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Posts posted by BrilliantGenius

  1. Crazy people and your not liking this guy because he's nuking people. Come on, this game needs more of this type of person. Not the nuking on the way out type, but the intense RP type. It's people like him and Vijar that keep this game interesting. If everyone had a nation run by monkeys with a gorilla in charge of the military, or with a nation whos economy is based on carrot cake, I think the atmosphere of this place would be way better.

    Anywho, I hope you come back soon, chief. I'd hate to see a role player leave forever :(

    We also need more people like you, Kane.

    I agree with what he's saying here. Listen, this guy created a nation where monkeys somehow managed to create nuclear weapons and are now attacking with them against the will of their god. I appreciate the updates from him. Also, in regards to the image posted of the banana: IT'S A TARP!1!!!111!!11!!

  2. Well, I would have warned them about their members first and given them 48 hours to dearm or get beaten up, but I have a feeling that if NPO did that there is a decent chance FAN would go into peace mode and buy nukes. I don't know for sure, but I'm sure after one nuclear war with FAN NPO would rather avoid another one if at all possible. So warning them may not have been an option.

    FAN, you were in violation of the surrender terms. And after the all out nuclear war that NPO faced last time I can't blame them for not wanting to give you a warning and time to solve the issue and opting to just attack instead. Still, I've always admired FAN for how they've stood strong against NPO and allies. I was hoping to see you as a new but humbled FAN. Apparently the gov was launching new programs once the terms were over (I think that's what I read earlier in the thread), and it would have been nice to see those. A shame that you couldn't keep your members from breaking the surrender terms.

  3. who are you and why do you get to tell people how to deal with alliances they've just defeated in war

    Who are they? Well, they're a new and small alliance whose protectorate is one of the strongest alliances in the game (IRON), that's who they are. The question is, who are you to flame the post when you probably didn't even read it. If you looked past the title, you'd see that it is simply an outline for how to write clearer surrender terms so there are no loopholes. Instead, you came here and read the title, then proceeded to flame them with an uneducated comment.

    Edit: I'd think as a MoFA you'd try to avoid flaming the protectorates of IRON when they did nothing to deserve said flaming. They aren't trying to tell alliances what to make the other alliance do or what not to put in the surrender terms, they're offering up a helpful guide on making sure that the side that surrenders can't claim injustice. They're also making it so that both sides know exactly what is expected of them.

  4. Sir; please leave your common sense outside of this thread as it is not welcome.

    Yeah BNT agrees with you there PA. Alliances are responsible for their leadership - luckily for Awesome-O alliance though; the said government member is only a Triumvir and Triumvirs have no real power anyway do they?

    Did you all think this was an awesome idea? :lol:

    No, they actually don't when it's one person signing on. This would not even be able to pass unless it had two triumvirs. The Awesome-O alliance never agreed to participate in the Church of Maroon.

  5. Who happens to be a Triumvir :rolleyes:

    I dont know which part of this post made me smile the most; so Ill just :mellow:

    So the signature of a Triumvir of your alliance; in an announcement such as this one, doesnt necessarily mean that its endorsed by the Triumvir's alliance or indeed is the opinion of the alliance? Did I read that right?

    I know what it seems like, but it was not signed by him on behalf of Awesome-O. And even if he did, it wouldn't have been valid. It takes 2/3 triumvirs to join any treaty or do anything like this. You must understand that Ironsoldier has been in maroon for a very long time and that is why he signed the treaty, not because Awesome-O supported the act. We are not even an official maroon team alliance, so it wouldn't really make sense for us to sign something like this.

    and secondly what you really mean is you signed it thinking it was going to be a great policy and now you realize it is probably the most stupid policy introduced since......erm well ever your backing out.

    We never signed it so we couldn't back out of it. It was never put up for a vote, never mentioned in the triumvirate chambers, etc. One of our triumvirs, a stand - in triumvir actually if you want to be specific, happens to have been very involved in maroon for most of his time in CN. He signed this as a measure of support. If you check the initial list, Awesome-O was never on the list of alliances that supported this. And if we signed something we wouldn't try to wiggle our way out of it. One triumvir signed it as a member of the maroon community, not on behalf of Awesome-O.

  6. So one of your alliance leaders is signing off on things against the will of the rest of the alliance?

    It was just a personal seal of approval, not an alliance-wide thing. So he didn't go "against the will of the rest of the alliance," as we didn't know about this church of maroon. But as long as he isn't insinuating that we are participating in the church of maroon he is allowed to do so. I just wanted it to be known that this was not an official policy of our alliance, just a declaration of support for the idea from a single member.

  7. :awesome:

    The Awesome-O alliance supports its friends in OMFG. We would also like to say hi to the friends of our friends in UBS and CMR. Expect a diplomat from us soon, each of you. And come on, OMFG, for the love of admin, stop making so many friends. Nobody is allowed to be more awesome than Awesome-O. <_<

  8. OOC: Math ITC. Also, I love your sig "Da Lord de Recruitment de Ragnarok.....de"

    IC: I've liked Ragnarok ever since I started hanging out in your IRC channel. Somehow you just keep finding ways to become amazing. Anyways, Ragnarok has officially received the stamp of 'awesome'. Yes, it's official. Yes, we are the only ones who can certify people as awesome.

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