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wes the wise

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Posts posted by wes the wise

    alexio- i feel like we don't agree most of the time- but as a leader, step your game up
    [11/18/2014 12:57:41 AM] hitchcock: ODN is currently declaring on UPN... which i was told they would hit Polar if anything... as our leader, get your head in the game- quit being a puppet and find us a target. ATM, we are worse coordinated than SCAR. we are atlas, if you want to send a message to planet bob that we are a legit alliance, then act like it. our members are sitting in defcon 1, and watching everyone else bask in the glory. as whatever i am in defense, this is frustrating
    [11/18/2014 1:03:52 PM] Alexio: I am my friend don't worry I have got us legion we just need them to counter someone. Hopefully they are the idiots sent to counter ODN if Polaris are too stupid.
    [11/18/2014 1:04:19 PM] Alexio: Just understand man the people calling the shots in this coalition is the aztec doomsphere they are assigning targets
    [11/18/2014 1:04:31 PM] Alexio: I have told them I am pissed off with the changes
    [11/18/2014 1:05:22 PM] Alexio: As with the target list it was something I was hoping all the Chancellors could do when they had a little free time because I understand your situation with work
    [11/19/2014 12:04:01 AM] hitchcock: i feel like ODN is not doing that great on UPN, with all of the fire power they have, they didn't exactly make a stellar entry into the war. I feel like atlas could have perform a better 1st night quad than they did
    [11/19/2014 6:35:32 AM] Alexio: Yeah i know the problem mate is they are just better bait then us
    [11/19/2014 6:35:38 AM] Alexio: We need to draw polar out
    [11/20/2014 3:32:12 AM] hitchcock: won't polar draw themselves out with the their new tech blocking policy? I mean, why can't we just be atlas, do what is best for us
    [11/20/2014 8:30:18 AM] Alexio: Unfortunately they handed themselves on a platter to dt and dt haven't done anything. It's not that I don't want to do the best for us but the longer we are on the sidelines the better for us. Plus dog piling legion is a good set of odds for us we can hit hard and take minimal damage back
    [11/21/2014 12:05:09 AM] hitchcock: but it doesn't set us on a path of bring atlas to the light
    [11/21/2014 12:05:14 AM]hitchcock: bringing*
    [11/21/2014 12:06:04 AM] hitchcock: our war stratagy just keeps us relevant, we will be simple old atlas after the war. in order to turn heads, we are better off making a bold move, win-or-lose, something that will keep people talking. right now we are going through the motions
    [11/21/2014 12:06:23 AM] hitchcock: we'd have more respect hitting polar instead of dog piling legion
    Now I understand that during a coalition, orders need to be followed.
    However, sitting in defcon 1 with troops maxed-out for a month that we were either going to:
    1) hit a fresh target
    2) hit a 'dog-piled' wonder/tech heavy nations.
    Flash foward- atlas hit invicta and they wrecked atlas- and it was embarrassing
    Even more embarrassing, is that I don't know what Atlas' stats would have been without the LavenderTown nations on their side :i
    Of which the three of us at Monsters Inc out damaged Invicta following all of our wars.
    And I don't have anything against Invicta, and I love to war, but I'd rather pick a target I didn't like rather than to sacrifice my infra to some big-wig over at another AA who I've never even talked to before, so that you feel important in the back channels with other alliances rather than being a leader and actually supporting your own members.

    those logs were a fun read. Gentlemen from Atlas, don't let them make fun of you. Invicta has some of the most tenacious fighters around. You wouldn't know it, because they keep a low profile. You know there were dozens of alliances having the same concerns in their own back channels. The best advice I can give you is, don't play the "game". You won't be "popular" but you will be better off as an alliance and you will enjoy your time in CN much more. Take care of yourselves and your direct allies and everyone else can run each other over and trip over themselves to "be on top".
  2. Pretty sure AFT gave tLR easy and sensible terms last war... white peace, wasn't it?

    At any rate thank you NPO and the rest of you for allowing common sense, and I'm not ashamed to say mercy, to prevail. Taking beatdowns in repeated wars catches up to us eventually. Surprised the war unfolded the way it did, though.

    Thank you to those allies who rushed to our aid when it was needed most!


  3. I didn't realize until recently just hot useless treaties really are, especially MDP+. Having treaties on both "sides" of a war does not relieve your alliance of its treaty obligations. The fact that some people think that makes me sad. Seeing comments like "well they have more treaties on this side or that side therefore why should they help you?" Is ridiculous, that isn't how treaties work. Well, unfortunately this day and age that is how they work but that is not how they should work. Especially when you consider that the war started with no CB, just because.

    Sadly, treaty conflicts like this have become the norm, even quietly sought after, because everyone knows they if they tread carefully enough they can get away with it and everyone will forget it happened in a couple months time. Everyone throws up their hands when it's over and says " welp that's just how it works, that's coalition war" and they go back their merry ways plotting schemes which will inevitably screw over another ally, knowing they will get away with it again.

  4. Its just that they are easy to pick on for being on the winning side of the war. Just like AFT/SNX is easy to pick on on the losing side of the war. I'm sure Atlas overall Atlas is just fine. I don't particularly care for the awards because the self nominations just make me feel weird. If I participated though tbh I'd probably nominate CCC for some stuff. Lol

    I'm not sure how find the treaty web to affect CBs. Could you explain your reasoning?

    I think he might be saying kinda what I was saying. That even if you do have a decent CB there is often little chance of acting on it without getting the entire world involved and probably losing the war anyway. For example, CCC had/has a CB against DBDC. If we tried to act on that CB we'd be creamed, like we are right now, before it even started due to the treaty web. I could be wrong though.
  6. It would also be nice if you could beat someone up when you've got a beef with them, without the entirety of planet bob getting involved. I sorta prefer even a cooked up CB as opposed to No CB at all. Also, attacking someone with no CB is also a CB, so at least we can keep that in our back pocket once AFT gets back on our feet in about 5 years. You just wait!

  7. Abject failure? Interesting choice of words, Saxasm. There was little way of knowing someone you were considering a treaty with would attack you randomly (seemingly randomly), I'm sure this was all planned well in advance. Also, weaker alliances are weaker because they choose passive strategies, it really isn't the other way around. Stabbing people in the back, ignoring treaties, and treating your friends and allies like pieces of meat isn't our forte. If that makes us weak and abject failures, I for one am happy to be just that. Someof what you said makes sense, though. Please continue. 

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