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Everything posted by Corinan

  1. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1282447139' post='2426254'] The best part of this is that I can post three or four lines and generate more than a page of responses that I won't read. One might almost think I was doing it....on purpose. Dance, monkeys! Dance! [/quote] All my arguments have been thoroughly refuted, so I'll just fall back on the ol' "I was only ever doing it for a reaction" bit. A timeless classic.......
  2. [quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1282411859' post='2425790'] Makes you wonder if the tinfoil-hat-wearers early on were right about attacking NSO merely being a prelude to something bigger. [/quote] Of course they were.Why else would RoK have gone to war over $6 million in aid with no negotiations whatsoever?
  3. Ruined? Infrastructure does not an alliance make, my good man.
  4. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1282314410' post='2424486'] Ya I think that one takes the cake. I'll see if I can't find the video. [/quote] Off the top of my head when we recruited from the neutrals. You should have seen how hard we were laughing in our private channel. The level of butthurt was completely off the chart. And it was even more hysterical when we got away with it scot free. Definitely one of my favorite CN moments.
  5. Poaching isn't a very strong CB at all. You're essentially declaring war because your alliances members received messages. Whoop-de-mother$%&@ing-doo. If you're losing members simply because they're receiving recruitment messages, then guess what? They weren't very good members to begin with. Let them go.
  6. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1282153008' post='2421755'] Thanks, appreciate the shout out. But I'm not allowed to respond to it more in depth. People had some doubts on 'some peoples' objectivity. This little stunt proved them right. I guess the name 'Death Star' is well picked. NSO 'picked' up the ability to delete other people's nations. [/quote] "Not sure if serious" comes to mind with this post. You're awfully butthurt about that, aren't ya? Oh and who are the "some peoples" you're referring to? [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1282153008' post='2421755'] Bad show, whoever did this.[/quote] http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=90803&view=findpost&p=2421959 Sup?
  7. [quote name='LadyDakota' timestamp='1282176897' post='2422264'] They have to find a way of not feeling like the only failures on CN. What else is there to do in their case? [/quote] This is hilarious coming from you considering the fact that you're literally the worst member we ever had. "TECH DEALING IS DEGRADING!"
  8. Yeah, I'd definitely have to say \m/ is the new WAE. By a wide margin at that.
  9. [quote name='the lizard queen' timestamp='1282151334' post='2421719'] Oh boy, this just keeps getting better and better. Thanks for the entertainment \m/ Just when i was getting tired of reading all the circular arguments about the war we are in right now, you come along to save the day. I will await the announcement of disbandment. [/quote] You're not the boss of me. I do what I want!
  10. Just be aware that we're in something of a "situation" ourselves right now.
  11. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1282145802' post='2421623'] Stones... Glass houses... Mirrors... etc... [/quote] Completely... Different scenario... Our... Alliance is... Nothing... Like \m/... Your... Post is... Horrible... etc...
  12. [quote name='Timeline' timestamp='1282145579' post='2421610'] Well, I would not go as far as saying IAA only had balls if NpO was backing us, after all we did not back NpO in the last war now did we, uuummmmmmm also your from SLAP your worthless [/quote] You're not a very good poster.
  13. [quote name='Ameris' timestamp='1282145382' post='2421605'] Learn from my mistake, those whom fight for ultimate power will eventually lose it all. [/quote] Perhaps, but it's fun as hell in the mean time.
  14. [quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1282138160' post='2421546'] You guys just kicked out the balls of \m/. There's no point to your alliance anymore. [/quote] Pretty much this. Disbandment is imminent.
  15. [quote name='Magicspoon' timestamp='1282125298' post='2421447'] Haha the fail of GGA now lives on through \m/. [/quote] My thoughts exactly. It's as if zombie GGA rose up from the grave and bit \m/ on their shotgun arm, thus spreading their fail like a virus. Just disband already. You're done. Edit: I see I'm a bit late with the zombie references.
  16. [quote name='Mussolandia' timestamp='1282098854' post='2420962'] He would not have been cast out in shame. You know, honor and all. Vaterland! [/quote] Yeah pretty much this.
  17. [quote name='Merrie Melodies' timestamp='1282097984' post='2420902'] To end speculation I have been removed. I am still seeking reps. [/quote] Merrie......\m/ sucks dude. Shoulda stayed NSO.
  18. [quote name='Penkala' timestamp='1282091465' post='2420664'] Edit: When you have the likes of Pacifica and IRON hailing your actions, you know you're totally doing the right thing. [/quote] I agree with Penkala.
  19. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1282078738' post='2420225'] It's real. One of my members noticed it and asked me wth was up with that. This is ridiculous. [/quote] Hahaha, U MAD His nation is now the ultimate power in the universe. I suggest we use it.
  20. I don't think \m/ will ever be able to regain their reputation after this fiasco. This is damning.
  21. [quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1282066201' post='2419888'] You forgot to mention MM is getting tore a new one by STA while his buddies cower in fear. [/quote] Oh yeah that too I forgot. Say what you will about MM, but at least he backs up his words with action. You can't exactly say the same about the rest of his buddies in \m/.
  22. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1282057792' post='2419626'] How unfortunate that no GGA nations are in range. This is childish attention-seeking and classless bullying all rolled into one, and I hope some well connected alliance calls you on it. [/quote] Guess you haven't been paying attention but STA already called them out on it and they backed down like a bunch of cowards. It was hilarious to watch.
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