectorate, I suggested that he resign or we would force him to. If this is considered a coup, then fine, I'm guilty. But seeing as I was a triumvir, and had the support of our protector, I don't see it as such.

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