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Everything posted by Justitia

  1. I'm not sure what you are doing wrong. Did you add coldfront under servers as irc.coldfront.net ? Then select it? Then hit connect?
  2. As long as you stick to one nation, yes.
  3. You won't get your nation back.
  4. Search has been disabled on the forum for some technical reasons. Don't ask me
  5. Which one was your cousin, Lynlimer, strawberry, Banshee? The rules are simple, one nation per IP/player/network/etc
  6. One thread on this is enough...
  7. A harbor will give you an extra trade slot. This trade slot will be just like the other 4 you already have.
  8. We don't delete nations on request. You can safely continue to use AMING as long as you don't use ALEXANDER anymore. Or you can delete AMING yourself through the "delete this nation" link and then recreate ALEXANDER after AMING no longer exists.
  9. From what I can see, you only recreated one of the nations, so you're good now. Do not recreate ALEXANDER too.
  10. You are allowed to recreate 1 nation since this was your first offense. No more.
  11. Yes, that is wrong. You can only have one account per player/IP/network/computer/etc. Wife...well, more original than brother or roommate I guess.
  12. Doesn't look like any of us deleted you, so I'm guessing you hit the 20 days.. What was your ruler name?
  13. Zero tech and infra shouldn't matter as long as you hit the collect taxes button in time.. I've never been at zero infra though, can you actually collect with zero infra? :lol:
  14. Tried deleting your expired foreign aid offers?
  15. When you've hit the "send message" button, there's no way back.
  16. Forum ban = ingame ban (an exception are the user requested forum bans) And yes, using mods as a weapon is not allowed and can result in a warning.
  17. If you mean on the forum: My Controls > edit profile information. There at the bottom you can change your alliance.
  18. Hope this answers your questions.
  19. We don't delete nations on request. You can delete it yourself when your wars and aid slots expire or just don't collect taxes for 20 days.
  20. I'll have a guess and say it has to do with this topic: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=3862
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