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Reign of HavoK

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Everything posted by Reign of HavoK

  1. Indeed, it was a respectable and well fought war by both sides. Well done by OG, and good luck in the future
  2. Thank you for recognizing our efforts, and good job to those who were also left off the announcement
  3. Yes, I understand the circumstances I was glad to see you all get in on things, and give us a hand. I was impressed by the response your members provided once you were able to jump in, and was glad to fight along side both BW and OBR B) I hope that we can maintain good relations after this war passes over
  4. Well, other than OBR leaving our sigs off the announcement for whatever reason, DE is glad to see this happen. OG fought respectably, and I am glad to see this end well. I thank OBR for coming into the fray (although late) and giving us help with the attacks... Good luck to all parties in their future endeavours.
  5. AiD hereby surrenders to the forces of TDE and TriCom. As of 9:35 CN time the Alliance of International Defence, The Dark Evolution and Trilateral Commission have come to terms of peace. All parties fought well and respectively during the conflict and were great combatants. Apart from our little "heated discussions" on IRC it's safe to say we have grown somewhat fond of each other over the past week or so. AiD entered the conflict in an honorable way defending there allies and exited in an honorable way. Signed for AiD, Dark Lord AJ, Director of AiD Signed for TDE, Angryraccoon, The Great Seer UacYuri, Imperial Officer HavoK, Imperial Officer Signed for TriCom, Grim Reaper, Chairman Cooksonthegreat, Chief Executive Officer Marcus Guildenstern, 1st Rep El Jefe, 2nd Rep Signed for Karma, LiquidMercury, Death Incarnate, Wrath of Karma Archon, Karma Incarnate, Voice of Karma Roquentin, Vigilance Incarnate, Shadow of Karma
  6. To arms! Our enemies will be toast! (hah get it, french toast?)
  7. Well, that makes sense. No need to apologize. I was just having trouble understanding, but that makes sense Anyway, I just ask that everyone keep it respectful. That is my big thing. The grammar I can live with
  8. Nice grammar... I had to read both of your posts 3 times before I understood you... OK yes, the announcement read wrong, and was fixed accordingly. Either way, DE DoW's on NEW... We can sit here and debate symantics all day. You knew what was meant. Now, can we keep things at least a little respectful? I mean really... Do you see any flaming being done by DE? When your members have to apologize for your behaviour, usually that should be a sign... Anyway, good luck to NEW. o/ GR o/ Karma
  9. Welcome to the fray. We appreciate your support. o/ Tricom o/ Karma
  10. Yes, we will be sure to watch out for their one nation with nukes I really hope you are being sarcastic... Nonetheless, good luck AiD.
  11. Really? I wouldn't call failing to anarchy nations with 6 warslots filled crippling them... But... Whatever you say
  12. Well, good luck to you AiD... Poor taste in title IMO. I will look past it though, as you just provided my nations with more targets.
  13. We respect their treaty obligations, and as far as we have discussed so far, they feel the same. We harbour no hard feelings for the split, and we wish them the best of luck in their efforts as well.
  14. Congrats TriCom. It has been a pleasure seeing you grow and develop as an alliance, and I am glad to see this treaty Keep up the great work, and I hope this announcement isn't lost in the mix
  15. o/ RIA o/ UAE Good luck in your growth UAE, you chose a good group there EDIT: First
  16. Go get em TOP. FS, I'm pretty sure this is the end... If that was the plan, then good job I guess?? o/ FACE o/ VI o/ TOP
  17. Not sure what FS was thinking... Go get em.
  18. They need to be proven innocent....? Isn't that a bit backwards? Last time I checked, you were innocent until proven guilty (or innocent until a bigger alliance SAYS your guilty )): ) I do find it rather ironic that an "alliance" (and I use that term loosely with Blackstone) of your intentions would point fingers and chirp about SPIES??? But... that's just me Back to my popcorn
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