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Everything posted by Steinfeld

  1. lol.... but silly... you guys are treatied with them
  2. Everyone is joining the fight. o7 get some
  3. My bad... repost... might as well write something else and so it really begins.
  4. happy b day CN let more pointless wars be born lol /me sings happy birthsay
  5. Thanks for all the good wishes. for the record, DB4D is most certainly nothing like GRAN. o/ being late
  6. This was a great showing, an honorable war, and a very tough one at that. Me myself fought 5 fronts, 3 off, 2 def. Good Show my losses were great, but i never dared enter anarchy Good Show to everyone involved.
  7. What about GRAN? Global Republic of Allied Nations? we are in it too, taking more than people think. I my self am in 5 wars, 3 declared and 2 defensive. GRAN itself is at war with 3 Alliances. 2 on the defensive and one on the Offensive.
  8. yea suicide, look at the anarchy counts for the alliances....
  9. You can never for small/new alliance to fail. Good luck
  10. This whole thread has become a battle of the words. One persons word against another. This is going to keep going back and forth. There is almost nothing more to discuss here, all points have been made, and minds have been made up. This was an announcement of a ZI, not a discussion of should we or should we not.
  11. If you have something personal with him, take it up with him on irc or on some other private chat, maybe you would like to call him, but this thread is not the place for it.
  12. this whole conversation has nothing to do with the fact of someone Getting ZI'd because they are in debt and argue over the amount payable. Au, has NOTHING to do with this, so yes... you are derailing this thread.
  13. ^ Au Failed due to RL issues in which the leaders had no control, and Au was left in the hands of a incapable leader that has nothing to do with the thread itself.
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