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Retired Moderator
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Everything posted by Justitia

  1. No, I mean have you looked carefully at the links themselves? Do they begin with either http://www.cybernations.net or http://cybernations.net ? Or something else?
  2. Are you sure it's the cybernations.net url you are clicking?
  3. If "Kate the great" is your mom, then yeah, there's a big chance you'll get deleted. And not because you logged in from her computer about a year ago.
  4. Wrong forum, wrong format and...when was the last time you collected taxes?
  5. Wrong forum for that Plus I wouldn't grant that because it sets a bad precedent. You can appeal it like any other warn, as explained in the sticky in the warn and appeals forum.
  6. OOC death threats are considered very serious and result in AT LEAST a double warn. So your one up warn belongs with the OOC death threat warn.
  7. The "find all topic from this user" function seems to be working on the old forum...
  8. As long as it's only concerning ingame money, I don't see how this would be different than the reperations that are asked between alliances after wars.
  9. This souunds very much like trying to find loopholes.
  10. One topic on this is enough.
  11. Nothing in the logs shows that your nation was deleted by us. So I'm guessing it was inactivity.
  12. Link to the post in the nation sitting thread where this was approved?
  13. It's 1 nation per player/IP/computer/network/etc
  14. Separate trade requests go into this pinned thread. Trade circles (resources, bonuses and participants listed) may have their own thread, and may be bumped once every 24 hours, if no other post is made in it. Creating a new thread in here for something other than a trade circle set up, WILL get you warned.
  15. Maybe it's tough luck. Either way, one nation per player/IP/network/computer etc. Not following these rules can result in a warning, a deletion or even a ban.
  16. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=14
  17. Nevah underestimate the power of MOD B) :lol:
  18. My controls > edit profile information
  19. I've deleted older nations just like that.
  20. No, you may recreate 1 nation.
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