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Everything posted by T.Hubb

  1. Expressing your sadness is one thing, Rakari. Calling those of us who stood by you "pathetic" is another matter entirely.
  2. Because of the things you said, Rakari. You were once Legion, and to see how you view your former friends and allies is going to spark some enmity from us. Take care.
  3. Your irrelevance is directly related to your posts of the Legion in this topic. Your history in this alliance means nothing when you sully it with your words and actions, which is what you are doing now. Those of us around during GWII remember. What we also remember from that time was consistent hand wringing and in-fighting amongst the cabinet. You've made it very clear, by leaving, how you felt about the Legion, I'm sorry to say.
  4. I always liked you, Rakari, which is why I hate to say this: You have no clue what you are talking about. You left, on several occasions, and have no clue what the "spirit" of the Legion is like now. Sorry to tell you this, Rakari, since you've made your feelings clear, but our spirit is strong. We talked with ODN prior to everything hitting the proverbial fan. Don't worry about our relationship with them, ODN and Legion are still friends and allies, and we can take care of our own diplomatic issues. By "we," I mean Legionnaires who are still proud to call themselves by that title. Not those who attempt to armchair quarterback from another alliance.
  5. Ah, that's cute. Coming from a scrub like you. I could arrange some target practice on you from some of our paper tigers. Would you like that?
  6. Nicely done, AE. I bet it does take forever to do this job. Mad props to you guys who do it consistently.
  7. That's a lot of radioactivity! Congrats, IRON!
  8. Meh. I could care less if Legion and Valhalla hopscotch each other for the next year. We're friends and allies, and with both of us as strong alliances, it can only mean continued prosperity for the purple sphere. o/ Valhalla Ave Legio
  9. Works for me, yo. Keep growing guys, and we'll try to do the same. We do know what fighting words are, though, I think.
  10. Looks good, guys! Glory to the Unconquered!
  11. Seriously, going after someone's forums is a d!ck move.
  12. Yet, we are still here. What happened to your alliance? Oh, that's right, you got curbstomped, and now it is gone. Legion, however, is still here. Have fun reading and trolling Legion-related threads. In the end, I guess that's all you have left.
  13. Then don't post here. You attribute \m/ not being here to amorality? LMFAO. You've just lost any credence you may have had in your post by saying \m/ was some type of moral center of CN. ROFL. We are still here, and we plan on being here for a long time. Deal with it.
  14. Does this mean what I think it means about the mermaids? :lol:
  15. I am happy to see this treaty finally come to fruition! o/ NV Ave Legio! Keep hatin' everybody. It keeps us warm at night.
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