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Everything posted by Drai

  1. I think it is, tech is even more significant than it previously was as it has a point beyond 300 now.
  2. Voted good for the 1st and 3rd options, I'm indifferent on the 2nd one, I was never a tech-raider.
  3. Definitely, it has a real purpose for the military now and is no longer a fake strength booster.
  4. I don't think anything will change, tech is if anything more valuable than it previously was. It now has a real purpose, for the military effectiveness rather than a fake strength booster.
  5. Maybe this balances the availability of trades for each sphere, blue, orange, etc, have more trades available, but have a higher global radiation. I like this idea, it puts even more significance on the team colours.
  6. If your only goal is to be a war machine, which I would assume means going nuclear, then only go to 4,999.99 infra, just be sure to be involved in the odd tech deal to stay in range to buy nukes. Once you get all 12 wonders, which will take forever if you don't have any, then you can go on to 7,999.99 and you shouldn't have to worry about getting bill-locked as you will be making far too much money anyway.
  7. I'm sure you'll receive a pm in-game from the guy, then you can send him the link to this thread to show that you really were trying to find him.
  8. Precisely, and the stock market is first because of the fact that it's $5 million cheaper.
  9. I'm not going to explain in great detail, the difference between the two is almost the negligible. But the great temple is more worthwhile. The great monument is not a +6 wonder. Yes, there is a +4 happiness, yes, your people will be happy with the religion you choose giving +1 happiness, and yes monarchy provides +1 happiness. But in almost every single case a nation will already have one of the final two options in their favour already. How often will your government be set to something your people do not want and not be on monarchy? Never. So now that we've settled on the fact that it's a +5 happiness wonder, consider the scenario where your people want monarchy anyway, now it's a +4 happiness wonder. This is what gives the great temple an edge, as it is always a +5 happiness wonder whereas there is a slight chance the monument will only be a +4 happiness wonder. Where you may have be going wrong is saying that for having the correct government provides you with +1 happiness and not having the correct government is -1 happiness, but in reality there is no bonus for having the correct government, and choosing the wrong one is -1 happiness. Also, it has already been said enough, but another wonder is the best choice.
  10. The only thing I can suggest is that you guys all delete your nations, start new ones, and only play from at home, that doesn't mean you can't go on the cn and alliance forums at work, but as far as the actual cybernations.net site goes, only access it from your house.
  11. I never pay for trades. Instead I will make a deal where I will pay 3 days of my trading partners bills if I am the one to cancel the trade so they can have enough time to find a new trading partner and make a profit at the same time.
  12. Agreed, 300 is extremely low, I would actually like to see 3000 tech eventually since that's where the great university bonus stops. Tech Heavy nations wouldn't do better in war if this was the case, because they would be in a nation strength range where if they were fighting a balanced nation (tech-wise) the infrastructure advantage from the other nation (more soldiers) would counter-act the tech bonus held by the tech-heavy nation.
  13. You should also have at least 1 wonder (although most people have 2-3 by this point)
  14. I'm pretty sure that $10.00 is the equivalent of 5 happiness seeing as 1 happiness is $2.00 per citizen, so option 1 is generally the same as 3 happiness making it the best option.
  15. Get the last stadium, the net income will be well worth it, then you can go for the 5 labour camps, or at least a couple then get 3 schools and 2 universities.
  16. I think something that could tie in with spy-efficiency would be neat, also maybe they could battle aircraft themselves.
  17. Admin mentioned somewhere, but I couldn't provide a link, that there's a 15k jump, but that probably won't be an issue for a while.
  18. It is the gross income that increases, however, with banks and other modifiers the $10.00 increase works out to actually be just over $20 if I remember correctly.
  19. I'm not really sure about this, but because it's such a strategic topic for war, most alliance members won't post it here in order to maintain an advantage for when they go to war.
  20. It depends on how early you plan to buy wonders, the major income ones (stock market, social security, 5 happiness) all add around $350k to your net income depending on the resource set-up, so if you plan to get a stock market early on like most nations, you should be at $3 mil net income at the 4k barrier.
  21. I bought 50 spies, but I haven't used them yet, they're primarily a defense base for me at the moment, I'm going for 550 spies when I get to 8k infra in a month and a half, but even then our alliance only allows them to be used in war (they're rather expensive to operate anyways)
  22. Probably nation B, because he received more aid to replace the infra, so he's loved more and will rebuild faster
  23. Fish and Cattle, although I like all four resources.
  24. I've averaged about 1 a month in the 535 days I've had my nation.
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