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Everything posted by Pikachurin

  1. (OOC: If she's gone IG, then she's automatically wiped in RP, I believe.) [b]CLASSIFIED: TO LABRADOR[/b] "What are your plans for the former territories of Blue Water?" inquired a telegram from the Government.
  2. "That would be fabulous," replied Lance, grinning. "You see, my wife and I are quite keen when it comes to museums and galleries. Being scholars, we often like to learn new things, and a museum is definitely a good place for that." He turned to the others. "Shall we then?" Throughout the day, the Pikachurins would tag along with Prime Minister Norton and Monarch d'Alberqueque as they visited the [i]Museu Nacional[/i]. It already looked spectacular from the outside, but the inside was even more wonderful. Taking a marathon tour of the museum, the group would explore every single part of the museum and savour the knowledge each part gave to them. They learned many new things about Viniland's, and by extension, Ursalia's and Canuckistan's, interesting and colourful history, admired the paintings done by Vinilandese and Ursalian artists, and noted the wit and brilliance of the best Ursalian and Vinilandese literature. The tour was extremely satisfying and, by the end of the day, Lance would jokingly comment about the effort the museum in Darach Park would need to exert in order to meet the [i]Museu Nacional[/i]'s standards. The entire took up the entire day, so the Pikachurins decided to stay another day at Nadrink before returning to Jubilife. They visited more of the city's tourist spots, such as the [i]Memorial da Causa[/i], and hung out at its splendid shops and cafés. Along the way, they would meet Disparueans who were working at or visiting Ursalia, who they would enthusiastically greet and talk to. Atkin and Meridian, meanwhile, spent the first day in their hotel rooms, trying to catch up with Government work they've missed. They would enjoy themselves more the next day, when they tagged along with the Pikachurins.
  3. "The Federation of Disparu recognizes the sovereignty of the fourth Maritime Republic, and welcomes them back to the North American and the international community. We wish the new government and monarchy luck in their future endeavours, and hope that they will not fall like the Maritime Republics of the past. On a related note, we wish to apply for an embassy. [quote][b]Nation Name:[/b] Disparu (Federation of Disparu/Fédération du Disparu) [b]Head of State: [/b] Lance Pikachurin, King [b]Name of Ambassador to J Andres:[/b] Evelyn Chapman, OC [b]Will you establish an embassy in your capital?:[/b] Certainly. [b]Capital City:[/b] Jubilife [b]Special Requests:[/b] We wish to have our old embassy, Two Embassy Circle.[/quote] We would also like to know if the fourth Maritime Republic would be interested in pursuing relations with us."
  4. Isabelle herself, as well as Judicial Police officers and Ministry officials, were sent to meet Alexander and his colleagues at the airport's arrivals hall. The Judicial Police would keep curious onlookers and aggressive journalists at bay as Isabelle approached Leclerc. "Greetings, you must be the associate Miss Leclerc was referring to," she said, offering a hand. This action was promptly followed by several flashes from the journalists' cameras. "Welcome to the Disparuean Federation. My name is Isabelle Auberjonois, the Government's Minister of Science and Technology. I believe we will be spending the whole day discussing this 'project' of yours. Now, as an airport isn't exactly a place to discuss important and sensitive projects..." she paused, motioning towards the crowd of journalists a few feet behind them. They were shouting undecipherable questions, jamming their microphones towards them and trying to take more pictures. The Judicial Police, meanwhile, tried their best to keep the crowd away from the two parties. "...I believe it is imperative that we move to a more secure location. Shall we, gentlemen?" The Sri Lankans would immediately be whisked through customs and allowed to pick up their baggage before being ushered into comfortable and luxurious limousines outside the airport. As Alexander and Isabelle got into one of the first limousines, Isabelle asked, "Sir, forgive my ignorance, but what is your name? Miss Leclerc never told me about you during our discussion, unfortunately."
  5. [b]PRIVATE[/b] As the Minister of Foreign Affairs, along with three other high Government members, was currently on a state visit to Ursalia, the message was forwarded to Dr. Isabelle Auberjonois, the Disparuean Minister of Science and Technology. Besides the fact that her Ministry was one of the three most powerful ministries in the Government, she probably would be able to deal with the Sri Lankan CEO's message better than the rest of the Government, judging by the message's content. [quote][center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100906003828/cybernations/images/thumb/2/29/DisparuGovernmentSeal.png/250px-DisparuGovernmentSeal.png[/img][/center] [b]TO/À:[/b] Laura Leclerc, Chief Executive Officer of Sostra Holdings [b]FROM/DE:[/b] Dr. Isabelle Auberjonois, Minister of Science and Technology of the Federation of Disparu [b]DATE:[/b] le 18 novembre / November 2011 Greetings Miss Leclerc, Disparu and its Government will most likely be open to such an endeavour. However, a 'sizable underground complex' is too vague of a descriptor, so I would like to invite a representative from Sostra Holdings to Eterna—or Ferinh, as it used to be called—to discuss this matter personally with me. While the Government generally allows the public, despite their extreme apathy towards politics, and Official Opposition officials to give their input on important projects such as this, our meeting can still be private if you would rather keep this complex secret. Regards, [i]/s/[/i] Dr. Isabelle Auberjonois Minister of Science and Technology Member, Communist Party[/quote]
  6. OOC: I'm sad to see you go, Sarah. I've always enjoyed the few RPs we did together; it was unfortunate that we never got to RP a unified French state together. Nevertheless, best of luck in real life. Hope to see you soon again.
  7. "My apologies, I seem to have forgotten something." said Meridian, blushing, as she neatly wrote an 'I' in 'Article V.' "That was supposed to say, '[i]Article [b]I[/b]V shall immediately be activated and the waiting period will be cut to forty-eight (48) hours[/i].' My bad." "It's not like we'll need it anyway." joked Lance as he took out a pen from his coat pocket. This was a special fountain pen of his—it was flawless and gold-plated, and he had owned it even when he was still the Chancellor of Disparu. He had used it to sign many important documents, ranging from the document confirming his ascension to the Throne, to the aforementioned Good Neighbour Treaty. The other Disparuean officials would soon follow, taking out their own pens and signing the document. [quote]Signed for the [b]Federation of Disparu[/b], [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100319023144/cybernations/images/thumb/3/35/LPikachurinSignature.svg/128px-LPikachurinSignature.svg.png[/img] [i]His Royal Majesty,[/i] Lance I, [i]King of Disparu, Master of Château Jubilife[/i] [img]http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100622183014/cybernations/images/thumb/9/95/Signature_of_Maylene_Pikachurin.svg/128px-Signature_of_Maylene_Pikachurin.svg.png[/img] [i]Her Royal Majesty,[/i] Maylene, [i]Queen of Disparu, Châtelaine of Château Jubilife[/i] [i]/s/[/i] Rowan Atkin, [i]Chancellor of Disparu, Leader of the Empire Party[/i] [i]/s/[/i] Lilian Meridian, [i]Minister of Foreign Affairs[/i] [/quote] And with that, the treaty was finally in effect. "[i]Madame et monsieur[/i]," said Lance respectfully, referring to the Prime Minister and the Monarch. "Would you like to discuss anything else?"
  8. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1289884494' post='2514143'] Norton smiled at Lance's words. "[i]Anytime. We are willing to help a fellow nation our, as we indicated in our message to Minister Meridan.[/i]" Pausing for a moment, he continued, "[i]Yes, it is of paramount importance that we fill the voids created by the collapse of several North American nations. As for trade, I seem to recall the free trade pact that was signed between Disparu and New England. It was named the Good Neighbor Treaty, I believe. It included a free trade clause, and I seek to establish relations with Disparu where any trade barriers, including tariffs, will be reduced or eliminated. I believe this will help benefit both our nations.[/i]" [/quote] "Indeed. Now, while reduced tariffs on trade between our nations is a good stepping stone for our relations, I do hope that it will evolve into a much stronger treaty in the future," noted Lance. Minister Meridian would then extract an elegant scroll from a suitcase she was carrying. Unfurling the blue silk ribbon binding it, she carefully laid the scroll unto the table and began to read: [quote][center][size="6"][font="Book Antiqua"]TRANS-CANADIAN UNITY[/size][/font] [size="4"][font="Book Antiqua"][i]Revision II[/i] [i]A treaty between the[/i] Federation of Disparu [i]and the[/i] Kingdom of Ursalia[/size][/font][/center] [font="Book Antiqua"][size="3"][center][b]Article I - Sovereignty[/b][/center] The Federation of Disparu (henceforth referred to as "Disparu") and the Kingdom of Ursalia (henceforth referred to as "Ursalia") hereby agrees to recognize and respect the sovereignty of each other, and shall not commit or support actions that hinders the other signatory's sovereignty. [center][b]Article II - Non-Aggression[/b][/center] To promote the spirit of Article I of this treaty, both Disparu and Ursalia shall refrain from committing or supporting acts of war against each other, and the allies of both signatories. [center][b]Article III - Promoting Trade[/b][/center] Both signatories shall agree to lower or eliminate tarrifs on imports and exports from or to the other signatory in order to encourage trade. [center][b]Article IV - Cancellation[/b][/center] Should, for any reason, a signatory deems it necessary to cancel this treaty, the signatory shall give a ninety-six (96) hour notice to the other signatory. The treaty shall remain in effect during that time period. If one or more articles in this treaty is broken, Article IV shall immediately be activated and the waiting period will be cut to forty-eight (48) hours. [center][b]Signatures[/b][/center] Signed for the [b]Federation of Disparu[/b], Signed for the [b]Kingdom of Ursalia[/b], [center]~***~[/center][/size][/font] [/quote] "Is this acceptable, or would you like any changes?" inquired Meridian.
  9. My apologies for forgetting about Aurora Nova's charter. I'll try to get back to it soon. >_

  10. [b]PRIVATE: TO ARTEMIS[/b] The Disparuean Forces' Aerospace Command wishes to purchase 72 MF-2 Terminators. DP$ 17,640,000,000 will be wired to your accounts as soon as our order has been confirmed.
  11. "Disparu recognizes the sovereignty of the Union of Island Nations over the Isle of Man, and welcomes it to the international community. We hope that peace and prosperity will come to your nation during these troubling times."
  12. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1289794608' post='2513329'] With that, Norton led the way to the motorcade, which had one of the best limousine available in the country. UNP and Foreign Defense Corps troopers kept the excited crowds in check as the Ursalian leaders passed them by, waving to them. A tall and robust agent stood by the limousine, holding one of the several doors open. "[i]After you, my Royal Highness.[/i]" Norton smiled at Sonia, who giggled a bit. What people did not know was that the two were longtime friends who shared a deep bond. The Monarch gracefully got in, whereas Norton then stood aside to let the Disparuean delegation get in. When they did so, the Prime Minister would get in, sitting across Lance. "[i]I think you will love the view of Nadrink.[/i]" The Prime Minister told Lance. With that, the limousine sped off in the direction of the Parliamento building, the former legislatural building of the former Viniland, escorted by unlabeled SUVs that were becoming a trademark of the UNP. In the course of the journey, Norton would chat with the Disparuean King and Queen, Sonia, and the others. During the journey, the limousine would pass by several prominent places such as the the Museu Nacional, along with others. The occupants of the limousine would see that large cheeting crowds thronged the streets of Nadrink, waving Ursalian, Vinilandese, and Disparuean flags and chanting something. [/quote] "The crowd seems to be enthusiastic today, heh," noted Lance, chuckling. "To be honest, I haven't seen a crowd as happy as this since the New Englanders' state visit to Disparu a few years ago," he continued smiling. As their limousine made their way to the [i]Parliamento[/i], Lance, Maylene and the others chatted with the Prime Minister and Monarch in order to break the ice and to make their meeting a bit warmer and friendlier. In addition, Lance duly noted the city's architecture (he was also an engineer, after all), while the others merely admired them. He noted the [i]Memorial da Causa[/i]'s unique architecture and its similarities to Jubilife's Darach Park, and expressed his interest in visiting the [i]Museu Nacional[/i] if they had time. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1289794608' post='2513329'] It was not long before the motorcade had passed through one of the security gates that dotted around the Parliamento building, and pulled to a stop near the imposing building. An agent hurried over and opened one of the doors to let the delegations come out. Norton let the Disparueans get out first before following out. He then held out a hand to the Monarch, which she accepted with a slight blush, and got out of the limousine. "[i]What do you think, sir?[/i]" Norton asked Lance. [/quote] "It looks wonderful, really." said Lance, smiling, as he held out a hand for Maylene as she left the limousine; Atkin and Meridian would then disembark and follow the rest of the delegation. Lance silently thanked the agent who opened the door before following the Prime Minister and the Monarch. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1289794608' post='2513329'] The Prime Minister and the Monarch led the delegations into the building, where several staff officials in turn led them to the Conference Room, a lavishly-decorated room with a large round conference table in the center. Norton and Sonia would let the Disparueans take their seats first, and then they would do the same. Glancing around the table, the Prime Minister opened his mouth to speak. "[i]Ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to have you here, and as you are aware, we have assembled here to discuss several aspects that are of utmost importance to the Kingdom of Ursalia and the Federation of Disparu. This, of course, includes but is not limited to the furthering of diplomatic relations and the promulgation of trade between our nations.[/i]" [/quote] The Disparuean delegation duly took their seats and waited for the Ursalians to do the same. All listened intently as the Prime Minister spoke, though it was Lance who would reply. "Furthering our diplomatic relations is, indeed, of utmost importance to our nations. The voids created by the fall of many North American nations, particularly the Maritime Republic, has affected all nations in the continent and has destabilized its politics. It is, therefore, an excellent time to expand our relations in order to do our part in restabilizing the continent. Such a relation will, of course, also be mutually symbiotic to both of our nations. As Minister Meridian noted in her message, we completely appreciate your offer to increase your trade with us, and we hope we can repay our gratitude to you someday."
  13. [b]PRIVATE[/b] Longueuil used to be the envy of the world. Before the fall of communist Canada, the facility Isabelle was in right now produced scientific marvels that comic-writers only dreamt of many decades prior. Spaceports, space elevators, space stations, space shuttles; everything space-related was most likely being worked on by this very facility. Now, however, it was merely a resonating chamber, a generic construction facility at the bottom rung of the world's space programs, a place where the Government tries to relive the glorious technocratic days of the past. But still, she was glad with the progress the Ministry has done since she took office more than a year ago. Compared to her predecessor, who basically did nothing during his term, the Ministry was progressing at light speed. At the moment, she was inspecting DSV [i]Galileo[/i]'s construction. After several talks with private investors, the Ministry of Finance, and the Government at large, she, along with several prominent scientists, engineers and political experts, was finally able to convince all of them to give more funds to the space program. As a result, plans for the DSVs were completely redrawn and revised. The DSV was now larger and capable of bringing more cosmonauts and payloads to space. This also caused the craft's propulsion system to dramatically change; instead of one rocket propelling it to space, two solid boosters and a large external tank would now help it launch itself. The final design looked extremely similar to the space shuttles built by the first United States and communist Canada. This was, of course, expected; after all, the DSA based most of their research and construction on the work done by the brilliant minds of NASA and CSA. "Isabelle, I'm surprised to see you here. Aren't you supposed to be at Jubilife?" inquired a voice next to her. Turning, she noticed it was Mark Devon, the Disparuean Space Agency's Director. Isabelle returned her gaze to the incomplete DSV. "It's my job as Minister of Science and Technology to oversee this Ministry's work, Mark. I've given you a lot of money to make this project work, so I wanted to see if you were spending your time wisely. You haven't disappointed me so far." "Yes, yes indeed..." replied Mark, turning towards the hundreds of engineers working on the project. "The new version is a beauty, isn't she? It's definitely an improvement over the old one." Mark glanced at a clipboard he was holding. "Their names are pretty good too. De Champlain, Galileo, Gauss, Pascal...my, you really like men of science, don't you?" Isabelle rolled her eyes. "I wasn't the one who named these ships, Mark. Besides, de Champlain isn't even a scientist or anything." "Spare me your !@#$%^&*, Isabelle. Your so-called naming committee probably succumbed to your preferences," he said chuckling. "I'm surprised you didn't use Leclerc's name, though. You usually name everything after him—the [i]Leclerc[/i] Space Centre, the [i]Leclerc[/i]-Sarkara Space Telescope...hell, if I changed your name to Leclerc Leclerc, you probably wouldn't mind." Isabelle shot an angry look at him. "Mark, I wasn't responsible for any of those, the DSA was. Now, if you don't want me to pull your funding, I'd recommend that you shut up." "Oh come on, Isabelle. Everyone working for you knows that you idolize Dr. Leclerc's work," he said, smugly. Isabelle looked extremely annoyed at this point. To prevent herself from dissolving the DSA with one stroke of a pen, she decided to change the subject. "What the hell do you want, Devon?" "Oh, right." He flipped through his clipboard. "Oh, here we go. His Majesty Lance wishes to receive a report on the DSVs' construction progress. As you might now, His Majesty has a Master in Engineering and was involved in the aerospace industry before his rise as a prominent political figure..." "Yes, I know. He was also a journalist. Carry on." "His Majesty also wishes to be part of the first crew of the DSV program. He's an engineer too, so he can probably be a mission specialist or something..." [b]PUBLIC[/b] [center][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100319023246/cybernations/images/thumb/7/7a/Logo_of_the_Disparuean_Space_Agency.svg/180px-Logo_of_the_Disparuean_Space_Agency.svg.png[/img] The Disparuean Space Agency (DSA) is proud to announce that Heatran, a robotic space probe dedicated to finding more about the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, was successfully launched yesterday afternoon from a launch centre outside Eterna. The probe has been successfully deployed to interplanetary space and is currently en route to the gas giant. Over the next few weeks, our scientists and engineers will be performing calibrations and tests on the probe to ensure that all of its components are properly functioning. This, of course, includes JED, the atmospheric entry probe on board Heatran. In other news, we would like to inform you that all of our other programs are currently performing extremely well. The Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope, launched nearly ten months ago, has given the field of astronomy a rare glimpse of the first stars and galaxies in the universe, and has also given insight on how exactly galaxies, stars and planetary systems form and evolve. The Giratina orbiter, which is currently in orbit above Mars, is still performing its mission extremely well. Besides acting as a communications relay for the Gallade probe below, it has also photographed nearly half of the red planet's surface. It has also meticulously observed the planet's northern and southern ice caps. Meanwhile, the Gallade probe continues its mission on the surface. Even though most of the tests conducted by it has shown that Mars is, indeed, sterile, it has also shown proof that water may have flown through the planet's surface a few billion years ago. Back in space, the Jirachi probe continues its mission to Pluto and Charon. It has passed all of its calibration tests so far, and is currently heading to Jupiter for a flyby and gravitational assist. [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100202161527/cybernations/images/thumb/b/b6/Leclerc-Sarkara_Space_Telescope.jpg/150px-Leclerc-Sarkara_Space_Telescope.jpg[/img][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100625204361/cybernations/images/thumb/7/71/Giratina_Orbiter.jpg/150px-Giratina_Orbiter.jpg[/img][img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101105030526/cybernations/images/thumb/5/57/MSL_concept_February_2007_-_PIA09201.jpg/150px-MSL_concept_February_2007_-_PIA09201.jpg[/img][img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101105030314/cybernations/images/thumb/2/2e/New_horizons_Pluto.jpg/150px-New_horizons_Pluto.jpg[/img] The DSA is also proud to announce that, due to increased funding from the Government, we have revised our plan to send Disparueans into orbit. Instead of using small, crammed spacecraft, the Agency will now be using larger and more advanced spacecraft. The new shuttle will be able to stay longer in space, carry more payload, and carry more crew members. It will also be equipped with the Canadarm to assist our cosmonauts in their work in space. [URL=http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/LT_imageserver/DSVLaunch.jpg][IMG]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii55/LT_imageserver/th_DSVLaunch.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/center] [b]CLASSIFIED[/b] [quote][font="Courier New"][center][b]Ministère de la Défense | Ministry of Defence Jubilife, Coronet, Disparu[/b] ********** [b]Sujet / Subject:[/b] [u]Maritime Command Report[/u] **********[/center] It is extremely disheartening to report that five of our ships—DMCS [i]Archaic[/i], DMCS [i]Furukawa[/i], DMCS [i]Okazaki[/i], DMCS [i]Nagato[/i] and DMCS [i]Johnson[/i]—totaling three battleships, one cruiser and one destroyer, were destroyed during a skirmish against the rogue Great Lakes Provinces in James Bay. Escorted patrol boats are currently being dispatched to the Bay to pick up dead bodies as well as to clean up the Bay's poisoned waters. According to transmissions and eyewitness accounts, the battleships were destroyed after they collided with the GLP's three super-battleships. The GLP's ships were heavily damaged and, as what appeared to be a last-minute resort, promptly sailed at full speed towards our fleet. The others were able to escape the suicide charge, but unfortunately, our battleships didn't have enough time and were hit. The GLP's ships appeared to be carrying radioactive material at that time, as the explosion caused a sudden release of radioactive particles into the Bay and our fleet. The two other ships were destroyed when the GLP launched another suicide attack using their submarines. Due to the large amount of radioactivity our fleet in James Bay has gone through, we have been forced to decommission three more ships—DMCS [i]Imperia[/i], DMCS [i]Nordhausen[/i] and DMCS [i]Kennedy[/i]— totaling two cruisers and one destroyer. The ships are currently being dismantled; their parts being transported to a secure containment facility. In order to compensate for our losses, and in order to further expand our fleet, the Ministry of Defence has granted us DP$ 3 billion. First, Maritime Command has bought the following ships from Greater Acadia. All were formerly part of the J Andrean Navy. Please note that SBs are submarines, CSes are cruisers, BBs are battleships, and DDs are destroyers. [list] [*]SB-01 J Andres [*]SB-02 Disparu [*]CS-02 Rossingol [*]BB-08 Imperium [*]BB-07 Pikachurin [*]DD-07 Lynneth Sarkara [/list] Furthermore, Maritime Command has commissioned the construction of five battleships, fourteen submarines, two cruisers and five destroyers. More are expected. The ships' names will be publicly announced soon. [/font][/quote]
  14. I currently have a protectorate in the Maritimes and Newfoundland.
  15. [quote][center][size="3"]Gouvernement protectorat du[/size] [size="4"]Grand Acadie[/size] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Flag_of_Acadia.svg/80px-Flag_of_Acadia.svg.png[/img] [size="4"]Greater Acadia[/size] [size="3"]Protectorate Government[/size][/center] [b]TO/À:[/b] Dr. Mathew Joseph, Minister of Industry of the Kingdom of Cochin [b]FROM/DE:[/b] Danny Williams, Praetor of the Greater Acadian Protectorate and Newfoundland Thank you. The ships will be in Moncton when Task Force 179 arrives. In the meantime, the crews you are sending here will be welcomed with opened arms, and are more than welcome to inspect the ships' conditions. Regards, Danny Williams Praetor, Greater Acadia Praetor, Newfoundland[/quote] [b]PRIVATE[/b] The harbours where these ships were moored would be promptly ordered to transport them to Moncton.
  16. Contrary to what the Government did during the Dragon Cult fiasco, it allowed the site to remain accessible to Disparuean users. Internet watchdogs duly noticed this and speculated why the Government would allow a more-radical site to remain accessible, most of them agreeing that it was a political move to assure Disparueans that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was not being trampled upon by the Government.
  17. [quote][center][size="3"]Gouvernement protectorat du[/size] [size="4"]Grand Acadie[/size] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Flag_of_Acadia.svg/80px-Flag_of_Acadia.svg.png[/img] [size="4"]Greater Acadia[/size] [size="3"]Protectorate Government[/size][/center] [b]TO/À:[/b] Dr. Mathew Joseph, Minister of Industry of the Kingdom of Cochin [b]FROM/DE:[/b] Danny Williams, Praetor of the Greater Acadian Protectorate and Newfoundland Greetings Dr. Joseph, After receiving clearance from the Ministry of Defence, we have confirmed that the following ships can be sold: [list] [*]CR-03 [i]Richard Mercton[/i] [*]CR-05 [i]Alex Miller[/i] [*]CV-01 [i]Milford[/i] [*]CV-05 [i]Cranston[/i] [*]FR-06 [i]Seahawk[/i] [*]FR-07 [i]Floating Fortress[/i] [/list] We are willing to sell each aircraft carrier (CR) for DP$ 1 billion, each corvette (CV) for DP$ 200 million, and each frigate (FR) for DP$ 20 million. All ships are seaworthy, self-propelled, navigable, communicable and are still armed. They are currently stationed in various military ports throughout Greater Acadia, though we can sail them all to Moncton for pickup by your crew. Regards, Danny Williams Praetor, Greater Acadia Praetor, Newfoundland[/quote]
  18. Today's state visit was different. Normally, it consisted of an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a chartered aeroDisparu flight. The delegation today, however, consisted of the Monarchy itself, Chancellor Atkin, Foreign Minister Meridian and their subordinates. Sending a minor representative of the Government to Nadrink would've been quite disrespectful; after all, they've heard that the Ursalians had specially prepared and readied themselves for their visit. The Disparueans' plane, its livery painted blue and red, and a blue maple leaf at its tail, took off from Jubilife's Darach International Airport escorted by Aerospace Command's 14[sup]th[/sup] Jubilife-Mistissini Defencive Squadron. There was, after all, the threat of the Great Lakes Provinces launching an aerial-based attack and bringing down most of the Government's highest echelon. Circumventing James Bay and Ontario to prevent such an attack, the flight continued to be escorted even as they entered Ursalian airspace. To prevent any miscommunication and accidents, the planes' pilots immediately contacted their Ursalian counterparts and rendezvoused with the squadron that was supposed to meet them. The Defencive Squadron continued to escort the Government's plane even as it approached Nadrink's airport; from there, they would contact the airport's air traffic controllers and ask where they could land. The Government's plane soon landed gracefully into the proper runway and came to a halt a few hundred metres from the Ursalian delegation. As soon as a stairwell was connected to the plane, the doors would silently open; out of it came twelve officers from the Judicial Police, all dressed in full regalia. They were followed by Lance and Maylene, both dressed in winter clothes and were smiling and waving at the crowd that was there to meet them. They were followed by two stern-looking agents from the Disparuean Intelligence Agency, both of whom wore dark sunglasses, earpieces, and suits. Finally, Chancellor Atkin and Lilian came out and followed the two Monarchs down the plane. Once they set foot unto the runway, they proceeded to walk towards the Ursalian delegation. Lance quickly noticed Prime Minister Norton and Monarch d'Albuquerque and smiled at them amicably. "Prime Minister, Your Royal Highness," said Lance, bowing slightly. "It is a pleasure to meet you both. I must say, Nadrink seems to be quite enthusiastic today, heh," he continued, smiling, referring to the crowd beyond them. The other Disparuean officials then promptly and respectfully greeted the Prime Minister and Monarch and introduced themselves."
  19. [quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1289713537' post='2512569'] Howdy I'm new to Cybernations. I found this RP thread thing and someone told me to come here to ask for land to play in it. I'm not exactly sure who owns France but could I talk to that person? [/quote] I'd contact [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=27594"]Sal Paradise[/url] and [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showuser=12203"]Centurius[/url] for that; they seem to be controlling France at the moment. Oh, and welcome to CN.
  20. Someone tried to nuke me four times today. All of them failed. :smug:

    1. JEDCJT


      Fear the awesome power of Disparu! :P

    2. Michael von Prussia

      Michael von Prussia

      Bienvenue au Disparu; laissez votre radiation à la porte s'il vous plaît.

    3. Pikachurin


      La Fédération du Disparu: sans radiation pour 628 jours.

  21. [quote][center][size="3"]Gouvernement protectorat du[/size] [size="4"]Grand Acadie[/size] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/27/Flag_of_Acadia.svg/80px-Flag_of_Acadia.svg.png[/img] [size="4"]Greater Acadia[/size] [size="3"]Protectorate Government[/size][/center] [b]TO/À:[/b] Dr. Mathew Joseph, Minister of Industry of the Kingdom of Cochin [b]FROM/DE:[/b] Danny Williams, Praetor of the Greater Acadian Protectorate and Newfoundland Greetings Dr. Joseph, In response to your Ministry's recent communiqué regarding naval ships belonging to defunct nations, we would like to inform you that we are currently in possession of some ships formerly belonging to the J Andrean Navy. While the Disparuean Ministry of Defence has expressed interest in these ships, we would still like to bring them up for your consideration and interest. Please reply to this message if you are interested. Regards, Danny Williams Praetor, Greater Acadia Praetor, Newfoundland[/quote]
  22. [quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1289537779' post='2510956'] (OOC: Shall I make a separate thread? ) [/quote] OOC: Certainly. Just PM me once it's up.
  23. [quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1289587142' post='2511260'] The map takes a hella long time to download (even on my high-end PC) so imagine what it's like for someone with DSL or a slow computer... [/quote] That's odd...my computer is somewhat ancient but it only takes a few seconds to download the entire map.
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