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Mongol Federation

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Everything posted by Mongol Federation

  1. We are glad to hear this but we still prefer the reforming rather then disbanding of the State Police. Perhaps observers can be sent to monitor them?
  2. OOC: Likewise, tough I speak in future tense. Killing good RPs is bad. Killing good RPs before they even get a chance to start is worse.
  3. The New Inca Empire supports the freeing of political prisoners and the reform of the State Police but consider protectorate status too harsh. If you're willing to amend your ultimatum to reflect this, we will offer our full and unwavering support. OOC: I need the fascist in power...
  4. OOC: This was the back up. :lol: Back to Plan A then. Or is it?
  5. OOC: Well, doesn't this put wrench in my RP plans?
  6. We welcome our fellow 'New' nation to the 'New' World.
  7. To deal with the unexpected influx of refugees, more LISF personnel have been deployed to CIA and an entire wing of the terminal has been set aside for them. To house and feed them, all local hotel rooms, payed at double the going rate, have been commandeered by the New Inca Government and military chefs, known for their flavor filled LISF menus, have been tasked with keeping them feed. Yesterdays protest/riot has also been suppressed and the public outcry has been widespread.
  8. So you have a fascist, a ultra-liberal and a Marxist. No room for moderates it seems but who are we to judge the political leanings of a people? We support Alderic Beaumont, as his views most closely reflect that of our current government.
  9. OOC: No but we're only talking about 500 or so at this point. I'd hardly call that 'significant'. Also when a nation bleeds refugees, especially due to war, said refugees tend to go wherever they are welcomed, regardless of whether their leaders approve or not. Besides I know Justen, though he may not know my pre re-roll ID, I don't think I told him.
  10. OOC: I'd think he's bunk with BaronUberstein if he continues to RP
  11. The riots have been contained to CIA and the the refugees have been removed. I'd hardly call that a failure to control the situation. In addition to this, the Slavic Relocation and Employment Act announced earlier today has been met by praise. However, if we do lose control, we will gladly work to move them to Hansa or any other nation that will have them.
  12. The sun was just setting as the 1st flight of Slavic refugees arrived at Caracas International Airport (CIA) to take advantage of the open borders. As they entered the terminal, Land Inca Security Force (LISF) personnel were on hand to process them. Unfortunately, only a few dozen refugees were expected, not the 5 full flights and they were quickly overwhelmed. As the situation reached a critical point, 1 Imperial Citizen shouted out, "Are we Inca or Slavs? This is the New Inca Empire!" Following this outburst, a spontaneous anti-Slav protest broke out, quickly spreading throughout CIA and becoming violent in areas. The LISF moved quickly to move the refugees out of the danger zone as the Caracas Police Department (CPD) moved to contain the protest which was steadily evolving into a xenophobic riot.
  13. OOC: Well classified doesn't always = secret. We need some kind of rule to determine what classified messages can't be intercepted and what kind can.
  14. OOC: Indeed. But they lump everyone together like that. You have White, Black, Hispanic, Pacific Islander and Native American. They ask for ethnicity while never actually offering ethnic choices.
  15. OOC: As am I, but ask most Americans their ethnicity and most will simply say 'white'.
  16. OOC: Yes, and most Americans are Anglo-Saxon. But if Germany ever conquered America, good luck getting them to admit being German.
  17. The New Inca Empire opens it's borders to all Slavs that wish to leave Europe and promises homes, land and guaranteed work. Visa requirements are hereby waved but criminal background checks will still be preformed. We do this for fear of Slavic oppression and in understanding that many Slavorussian nationalists may become violent if not given a place to move to.
  18. OOC: Carthage was never a monarchy. At 1st it was a Phoenician colony, then following the collapse of Phoenicia, it became an oligarchy and then it became a republic under Hannibal Barca.
  19. We will welcome them gladly. If the time comes, our offer still stands.
  20. We will take them. As far as we are from the front, there is little risk of them reentering the war.
  21. OOC: Capital of an in-game nation that tech raided me (or rather tried to ).
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