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Everything posted by DougZ37

  1. Yes Sparta will definately pass NPO and take the #1 spot for sure. I'd say the possibility exists that they'd fall and TOP would take #1 before they would, but then again Sparta is under-engaged (only 406 wars for the entire alliance as opposed to 2143 for NPO - especially at the upper tiers where it matters most), so I don't see them losing enough strength to make for major losses, whereas NPO is heavily engaged.
  2. I was wondering who exactly was on NPO so this was a big help. I thought it was interesting to see how the big NPO nations coming out of peace mode were going mostly untouched, until I saw this map and realized that the 5 100k+ nations in the NPO only have to contend with 5 similarly sized nations, and none even as close to being as big as Kingdom of Dark. Looks like unless the Sparta nations start getting active NPO's top nations will have a solid shot of holding out in the high-upper ranks (esp. with highly active/experienced nations like Arcadia). Just an interesting observation. Also this is a great chart! Keep up the good work
  3. Yeah you guys wish we'd see it from your perspective (IRON) but look at it from ours as well. You're making a DoW in support of NPO's aggressive and unncessary war, and you're countered by our closest allies Gramlins, FCC, MHA, and an alliance we're friendly with FARK. Not an easy choice there.
  4. A very classy position indeed. Most respectable.
  5. Well...you should realize by now that every target that we're attacking happens to have 3 defensive slots open, so even if as an alliance you're swamped these individual nations aren't. And guess what, some of our good buddies on orange like R&R are getting attacked by a lot of people a lot bigger than them too - and they deserve a helping hand B) Plus theres a reason we're attacking 4 alliances and not just you, so its not really fair to count all of our NS, just saying. Hopefully we'll have a good, green fight and we all have some fun. Paradoxia Vult!
  6. nicely done. Two classy, elite alliances coming together. Congrats
  7. Welcome back to sanction levels Gramlins. Its good to see more of Citadel hanging out up here. you guys are
  8. I think if you guys end up decomming your militaries we'll jump back ahead, plus it won't be long till GATO drops below us too so don't worry - we'll get back up there and make that list 'exciting' again
  9. as much fun as it is to grow its just not the same when good friends like TPF are losing out...its more fun when everybody wins!
  10. I think that the war ranges definately need to be changed a lot. I'm not sure if that means 66-150, but I think that 75-133 sounds like a really good place to start because at very worst you'll have nations that are at least comperable enough that preparation can make the war even. For example, if a nation attacks one 50% its size even if that smaller nation has a huge warchest it has little ability to resist that bigger nation for very long. But in the case of a smaller attacking range if that smaller nation is prepared it has a fighting chance which is somethnig that this game needs. War has no costs right now because people can just stomp with their allies, triple team their few big nations and then stomp at 50% everyone else, and this would at least mitigate that to some extent. definately shrink the ranges
  11. I think this is a MUCH better indicator of the true strength of a nation. For example - my nation was at about the top 3.5% for infrastructure (7500) and top 4.5% for technology (1500) with 20 nukes but under the old system I was at about 6% because I was demilitarized, whereas I would be at around 2% when militarized. now i'm at a more reasonable demonstration of my true strength, rather than being muscled down because someone decided to build a ton of tanks. That also means that only the 5% of truly large nations can get nukes, where as before if you were in the top 10% you could militarize up vastly expanding the ranks of nuclear nations, further diluting the importance of nukes... I approve
  12. curse you VE! how do you do it...making us look bad...
  13. biggest loser?!! that hasn't happened for a while
  14. i'm not sure what that means so i'm going to say yes... :jihad:
  15. I'm not quite sure why, but I think I see FOK gaining quite a bit in the near future. I can't quite place it but its probably because their so
  16. I hate to disappoint but I don't think MHA will be attacking any Citadel nations tonight. We are all kinda in Continuum you know.
  17. sadly I see TOP losing a bit of score for another week or so, as we run out of targets we likewise lose fully militarized nations...=/
  18. haha - we've pretty much jumped 1,000,000 NS from war mobilization, so as this thing winds to a close it'll be interesting to see where we stand...
  19. Grats to MHA TPF and Atlantis. That was some solid growth, and its only a matter of time now before our big red brothers pass up the neutral menace.
  20. Well I guess the last two updates just proves what we all already knew - TOP is a bastion of stability, we were +0.00 two days in a row!
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