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Everything posted by ADude

  1. Another brilliant announcement from Marcus the Great
  2. i have a guy here with Fish and Oil can switch to orange when it is complete http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=342204
  3. *Edited* sorry i wasn't being observant lol
  4. alright i had to change it so i can't fit you in..sorry.
  5. i've got a guy here with gems and cattle http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=368897
  6. thanks. Darth is right GLOP disbanded a while ago..
  7. hey i've got a guy here with coal marble http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=276055
  8. Color:Auqa The Order Of Justice (OoJ) - #Justice
  9. i feel so foolish http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=313632
  10. i didn't even think i would be on the list. anyways to more important things i hope that all turns out alright for him. o/ Folger
  11. i've got a guy here with Gold and Uranium http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=313632 *FIXED*
  12. hey i've got a guy here with marble and coal http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=276055
  13. i have a guy here with gems and lead. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=368440 he is new but he is good for it.
  14. this is now an 8BR trade circle with Construction, Asphalt, Steel, Autos, Rad Cleanup, Scholars, Micro-Chips and Fine Jewelery. making this for a friend Resource list: - Aluminum - Coal: - Furs:Azule - Gems: - Gold: - Iron: - Lead:Eumirbago - Lumber:Eumirbago - Marble: - Oil: - Rubber:Azule - Silver: Economic effect: Income: +$13 Happiness: +14 Infra cost: -35.2% Tech cost: -12.6% Land cost: -10% Land bonus: +38% Environment: +1 Env. Penalty: -50% Bill effect: Infra UpK: -21.34% Soldier UpK: -$0.5 Tank UpK: -16.97% Nuke UpK: -20% Navy UpK: -35.2% Aircraft UpK: -25% Military effect: Soldier eff.: +42.56% Soldier cost: -$6 CM cost: -20% Nukes cost: -20% Tanks cost: -8% Navy Cost: -23.5% Aircraft Cost: -15.21% Aircraft Limit: +10
  15. o/ OB although i have to take the same stance as ES on this
  16. Resource list: - Aluminum: - Coal: - Fish: - Furs:ADude - Gems: - Gold: - Iron: - Lumber: - Marble: - Oil:ADude - Silver: - Wine: Economic effect: Income: +$10 Citizens: +13.4% Happiness: +12 Infra cost: -33.2% Tech cost: -5% Land cost: -5% Land bonus: +15% Bill effect: Infra UpK: -17.2% Tank UpK: -9.75% Navy UpK: -10% Military effect: Soldier eff.: +42.56% Soldier cost: -$6 Navy Cost: -15% Aircraft Cost: -11.68% Aircraft Limit: +10
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