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wes the wise

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Posts posted by wes the wise

  1. Moralist, then. Moralism leads to stagnation leads to world-death. Ya gotta shake things up once in a while. My most fun times on Bob were dealing with rogues. Granted, I wasn't happy about the AA that supported one, but eh, I've had one war and several raids to deal with that. So long as people aren't demanding absurd reps, war who you want. The treaty web will come down where it will.
    I guess after my nation was weaned during a royal beating 2 years ago, I just never gave two dongs about NS, mine or anyone else's. If I'm a planetary sociopath, then moralist alliances are the abusive parents. The big question is, has anyone cheering on SNX offered them protection, switched to their AA, or offered any other actual support. No? Then put your moralism away, because it hasn't bought SNX anything.
    I'm still waiting for Mogar's "totally just a techdeal" moment to emerge.

    If all you fools really wanted to "shake it up" you badasses wouldn't have waited until NpO canceled.
  2. It may be hard to get through your peacenik brain, but some of us are secretly hoping for that. Why accumulate a WC if you aren't going to use it occasionally? Or I suppose you think all wars should be determined in VE's back channels or on DBDC's skype. Or everyone could just get so bored they rogue out.
    I still can't contemplate what keeps GPA in existence. All credit to them, I'd be bored to tears on their AA.
    Cuba might be supporting Bob, but we're having the fun. :awesome:

    I don't know who you think I am, but I'm no peacenik.
  3. There's the issue with this. SNX are either at war or they accept that they are raid fodder.
    Fight to the death SNX, kill them in the face, you're dead anyway, a shell of inactive nations you care nothing for. Burn as much of the world on your way out as you can.

    Amen brother! Defend yourselves any way you can.
  4. Why people want to recruit nations that roll over at the first sign of trouble is beyond me.

    Right?! I see it as a sign of desperation for their own part. As their own AA gasps for air, slowly drowning, ever so quietly behind the smoke screen.

    All of you are pathetic. Leave SNX alone to die in peace if that's what's going to happen, or allow them the space to get on their feet. The fact is, SNX has been a mess since the day it formed. Junka may be the one person crazy enough to actually put SNX on a stable footing for the first time ever. I don't know how all of you got this Tywin fetish, every last dang one of you, somehow, but for once just leave the man alone and leave SNX alone. I expect this kind of shenanigans from certain AA's but I'm surprised at some others.
  5. Alliances and treaties aren't forged between 2 groups so that one can support and defend the other. That's what you call a protectorate. A treaty is meant to be mutually beneficial. NpO no longer feels that the treaty was mutually beneficial, and so it was cancelled. This is exactly what any other alliance would do with any treaty when they felt they were no longer benefiting from the treaty, so why is it any different for NpO...

    I know of several alliances who don't treat treaties in the way in which you've explained. Polaris was an example at one point or another. CCC is another example, but admittedly we are insignificant in these dark, lonesome days on Planet Bob...probably because of the way we handle treaties. XD 

  6. I'm not going to publicly criticize one of my dearest friends in the Network. We all have thoughts that are better off not spoken. Buco has a large heart and would do anything for a friend. He just sometimes lets his passion for his friends get the better of him. OS and WTF got into a shoving match and Bucovina defended his friend. His heart was in the right place, he just handled the situation poorly.

    I won't fault the man for defending his pals. I'm sure Bucovina is a great guy. I figured English wasn't his first language...given the fact he knows Bucovina exists :P we might have a lot in common. Back to the game, guys, it really is very plainly obvious that ODN made some veiled and some not so veiled threats to WTF, unprovoked might I add, just like this war. You came to them. can you honestly fault them for reacting the way they have? Try to see it from their perspective. All of this really shines poorly on ODN, and that's a bummer because some of us know better. Either put your money where your mouth is and make good on the threats and help your pals In DBDC on their aggressive war gone bad, or level with WTF and retract your words, and let the show move on to the next stop. ;)

    Well seeing as most of his tech was lost while fighting a 67k tech nation (who is 24k tech now?) and a nation that came out of inactive mode that had over 50k tech.  I would say that losing 14k tech and dishing out upwards to 70k tech in damage is pretty good but who am I to talk I am a scrub nation.


    CT has lost about 2 years worth of tech.  Not including the 70k worth of land that he lost.  I again think Cuba won out on that as well but back to DBDC losing because an alliance finally stood up and fought longer than a week.

    I don't have a horse in this race aside from watching from the sidelines with mixed feelings of admiration for WTF, some satisfaction seeing DBDC get a dose of their own medicine, and disbelief/confusion at ODN. That said, I've never seen the stats of this war quantified, if those stats are true, that is just...AWESOME on Cuba's part, well deserving of a nod. /me nods. I've never fought in the upper tiers, never been able to climb out of the mid tier, but those stats are amazing.  But I think EViLOnE has a good point below...


    You're missing the point, I think. As far as I can tell, it's not about winning or losing to WTF. It's about maximizing the cost that DBDC (and especially Cuba) will pay for their attacks. In 49 days, Cuba went from 82.5k tech to 68.1k while constantly receiving 100 tech aid packages and stealing tech in GAs he can virtually never lose because of his land. Considering how large of a nation Cuba has and all of the mechanics help to ensure he will do more damage by a wide margin, WTF is succeeding in what I perceive to be their goal. Does that mean they're "winnning"? No, but I don't think I've seen anyone from WTF discuss winning.

    From what I've gathered, WTF indeed does not seem to care one way or another about winning or losing. At this point, it appears all they care about is causing as much damage to DBDC as they can, for as long as they can. It does not matter to them how badly they perform against individual nations such as Cuba, as impressive as his performance may be. In their eyes, and it seems to be the case to myself, DBDC has bit off more than they can chew (unless they get some help) and I don't think they thought things would go on like this. WTF's tenacity has certainly taken a lot of people by surprise.



    98% of WTF turtled.  He only got GA wins off the initial assault.  Again, 14k tech compared to 70k+ he dished out is of no comparison.  WTF is almost out of people to stagger him and when that happens he goes back to gaining tech while WTF has to constantly worry about nations that go above the top 250 line.  I think they have far exceeded in losing than Cuba has but again each person is going to see a win and loss differently.  


    I do applaud WTF for their consistency and tenacity in throwing every able and willing body at Cuba and DBDC but it will all be in vain.

    In fairness, as impressive as the stats are, that damage is cumulative, whereas Cuba's damage isn't. WTF may be running out of people to stagger him, but Cuba is also running out of cash XD, and DBDC is running out of nukes. That's gonna be a problem real soon. 


    In fairness to ODN, as much as everyone likes to poke fun at the situation they are in, I don't think all of the comments made in the WTF embassy can be taken too seriously. But Maybe ODN will prove us all wrong :P The talk about a 1000 nation army was clearly said in anger and has no merit. But I did read the thread and just a few posts in it does look like OS himself is making veiled threats to WTF. 

  8. Personally, I find WTF's suicidal tendency to be refreshing. I also appreciate the difficulty that tendency must present to the Doom Birds. If ODN doesn't sweep in with their 1000 nation army real soon, the Doom Birds had better start selling down to help out their doom finches down below. :popcorn:

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