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Retired Moderator
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Everything posted by Justitia

  1. Hmmm, your nation is still there and you're not banned or suspended from what I can tell. What message did you get when you tried to log in?
  2. MudBug and TrotskysRevenge, warned. Do not post here unless it's your resignation/surrender.
  3. No, you should've read the ToS and the big letters you have to click the box next to saying "I agree to the above terms and conditions AND certify that I am not creating multiple accounts with the same user."
  4. You had more than one nation. So both were deleted.
  5. 1 nation per IP/network/computer/player. SO yeah, playing at work while others play there too can be risky.
  6. Or the more likely option would've been, a game mod would've caught you and deleted all of your nation and maybe even banned you from the game. But hey, so much for gratitude for me going easy on ya, huh?
  7. Well, if I would let you pick the one you want to keep, it just wouldn't be fair, would it? I'll delete your two newest and let you keep your oldest nations. Consider this very lenient.
  8. Best to contact admin himself.
  9. Actually, there is a limit, but I'll smack you for image spam before you reach it :lol:
  10. No one "pays to play" it is a free game. Some players choose to give donations, which do not give them any special priviledges as stated in the ToS. If you wish to have your nation sat, you can request for a maximum of 10 weeks. There is a pinned thread in the game abuse forum (subforum of the Moderation forum) that explains how it's done and in which you need to post. And yes, giving your nation away is not allowed.
  11. Ah, yes. Making 2 nations when one is only allowed is generally a bad idea. Recreating both after they have been deleted and said player has been warned through email is even a worse idea.
  12. *uses her psychic abilities to find out this friend's nation and ruler name* Oh wait, I don't have any psychic abilities...
  13. If he is the agressor in both cases, you're free to retaliate.
  14. Justitia

    war bug

    I could delete it, but I rather have admin look at it first, not sure if he needs info that would be removed if I'd delete that extra war..
  15. Wrong forum, wrong format....and when was the last time he collected taxes?
  16. http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/National_Religion You did not get this link from me B)
  17. Okay, two things: One: Audits are done randomly. No one knows exactly when the next one will be, not even all the mods. Two: be careful with baseless accusations of admin/mod bias. Reread the rules, you can find them in the moderation forum. Thank you.
  18. Surely you guys can find something better to discuss...
  19. No, I'm your friend. Now surrender all your cookies. I mean, case resolved, locking thread.
  20. Okay, okay, we get it. Server down, bad admin with champagne :lol:
  21. I just looked and I don't have that problem. The bar that is in the middle of your page should be at the bottom of the page..
  22. As long as you don't have more than one nation, you're fine. If you change names, please do remember to inform the mods through a thread in Moderation > Forum abuse or pm, so we can edit your forum name to match your new ruler or nation name.
  23. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=309
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