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Everything posted by partymaster

  1. ^^ I am happy to announce that the nation of green land ruled by killer cannot peace with me until the 22nd (he has been trying for four days) . any attempt to peace it earlier is hereby rejected (ooc and otr) also, A friend and I play the account, Hopefully said person will be making a nation soon so Admin can prosper with another player. (/ooc and otr)
  2. In accordance with tallah policy, I will peace out the MHA nation I am fighting, also good war you two, havent had this much fun in a while
  3. Lol I only took a massive beating fighting 7 of 9 alliances My Bio says it all, and if it werent for bill lock, I would be happy to fight people :lol: best of luck to all involved.
  4. o/ Darth May we fight our enemies to the bitter end (or peace gets declared ), and grats for stepping up
  5. Thanks, (Randomness ftw!) but that nuking a days ago really crippled my nation (I guess it saved someone else from getting it though) Regardless, when the economic thing goes away, I will be right back in the thick of it
  6. But i am going to watch new moon this weekend.... The turkey and stuffing invasion begins soon I see
  7. Can I quote these? (elb you have your limit of 15 a day already tibs you currently have 3 today:) ) Its these things that change TE forever. Elb has his massive history of pumeling people's faces in until they beg for mercy, then he nukes them (I think Murder Inc. did this too, not sure let me know). Tibs has a history of his spy network, and creating and maintaining a #1 alliance. BG and Gabs and CP have TPF the alliance that actually has treaties in TE. GENIUS had its history of getting pummeled by MI/IDIOT. I have a history of fighting until my nation is on 0.00 of everything (I would like to take time to thank the one who nuked me if he reads the forums, and no it wasnt MHA. ). I have only been here since round 6, but since then have wished I knew this game existed during round 1. It is alot of fun playing with everyone and beating each other to a bloody pulp, then going on with that nation to fight some other, bigger one. sorry for the wall of text, and its time I continue reading about the past rounds of TE.
  8. Its relevant to the discussion, big difference from trolling/QQing/Argueing about it Also, I must say that Murder Inc. and elbo have made lasting impressions on TE by the way they are constantly is brought up. I look forward to reading more after school tomorrow
  9. Grats to peace and playing fair
  10. I voted for explained in post, because there really isnt a most influential/most important event. They all came together to create the TE we see todaay. Murder Inc. beat the socks off of everyone, then apparently disbanded after judgement (or karma ) came along. then IDIOT (I do not know much about this one) did whatever they did and then MHA/RE became the big ones. LE is LE, and now OP is playing home run derby. Everyone played thier parts and everything set in motion for a reason, (to blast pixels with massive rays of glowing green ammo). I would like to thank everyone who reads this, and all of it was the most influential people/alliance/event in the history. On a side note, I will blast your nation to kingdom come if said war is discussed here. (Siding with Tibs on that one, may admin have mercy on any nation that brings it up.) I look forward to reading/participating in a nice discussion, and learning alot about, Planet Steve. -tallah the horrible speeller and wrighting scholar
  11. Who Cares how many it took, lets fight em to riun, shake hands and be friends again. Also, best of luck trading pals at Purple Unity
  12. Likewise. Savage, hand to hand and 10 dead bodies per inch of ground lost. Not one step back
  13. my battleplan is a secret but so you know, I like kursk, which is what looks like is happening here
  14. Thanks, I look forward to causgin random havoc on them all
  15. Tallah raises his hand, even though hes not OP
  16. I sent the nuclear one in anarchy yesterday , but he was nice so I respect him. lets have clean war and then a party when its over!
  17. Aw thanks Clash, currently in 5 fights, and not in anarchy I love the odds
  18. Yea Your right sorry, but He will join anarchy when I can attaack again, have anyone that wants to fight me?
  19. As of now i put two in anarchy one from ODN and the nuclear nation of Blackwater.
  20. Tallah has watched the shore for days Wondering what will be his Rays of light in the heat of plight he knows it is time to join the monster fight. The time to drink the time to think its over and is done war is now and cannot be undone Without thinking twice, and without any direct provocation, partyland, ruled by tallah hereby Declares war all alliances at war with OP, excepting LE and PU. I hold no grudge against any of them, hardly know most of them, and dont care about what anyone else says in the matter. I expect to last maybe two days without anarchy and will accept nothing short of nuclear anarchy. Cheers to war and random aggression! P.S. Am I, a single nation, the only one who is going to defend OP as they get ganged ?
  21. I saw a Valor, in fact i saw 13 of them (Attack anyone in Valor and I will remorselessly and relentlesssly attack you. This is not a threat, its a promise.) As for the on topic part, beat each other silly then say "good war lets have another pixel war in (enter time here)!"
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