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wes the wise

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Posts posted by wes the wise

  1. Let me preface this by saying that I honestly don't really mean this in a disrespectful way, I'm legitimately curious and I have to ask since I know this isn't the first time you have performed like this and it's something that has always perplexed me.


    But what is the point? Why declare 7 wars? It doesn't provide any material aid to anyone who is fighting, nor does it actually damage anyone. I understand the "Hoo-rah! Ride to war!" posts are fun and all, but what is it for if there is literally zero substance behind it and you aren't actually riding to war in the slightest? I have to assume it's intentional since you have 83 members.


    Once again, I really don't mean to offend, I just know people usually feel like they are left scratching their head wondering why after you guys DoW and I had to ask.

    It's probably a lack of prepared fighters. If that be the case GATO wouldn't be the only ones in that boat, it is what it is. Regardless the war will last longer than one round, so I'm certain more cats will come to dine in short order. And the big dogs will be waiting...

  2. My first war was Karma. Being the noob I was I decided to declare some wars on whoever was handy at the moment. I ended up declaring against a member of the Western Empire, who happened to be our coalition mates. I was called to the CCC forums to explain myself. I made up a story that I was simply testing the game mechanics, and inadvertently attacked Western Empire. Whew! It worked! Wouldn't want to lose that coveted $1 million sign on bonus! I had to be in CCC 3 months before the bonus came...after that I was planning to skip town and start my own Byzantine themed AA...

    At the encouragement of the CCC military commanders, they said if I wanted to make war I should hit TPF or 64 digits, if I needed cash all I had to do was ask. Ask I did. I declared war on Wortlania of TPF. That was a mistake. He was one of TPF's most well equipped fallen angels, I ate nuke after nuke, buying up as much infra as I could along the way with that precious war aid. I ended up having so much fun, that I quit wasting my war aid and I decided CCC would be my home. I fought many a battle with TPF, by the end of it all I had earned myself one of CCC's highest honors, the award for individual service valor. I recall many of my opponents being quite aggressive via in game PM's, calling me awful names like "choir boy" :P

    For a couple years after Karma, I recall there being some sort of rivalry, animosity, whatever you want to call it between CCC and TPF, not sure if TPF saw it that way at all but that was CCC's perspective. I personally disliked TPF. It seemed to wane once our mutual ally TOOL merged with them. Today, I think TPF is one of the finest alliances in this game, and I count many of its membership as my friends.

  3. Sure, I don't think Polar will be staying out of this forever. However, it does look vaguely silly for them to just sit around. Their rhetoric of being powerful and potent clashes with the reality of them not really doing much at all.

    Saxasm, c'mon, you are better than this.  :ehm:  Polar could jump in at any time now if only we wanted them to. Besides, we have no obligation to explain our intentions to the enemy.  :smug: We might be bad at war, tech selling, war chest building, trade circles, avoiding bill lock, buying the right wonders, FA, improvement swapping, govt switching, basic battle tactics, keeping loud mouthed members quiet on the OWF, coordinating, staggers, stocking nukes, and defending ourselves, but we aren't dumb.  :facepalm:  :awesome:

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