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Everything posted by kamino

  1. so what do you believe allows every member to have an influance on the direction?
  2. and what pursuit is that sir?
  3. How is it that every member has a choice to fight? and how do they have an influance, the NPO is not a direct democracy that I am aware of.
  4. LOL, no my dear, I have no intention of joining the NPO, nor do I love the NPO, the direction of your emperor is not the course I would seek and I prefere my Full Democracy instead where I have a vote and an oppinion and there by directly contribute to the course of my alliance, I find it better suits my nation to have these things than if some one were to tell me when to go to war for a cause I do not support. In my full democracy even if I loose I still had a voice and a vote and I will remain loyal and supportive to democratic principles. While I may have a different view on the article that was written by Zhadum than I did before, I still hold my view that 'ignorant' (for lack of a better word) nations are being sold on defense and money alone. I think my signature explains exactly where I stand on the issue. By selling my liberty for security I would loose both in that I am not free or safe when an emperor sends me to war to die.
  5. I apologize sir, I should have been a little more clear; I meant the ignorance of the younger players.
  6. I agree, it is the NPO and Francoist thought that have made our endeavors more enriching in that having a major enemy to destroy would mark the end of life on planet bob, may that day never come, but it certainly is fun trying. I agree that free speech does not exist in a vacuum and there are consequences and rightfully so. There is an old saying, first convince yourself, then a friend then an enemy and if it stands, it is truth. Zhadum's work however provides for the justification to eliminate the truth, i.e. we have a theological discussion, I win, so you attack and wipe me out, so because I am ZI'd I now have fear of disagreance (if that is a word) which would be the oppression of freedom of speech. An agree or die policy. Well I guess you just shut me up on this portion, I have no rebuttal sir, I agree, even if I do not like it. (/Kamino cries his little eyes out) So then I guess then I would not so much disagree with Zhadum but rather I find some flaws in his statement that can be misconstrued and may be abused. May I say sir that you have eloquence in your statements and I am very privileged to have had this opportunity to converse with you?
  7. Zhadum's work was nothing more than a justification of the use of force in speech, claiming that the use of force is a form of speech which I strongly disagree with. Secondly, the uniting of economic power on one sphere is a way to have some form of control over the red shpere. and lastly, as far as the other alliances go, they are just as bad, the reason I bring the NPO to light is because the NPO is the vessel of Francoism. [OOC Vladimir I just want to say what an absaloute delight it is to speak with some one of your stature, your ideals are a great credit to this game, thanks for helping to make it so much fun.[/ooc]
  8. No sir, my problem with the NPO is not the NPO herself, rather Francoism, an ideoligy that blatantly states it is against freedom of speech (On free speech by Z'ha'dum) and its twisting of the laws of nature to provide only security for loyalty as opposed to equality. Francoism is a system of oppression.
  9. Then you were turned to the darkside. Oh yes that was totally expected, thats why the NPO should have been destroyed. Yes ma'am, I have. Agreed.
  10. [ooc]I would love that, it sounds like a lot of fun. unfortunatly I am currently on a government computer an am unable at this time to enter any chat rooms till I get home wich will be after this 12 hour shift and then some rest, but I think I will take you up on that offer later tonight[/ooc]
  11. nope sorry, the rest of my oppinion still stands.
  12. My apologies for the confusion with the moldavi doctrine, my bad, got them mixed up.
  13. There are those in this world who feel safer today than they were yesterday. There are those who feel that the days ahead are brighter than the days behind, that they made a difference in the karma war, that the forces of evil have been dealt irreparable damage and that they will never again rule with an iron fist as they once had. This is a false sense of security. Do to the incompetence and impotence of the forces of karma to finish the job against the NPO and the Hegemony, and by allowing them to live, allowing the ideology which threatens the security of all by placing unlimited power in the hands of the elitist few, and our future is in jeopardy. The leaders of the forces of karma, in there greed, sought to gain technology, money, land and infrastructure. Thinking they can stay ahead and keep the hegemony in check with such gifts, have forsaken those they were to protect for there own benefit. The evil forces of the hegemony are once again on the rise. The NPO has gone from number 12 to number ten in a few short weeks, they have issued a new maldavi doctrine which is hidden with under lying messages and open to interpitation, they seek to unite the red sphere economically, which is the first step to conquest. They have always been and always will be a threat. But now our future is even more grim. They will seek there revenge on those who have harmed her. But let me be clear, the NPO herself is not the threat; the ideal of Francoism in which she enshrines is the true threat, an ideal that is changed from one emperor to the next to suit his needs, an ideal that gives him unlimited power by playing off the laws of nature and other ignorance. The ideal creates a system where conquest is not an option but rather a way of life. One of the gravest mistakes ever made on planet bob is allowing the NPO, allowing Francoism to survive. The NPO will return to exact its revenge, and may Admin have mercy on us all. Now because of this fault military conquest is no longer an option, now other means must be sought and exploited to bring her down to let freedom reign. The NPO and her minions will return and our mistake will cost us dearly.
  14. OOC: I love this game! this thread is a prime example of "wizrds first rule: People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People’s heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool." —Chapter 36, p.397, U.S. hardcover edition-Wizards first rule-Terry Good Kind Once again, THIS GAME ROCKS!
  15. Francoism and Francoist thought is nothing more than a play on the "laws of nature", offering "Security" in exchange for liberty. Once a nation enters into this agreement, it is quickly indoctrinated into Francoism, conditioning one into a set political belief, where any other form of government or ideoligy would fall and ones security would forever be lost as the individual would be destined to stand and shiver in the cold, dark, wet world, alone. Francoism uses this fear to keep its subjects in line and states all others are fools because its easy to have the masses ignore someone who is "crazy", even if crazy is the truth, because francoism knows people hear only what they want. It prevents teaching of other philosophies and restricts freedom of speech, keeping the people silent which prevents the spread of knowledge which would in turn threaten the power of the elietist few, to rule them without question. But those leaders know that if a working democracy were to ever actually work, the people that they claim to protect and serve as equals would leave for that democracy realizing that the laws of nature are even better served in a democracy. If planet Bob were to ever give birth to a fully functioning and defendable Direct Democracy, it would mark the begining of the end of Francoism and the rule of the elietist few. Therefore Direct democracy would be a direct threat to the crown. Planet Bob has given birth to a fully funtioning Direct democracy, the end of Francoism is no longer a question of if, but rather when. A new dawn has come.
  16. One slot open, first come first serve.
  17. Deal now closed. Next deal in 5 days.
  18. Just like the title states. Send $3mil to Akira at http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=338940
  19. I thought we just got done with this issue! I thought this was one of the reasons NPO just got bent over for.
  20. kamino

    Why not?

    What about an emergency powers clause that allows the Pres (or whom ever) to act in situations of war without consent from congress?
  21. kamino

    Why not?

    So I have heard from many people on these forums and through out the game that an alliance with a full democratic system of government can not work? Why is this? It is my personal oppinion that it can, however we just have not been able to find a way to make it work yet. As many new alliances create a system of full democracy they ultimatly are doomed to fail. However those failures are not completly lost as there are lessons learned about what can and can not work. It is my belief that one day democracy in CN will evolve or mature enough to create a fully functioning democratic society, and we will see the end of totalitarian states and partial democracies. Please state your thoughts about why it could, could not or will not work in CN?
  22. kamino


    Please forgive me, I am not very computer savy other than loading and playing games. How do you create or what program do you use to create an alliance flag?
  23. Good sir, you are right, I am sorry for this. It will not happen in the future.
  24. According to the merriam-webster dictionary it is.
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