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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. Canceling a treaty = Typically nothing wrong Canceling six treaties = o_O Canceling six treaties right after your allies activate them = Sincerest Betrayal. I believe that's also a new record, right?
  2. This isn't just about Pacifica. You betrayed five other alliances whose names aren't "Pacifica." You preach that Pacifica is the dirtiest, most evilest alliance out there yet look at what you did. Your hands aren't clean and people will remember that the next time they sign a treaty with you.
  3. It's on our wiki. The Shadowhood and GAT-ITEC. We've merged into other alliances along the way as well which has been both good and bad for us but our initial merger remains forged by steel.
  4. Glad the restructuring went well. When they are people like you, I don't think that its bailing. Its more "realizing that your allies are incompetent and/or manipulative" and will just use you. I especially love the bold part. That reminds me of someone. One entry found. Main Entry: ma·nip·u·late Listen to the pronunciation of manipulate Pronunciation: \mə-ˈni-pyə-ˌlāt\ Function: transitive verb a: to manage or utilize skillfully b: to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage So you used your allies' (plural) protections at a time that you needed them the most, for, I don't even know how many months now, and 2 days before the war, you "restructure" and pick the side you want to be on. Let me know if these names ring a bell: TPF, MCXA, Zenith, Valhalla, Echelon and NPO. It's the alliances you befriend and gave your trust to, and then turned your back on, choose to ignore and dishonor your agreements with. Lots of karma there, huh?
  5. I love duckies and I love RDD. Duck roll them good
  6. Sure, that's impressive. One alliance sending 35% of our war nations into anarchy in one day. Damn, I'd be proud of that. Although, that's not what really happened. RIA, TDE, and VE are also at war with us and considering that we are engaged in 146 battles, I'd say only 20 of our members being in anarchy is an impressible feat.
  7. Echelon. 127 members. 20 in anarchy. 58 in war mode. Nice roll although it would help if the roll actually did some damage....
  8. The best part of the chat: Bring it please.
  9. It was plain and simple for a week. A week. Did you notice the advisory defcon levels dropping? Did you notice the messages going out telling people to become more active? When that happens, that doesn't mean "Count our numbers, count their numbers, do the math, and if it's not alright, then don't fight." That's what happened. It's sad to think that you could slip by on one guy that represents 1/3rd of the overall executive branch.
  10. Taken out of context. Hef stated that we come first. Your alliance is always first in a time of war. If you think you could somehow help your alliance moreover by going over to another one and fighting on a different front (against the same enemy), well, that's a whole lot different from leaving overall. Also, Suf and Cir, what you did will not be forgiven. Likewise what DA said, I hope my government pursues you and gives you the highest penalty for your actions. It's too bad I didn't have more time to help out (biochem exam, lab report due tomorrow) with the war effort but rest assured, I'll be joining the war ASAP.
  11. It took me a while to write that Echelon-LoSS treaty. Better not cancel it >_>
  12. 18 mil + 50 tech available in 3-4 days (all of it) to you and your friends. PM me if interested: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...?Nation_ID=7361
  13. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...?Nation_ID=7361 2 payments of 6 mil total ready today and the rest tomorrow. PM in game if interested.
  14. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...?Nation_ID=7361 PM me if interested.
  15. You know, if you really want to roleplay, you can destroy your navy and pretend like you can't purchase one
  16. Don't forget about nukes. Subs increase nuke damage as does WRC. Combined, both can do a helluva more damage then regular nukes. Essentially, this makes infra even more easy to loose. Hopefully admin adds some new improvements so infra loss isn't that big of a hit on nations over the 10,000 infra barrier.
  17. Too bad 105 is such an odd number. I would have settled for a nice and even 100 (please don't take away my 5 planes, admin) or 110.
  18. *sighs* Now 18 mil + 50 tech.
  19. Buying a $20 July Donation. My offer is $18 mil + 50 tech. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...?Nation_ID=7361 I got 2 slots ready to send out now, 1 in 2 days, and the other rest in a few more days. Let me know, thanks.
  20. Interested? PM me here: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...?Nation_ID=7361 Thanks.
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