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wes the wise

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Posts posted by wes the wise

  1. In all honesty, can you claim Aftermath has done all it could to prevent this from happening? Because as I see it you lined up a numbr of mistakes which led to this precise situation.

    It was your choice to pick the current members of Aftermath, and to expand the bloc heavily. It was your choice to nurture rivalries instead of sowing new bonds. It was your choice to commit to a single sphere instead of trying everything to develop new meaningful relationship elsewhere: isolation is the quickest path to self-inflicted harm.

    As for NATO, your claim is so ridiculous it doesn't even need commenting.

    I'm going to let NPO answer this one. ;)

    Edit: Not to mention, last I checked AFT wasn't all that isolated. AFT members hold treaties with ODN, IRON, RnR, NpO, Sparta, TIO and until recently NATO.
  2. Mighty Pacifica has changed. I am saddened to see them in this sad state, as I've had a soft spot for them many years. Many months of "stone cold FA" has been tossed to the wind, for what? Let's be firends, they said. It will be fun, they said. We thought we'd be signing a treaty soon, instead we got this completely surprising war from NPO, and a treaty cancellation from NATO to enable it. Extremely disappointing, but chins up! AFT is getting good at this.   


    Man, you really expect me to stay nuanced when you're saying our allies are "completely worthless" and that you're somehow just "better" (no explanation given)? If your influence is non-significant, and you're not shaping history, I'd be a little less hyperbolic when crapping on other alliances, that's all I'm saying.


    Maybe you're relatively more militarily proficient for your size than some of our allies, that we can probably agree on. But I guess that just doesn't have quite the same punch to it.



    We went from the chopping block last year to apparently ruling the world six months ago, so I'm not sure what you're even getting at.

    Ahem, you know how most alliances get really really big and powerful like that? Like this  :popcorn:

  4. Yeah NpO likes that you do nothing but act as a meatshield for them. You like that NpO doesn't bother you about how terrible you are. I can see how the relationship works out nicely for both of you.

    The point is, if anyone's satellites are retarded, it's NpO's. You can't fight, you can't politic, all you can do is sit around "liking" each other. Apparently that's the entire game to you, I don't see why the entire Zergling pack doesn't just go neutral. You must all be masochist because the only thing you're achieving is pain and suffering, over and over again.

    And it hurts so good....


    I am not saying this is an incorrect assessment... but it reeks of pot/kettle after Polar's last 18 months. Does it not? Polar once again had the whole world at her beckon call, and Polar, in typical Polar fashion, chose to passively let events unfold around her. Some day, someone in leadership there will get it, but not this day.

    It's not easy herding cats. Gee, I think NPO made a mistake...the OP kept mentioning Polaris Polaris Polaris, but it looks like they accidentally declared war on SNX! :o 

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