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Everything posted by Mjolnir

  1. See how crazy the fourth of July in America is. We need something like that every year for you CN nation. Oh and +10 happiness isnt really too crazy
  2. Well let's see. Nation A attacks three nations during a war which are already at war with other nations. Alliance retaliates by sending reinforcements to attack the Nation A and backup their comrades. That's six nations at war with Nation A. Nation A realizes it is screwed and/or gets "bored" of the game (which is mainly what happens to rogues) and decides to go out with a bang. Nation A is now officially a rogue. Rogue sends out a nuke to the nations s/he is at war with every 3 days or so while continually buying more nukes. 6 nukes, 6 nations, 150 infra per = 900 infra damage per day to others through nukes alone, not counting CM's and airforce. Now, the defending/attacking nations are at a great disadvantage - they can only nuke the rogue once a day and only do 150 infra damage through nukes. I wouldn't exactly call that "fair" as one nation is greatly outnumbered, is putting up a fight, and doing more damage in return. That of course was the last war. Now we have the SDI and spies so hopefully the game has become much more balanced since then. Unfortunately, there's only one way to find out - wait until the next Great War.
  3. To the people saying SDI is "too" cheap/should be removed/handicapped some more - Have you even fought in a nuclear war before? I have and it's not pretty. During GW4, I attacked a nation which shortly thereafter went rogue. Lost over 1000 infra due to one guy alone. That's over a 100 million in money. 1/9th of my infra that I spent playing for over a year buying, gone just like that. I dunno about you but that's pretty damn big impact. SDI could help limit the abuse of nuclear weapons even more. It'll be extremely interesting to see how many people will succeed as a rogue after this change. It's about time we filled in that empty gap
  4. Nice. I like. Also, don't you mean just Air Defense Network? Anti-Air Defense Network is a double negative... Anti-Defense >_> VERY NICE. Less successful rouges. Not bad, not bad, maybe for a later wonder. Also, shouldn't this increase troop efficiency? I mean, the purpose of CIA is to gather intel to help the country and its follower (aka troops). Not too bad although the sender should be the only one to have this. And he should also gain an extra foreign aid slot... that way it might actually be beneficial to himself, not just his allies. Cool. I gotta pick this one up soon. Nice. Nice but pass until I get to it towards the end of my wonders. Would have been the best wonder if you made this option open for everyone, not just bottom 95%. Thanks admin. Keep up the good work. Hopefully we also might get some extra improvements.
  5. Admin did the right thing. Less nuclear rogues who could target much higher nations and destroy much more Infra. I remember nuclear rouges who were ZI'd but had 3000+ tech and were still attacking nations close to 9000 infra. That is way too unbalancing. Yeah it sucks that your numbers (and mine) went down but the game is going to be much more balanced now. CN has always been about infra and the only thing that this update did was make infra weigh a bit more than tech.
  6. That is... kinda true. The infra system should be on an exponential relationship (to the extreme that is). More infra you have = more taxes you can collect. I just passed the 8000 infra (granted I'm mid 8000s) but there doesn't seem to be much difference compared to the mid 7000s. That should be changed drastically. And nukes should focus more on population happiness than infra loss.
  7. Some alliances don't let you leave. If you leave, they will attack you. Basically in order to avoid this, jump into peace mode, leave, join another alliance, tell them the situation, and if they accept you, you'll either be in the clear or in anarchy tomorrow morning.
  8. You should add The Shadowhood. We are about 1.5 million in strength and in a war against the Golden Sabres. So we are in the second chart with Polaris, Legion, etc..
  9. Tela, you're so cool!

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