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Everything posted by partymaster

  1. I fall into this category I am quoting both this one and the one above it! (Gets Quotebook)
  2. Thai you speak too well on this stuff! ES, last round was the best because wars were plenty and early (curbstomps/tech sharks/coalitions included xD ) I agree though, if there are no wars by thursday, I am going to grind someone to the ground (Hisk quote me on this )
  3. Gabs, For the 80 or so days I have known you, which wasn't nearly enough time , I know you care for everyone in TPF regardless of how long they are in it, and you care about everyone in general. It is not going to be the same without you . I know 3 things: you will get better , you served your country bravely, and it is an honor to to be able to quote your posts . You know we will be here waiting for your return and hope you return soon we will.
  4. I three things: 1) war 2) drinks 3) friends I two things 1) Folger without his first dozen drinks of alcohol 2) A world without war Then theres 3 things that make everyone each other: 1) A bad day 2) the OWF that is fun to read when I have time to sift through it 3) Games A shout out to Hisk, Loch, and Jeb which made this thread quoteable in the book of quotes
  5. I would (No clue if my alliance would but you know me on TE )
  6. RE had the same policy last round Also, I love mai warz anyone who interferes with said wars faces an unstoppable supply of bonzais (I MHA, PU, and AoD they gave me one of the top 30 casualty spots last round )
  7. Not only free but get a pentagon with every purchase
  8. Shop at Tallah's war store! We offer large amounts of casualties,Infrastructure glassing, and tech shopping at the low,low,low (repeat for 6 hours) cost of my favorite drinks, your time, and some irc chats
  9. Grats RE TPF GDA AI and whoever I missed On a side (and joking) note: super blocs rule, it adds more nations to the nuke list and glass all that infra- o wait im thinking of SE nvm
  10. I know the reason! Its TE a CB isn't needed just attacks Besides when has a 6 or 10:1 ratio ever affected anything
  11. *Tallah gets his quotebook* Entry numbers 103 and 104......
  12. After a long time of nothing but drinks (like 24 bottles of water and 8 sodas with a Tallah's sekrit Surprise (not to be confused with Tallah's Secret surprise) I agree with both Folger and Gabs
  13. Tallah is extremely confused now but will go get a few drinks and hopefully sober up enough to understand B)
  14. I lol'd this is my only comment besides the random one that I wanted to be completely ignored in this thread, Dolemite is three days old, the round started: 3 days ago. He didnt reroll for more info regarding war please press 1 for more info on friendships, please press SE Edit ing for answers below @ Gaeta nope just like muffins and emoticons and a sprinkle of war. Hows the tech shopping going? (PS big words are scary )
  15. I like fake messages, it allows for random CB's
  16. I like this definition, we need to drink more That is more true than many know perfect for TE but could use a fix up: " Keeping your word and backing your actions with honest answers. "
  17. WAR! That sounds like fun stuffs riaght thair! Can someone pass the battleboat for my soldier and bomber sandwich? edit: I almost forgot, Who wants cookies!
  18. I loved this round and am coming back for more, so make sure the militia is ready, cause tallah's coming
  19. *Tallah gets his Quotebook and starts vigorously quoting several very awesome quotes* Edit: dont let what FB did hamper them next round, or at least the former members of it. It was thier first round (my first full one too) so they shouldn't be blamed for early mistakes ( I am guilty as charged ) nor should they not have to war next round. I believe in CBs for no reason on TE to be the best ones, and every single nation should have a war with at least 3 others next round, if you dont, we will find you and nuke you.
  20. Quoted 3 times! I feel loved. Also Isreali though I didnt really get to talk to you enough this round for you to get on the list, theres always the next one;)
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