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wes the wise

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Posts posted by wes the wise

  1. Banner2-1.png


    Ladies, Gentlemen, Grubs, and grumps, I am pleased to announce that after much fighting and Kiwi raging, Les and I have decided to make the following Kiwi code of ethics available to the public. 



    The Kiwi Code of Ethics is a simple list of Wills and Will Nots, all derived from our alliance charter, The Golden Rule. 

    1 Kiwis will not raid. 
    2 Kiwis will not rogue.
    3 Kiwis will not participate in  the following: aggressive wars, CB-less wars, coalition warfare, or any coalition that is staged, rigged, etc for the sake of preventing or incurring a dishonest outcome.
    4 Kiwis will treat everyone with respect, kindness, and mercy even while nuking. 
    5 Kiwis will always tell the truth. 
    6 Kiwis will negotiate of the resolution of any open conflict. 
    7 Kiwis will not engage in war without a valid casus belli.
    8 Kiwis will not sign treaties above OEDP. 
    9 Kiwis will hold everyone to the same standard. Micro or Macro. 
    10 Kiwis will address injustice with extreme and unbridled militancy, until a resolution is agreed. Nuke first, ask questions later.

    I hope you liked it! All this being said, on to business....The kiwis have restocked on nukes and the rage is building once again. We will be announcing our new target shortly, I'm sure you will all approve. We do have a very good CB. 


    Kiwi Kisses,

    Les Paul Supreme, High Sparrow  :nuke:

    Wes the Wise/Handsome, Big Kiwi  :excl:

  2. Who does your graphics? I'd love to shake his/her hand.

    The Flag and the banner were done by Kyriakos aka RichardVII of the CCC. The sig was taken from stock images with text added by muah. 



    Hardly so very surprising really considering how bloated you are on your latest ''glorious victory''. 


    In other news,  Polaris will be issuing 300+ new medals for this conflict including one to commemorate the awarding of 299 other medals and ten personally awarded to me for passing 14 million casualties etc.  I have also awarded myself a new title, bought a new hat and polished the Grubmobile for a tour of the Polar Kingdoms.... or not.

    The High Sparrow and Big Kiwi of the The Flying Kiwis fully expect Polaris to award us as well, with awards. I think we earned it, it's only fair.



    Unlike SNX, Polaris doesn't force people to join them after heavily criticizing and belittling them for months, not do we have glorious revolutions I guess.  The Kiwis are old friends who wanted to do something, they did it.  There is no reason they should punish themselves by joining Polaris if that is not their desire.... and they should certainly not punish themselves by placing themselves within the annoyance circle of Junktard

    As much as I would love to live under the poop smeared boots of Eatemup, I think the Kiwis will flock elsewhere, for now.  :awesome:


    Best of luck Kiwis.  I'm glad Grub had mercy on your beaks.

    It was us, who had mercy, kind sir. Perhaps you would like to find out first hand. 


    @kiwis... cool SIG. Imma steal it.

    By all means! All of Blue sphere should wear it with pride. Senator Grub leads us down the path of righteousness. 


    I understand now, you thought you were being funny.  You weren't.

    Now Grub, be nice.  :nuke:  :nuke:  :nuke:  :smug:


    Hail peace!  Congratulations to the Flying Kiwis and NpO for ending the conflict.

    Thank you, Chocolate Lady.

  3. Thank you everyone for the well wishes and blessings. The Flying Kiwis are excited to be free once again, we will be attacking our next target very soon. So please stay tuned for more Kiwi rage. It comes and goes in cycles.  :popcorn:  :nuke:

    Well done Wes and Les.


    Polaris accepts your surrender and as agreed all attacks will cease at update tomorrow.



    The Most Merciful

    Thank you, sir. With this, all bad blood has been spilled (100k NS worth, in my case) and all this is just water off a Flying Kiwi's back. 


    Peace in our time.

    THIS is how diplomacy should work people.

    I think we can all look to {flying}Kiwi's for inspiration on this, and all matters of importance.

    We really are model citizens. The Kiwis are stewards of good diplomacy and  extreme militancy. There are many more Kiwis too, lurking in their caves, crossing the great sea, having drinks at the tavern, and various other places of interest. Soon you will see our true numbers, and our true skill. This is just a taste! Kiwi Kiwi Kiwi Cacaw cacaw cacaw arrrgh! (our newest battle cry)


    Congrats on peace; Kiwis come have a chat with someone who understands :P

    We have some big plans coming soon. I'd like to bring the imperium in on it, but we need that protectorate in place first, cuz it's going to get us into a lot of new trouble and will be dangerous for the well being of our peoples. Let's talk.


    Doesn't it just die at the end of that video?

    I have honestly never seen the video. Although the premise of this alliance makes a lot more sense now, knowing that there is one....



    Not so fast, sir.


    The GrubForSenateSphere is claiming these two.

    All hail Almighty Grub. May he glow forever. 

  4. 22923142871_66c363e128_o.png


    Polaris has had enough, and they decided to surrender. I don't blame them, the bird crap was getting knee deep in Grub's tree stump, and his neighbors were beginning to complain about the stink. Seriously, the Kiwis are saying uncle. The Kiwi rage has subsided, and we have decided to roost elsewhere. The Flying Kiwis hereby surrender to Almighty Grub, and his alliance the New Polar Order. 


    The terms are as follows, as delivered to Les and I via in game PM. I will go over them point by point:


    To: Wes the Wise    From: AlmightyGrub    Date: 11/8/2015 11:35:53 PM

    Subject: Surrender Terms - Official


    Message: Hi

    In response to your unprovoked aggression, The New Polar Order has engaged your nations and kept them at war.

    We have reviewed the status of this war and we are prepared to allow your nations to disengage under the following conditions.

    1. You will post acknowledgement of your surrender in the DOW thread on the OWF. DOING THIS NOW. 

    2. You will enter into an NAP agreement for a period of 12 months ending on 14th November 2016.  GLADLY. THE KIWIS AGREE NOT TO ATTACK GRUB OR THE NEW POLAR FOR A PERIOD OF 1 YEAR.

    3. You will acquire ”Grub for Blue Senate” signatures and use them on the OWF.  HOW DO THESE LOOK? SEE BELOW. WE WILL WEAR THESE FOR 30 DAYS, UNLESS I DECIDE I LIKE IT AND WANT TO KEEP IT. I PROBABLY WON'T WANT TO KEEP IT...
    If you meet the first two of these conditions by 14th November 2015, Polaris will declare no further wars on your nations and all slots will be allowed to expire. THESE TERMS WILL GO INTO EFFECT AT RESET, 12 AM CST.



    That's all I have to say about that. 
    Signed for the Flying Kiwis,
    Les Paul Supreme, High Sparrow
    Wes the Handsome, Big Kiwi
    PS We are still looking for a protectorate. We are responsible, gentle, and non aggressive. We eat mostly vegetables, and Grubs. HELP US OR ELSE.  :excl:  :nuke: 
  5. Sweet! May the Grub glow forever in nuclear hell fires! :awesome: :nuke:

    He gets another one! Tell us it's name, General Stonewall...

    A little update: The Kiwis have halted our attacks due to our running out of bullets. We are building more though... Be back soon. 

    I'm lost. How does any of this relate to Oculus? Why is it even being mentioned here?

    Has Oculus been mentioned here? Kiwis have nothing to do with Oculus, other than the fact we are holding onto CB's against a few of them, ok, all of them. 


    Good luck Wes! have fun o/ Kiwis

    This guy! This guy gets to name a nuke. Tell us, what shall name it, brother? 


    Call it - Ego Deflator I

    Leaving a spot open for number 2 eh? I like your style. Thinking ahead is not always something Kiwis do best, but good on you. We will post the damage stats of your nuke here, for public enrichment. 

  6. o/ Flying Kiwis

    Having argued with Grub a couple of times this past year, I would be honored to have a nuke named after me launched at his nation. He is the among the most evil rulers in CN, because his condescending, self-righteous ways are far more detrimental to the cause of good and justice than any outright evil nation ever could be. Keep fighting the good fight, Kiwis!

    He gets one! What would you like us to call it?

  7. Wes doesn't really have his heart in it I think.  Lots of bluster and bravado and a few days later sinking resignation.  Not much he can really do now but sit back and enjoy the ride.  Les however has lots of life left to give, and we will take it for a long time to come.

    Sit back and enjoy it, I will!  



    Never fought Wes, however I have fought Les Paul before. With that WC, I fully expect him to last a good long while. 


    Have fun guys. 

    Thank you we will. Kiwi rage is rushing through his small veins, as we speak. 


    Congrats Wes...o/ Flying Kiwis

    Thanks buddy.


    Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to report that I've named my next nuke I launch at Grub, after Stonewall, as a way of giving thanks for his brave support of the flying Kiwis valiant cause. Sick and tired of Grub talking smack, trolling, and insulting your alliance and alliance mates, with never so much as an apology or clarification from Polaris? Voice your support here, and get a nuke launched at Grub, named in your honor. Results may vary. Wes the Wise cannot gaurantee your nuke will hit Grubby. Not responsible for any political blowback your vocal support may cause. 

    Judging by their NS - specifically, their tech - it'll be a while before they're in our lower tier and they're going to hit every branch on the way down.  It won't take long before they're re-buying infra to keep in nuke-purchase range; it's the piles and piles of tech they have that will take the longest to remove.  And when they do enter our lower tier - they won't pose the threat they do now, and it is neither expensive nor difficult for Polaris' mid and upper tiers to keep lower-tier nations in the fight monetarily.  Our new recruits are in the least danger (the average new recruits is 1k or 2k NS) from these guys.  It also probably won't be hard to find nations willing to sell down on some infra to feed the Kiwis nukes when that time comes, but we'll cross that bridge when and if we get there.

    Thats a lot of broken branches. At this rate it won't take long for me to reach the bottom. Nice work fellas, I expected nothing less.
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