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Everything posted by Axel3200

  1. You aren't showing a very proper understanding of the dilemma.... The point is that two purely rational players would betray each other. Humans are not purely rational; we have considerable leanings towards cooperation.
  2. It all makes sense now! They aren't sitting idly by and letting their allies burn -- they're just saving us from the absolute terror of fighting someone with their unmatched prowess!
  3. To be fair, he's in Invicta, not NpO (I'd advise checking the alliance name, not the pip).
  4. Found you one: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=541754 He's in range and aiding DBDC, after all. Have fun putting your pixels where your mouth is. Lemme know how it works out for you.
  5. ... you realize you're basically backing up OsRavan, right? If Polar chooses who it targets with this practically, based on who is and who isn't convenient:
  6. ... I think the word you're looking for is "practical," not "principled." Attacking convenient targets and ignoring the ones who put you in a bad position is practical. Cherrypicking in that manner is most certainly not "principled." While you're attempting to refer others to Sun Tzu, you might want to refer yourself to Merriam-Webster.
  7. It's principled to attack practical terrorist targets, and ignore the ones that are inconvenient for you? Huh. Please at least mind your p's. NPO != NpO. C'mon now.
  8. I eagerly await this "grinding." I'm getting kind of bored over here.
  9. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. WHAT HAS BECOME OF ME?! o/
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