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General Specific

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Everything posted by General Specific

  1. Pardon me for chuckling, but I'm a noob nobody, when did you leave MCXA?
  2. Just quoting this for future reference, and the big bad dude.
  3. I'd imagine whatever the more powerful alliances here tell them it should be.
  4. 5 members? brb, raiding. oh, wait. I We're against that.
  5. The consensus seems to be that this is a meaningless distraction, since some other TSO member already admitted he was not upfront with USN as he used them as a stepping stone in his plan to join TSO.
  6. Thanks Pansy! I get lost in my hyperbole at times and am incomplete in my condemnations. And happy birthday to you too, you villainous beetle.
  7. true (not the Sta jab, but the second sentence), but given the nature of how grievances and problems are handled on Planet Bob's forums, it's really not that big of a deal. Issues will always linger, even when we think they are settled. I mean, after all, I despise Valhalla for being tech-raiding scum, but I still have the presence of mind to acknowledge you are humans with hearts who are improving.
  8. IC: Anywho, happy birthday! need moar caek and moving on
  9. Surely Valhalla knows people can comment critically and still be respectful? Plus, the Vox or whatever poster who started this tangent and, speaking for myself, I got sucked in hanging around here by the nice pm from KingSuck. In other words... Chillax?
  10. For the record, and OOC as someone who can back Pezstar up, I am not noWedge and the mead reference I made had nothing to do with that history. IC: Just being cautious, Valhalla is good-intentioned I think except for their slaughtering of my unaligned breathren.
  11. Yes it is! Now how about another round before I move to unaligned purple to give your lower ranks training? Well, shizznit, your two years of feasting on my brothers and sisters has no one in range of me. Oh dear Admin, why am I drinking Valhallan mead and posting? Also, hai King Suck, with wub
  12. I was not taking a swipe at you at all, but rather having fun with the assertions that anyone who posts questions about TSO must harbor Vox or Polar allegiances. I'd never join either and found it fun to answer sarcastically. edit: addition: Thank you for the update, Umar. I like your style and appreciate being taken seriously as an unaligned nobody.
  13. Yep, saw that, too. You must be ex-Polar or Vox for having the nerve to say this, amirite?
  14. Your graphic does not communicate political confusion at all. On the contrary, it is one of the best I have seen for portraying political reality.
  15. Congrats on two years of making life miserable for the unaligned. :lol:
  16. Fair enough, I read a few posts prior where you communicated to us that TOP's Council was in receipt of new information, which led to that mistaken assumption. My apology there.
  17. Please point me to my ad hominem attack. I referred to the question from TOP, your protector, regarding the member who joined the USN as part of the "transition to TSO" plan. And then I expressed that I find your insulting everyone who has posted here unbecoming of an alliance leader.
  18. I guess we should ignore that at least one of more troublesome questions a few pages back (that was not answered to anyone's satisfaction) was from a government member of TOP. So, quite a broad brush you have there. I'll never understand how characters like you get as high as they do in alliance government.
  19. Have to agree with Mr. Hizzy here, including that line was pointless, as it usually is, when people broadly use that line of defense on public boards such as this. To wit: 3. Many of you are trying your hardest to find Sneaky Devious motives here. Miscommunication and misunderstanding are FAR more likely to be the culprits in this sort of thing... And usually are. The humor is in the use of "likely," and "usually are" which at best, taking him at his word, tells us that he is guessing about what happened and tells us, his readers, nothing at all about this present situation. It's just a slap in the face to those reading here, really, unintentional as it may have been. edit, seem the posts made above while I typed this above bear this out as well.
  20. I knew it! Moo is the Vox spy in Q! Maybe that explains his vacillations on this MCXA drama?
  21. After catching Uber last night, I'm not sure how you could justify ZIing anyone. Even if his commercial did make me laugh.
  22. In fairness, the screenshots from this week's episode of Sponge Bob's Burn Notice indicate otherwise.
  23. Congrats on blazing a path with some very cool history. May the fleas of 1,000 camels infest your next 1,000 days!
  24. Interesting article. This part caught my attention, but I doubt that in CN the hubs are very vulnerable since there is so much dead weight in alliance membership and the major alliances are governed by a handful of superactive and hub/alliance- hoping players. edit: to answer the OP's question, in my opinion no, and the editorial really can be used to argue both ways.
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