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Mr Rosenberger

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Everything posted by Mr Rosenberger

  1. o/ Octava Orden! Were here for you when you come back.
  2. First off the Huns are a cool bunch... Congratulations to The Huns and Invicta! o/
  3. NE has a great flag also.... And one more thing, about your bit with "you should have 5-6 veterans or you can't run an alliance" I don't think that is accurate. I started New Era by myself, and later took on people who know what there doing and have been fitted in jobs that they take pride in. So, if you have the willpower to succeed you will, you don't need a group of veterans. However, I do agree with you on the part of the annoyance of constant DoE's that will just fade away into the Wood Work, lately there has been SO many DoE's and its getting to be a little ridiculous, nobody wants to join an established alliance to learn anything, rather they find out how cruel CN is on their own and whine about it. Good Blog BTW, keep it up.
  4. Huns with a Musketeer Motto? XD In any case, good luck with your alliance, o/
  5. Congratulations Octava Orden and GPA o/ both of you!
  6. Hey thanks Karthikking, we really appreciate the nice comments. o/
  7. - - - The friendship between us first started when I was a TOOL Diplomat, with one of my assignments being Nau. During my time I grew to like them, and eventually grew to be best friends with members especially Sasuke who made this treaty possible. After I began my own adventures out in the Real World of CN, and with New Era, we became even closer. As both of us being small alliances, and originally with the same protectors, our relationships strengthened, and talks about our future arose. TOOL Set Nau free, and we wanted to stick as close to them as possible, so waited with them until they were completely situated with their old friends, and our friends over in GRAN. Shortly after, New Era decided to switch protectors which again held off our future plans a few more weeks. During that time, we talked greatly about what was next, and we decided to take the next step in our friendship. Nau has been great to us since we have known them, and it is without further hesitation that I present to you our "Next Step". o/ Nau o/ NE Catch Us On Twitter!
  8. Big to filter out any flaws, and designed for all to understand. Thanks! o/
  9. sorry, were you looking for a little emotional topic Mr. Emo? XD o/ Kingemo
  10. Emo your an Emu! Alright, we have a DoFA spot open, and a great community to have fun and and enjoy yourself. Why not hop in, and get away from boring alliances and join New Era, where we take things as the day comes, and plan for the future to insure New Era's growth and safety.
  11. Very True my friend, I thought this was a topic of importance, so simply tricking the public to read the topic was my intent. Not necessarily for the drama though, but your welcome. Thanks Keve69 Oh.... Were 1.01 XD
  12. Thank You for all your great comments. Jarkko.... You.....Silly Guy You.
  13. Kudos to you my friend, you caught my "on purpose" mistake. Seriously, I put "re-enacted" because we are re-enacting the charter. However I totally understand how that is fail. Thank You my friend.
  14. Well it is finally time to announce a few changes in New Era. We have been in existence for 119 Days, and we found a few flaws in our charter, and the way we were working things in New Era. So over the past month we have been editing our charter, removing/adding things that should or should not be in there. Basically most of it looks the same, but there has been multiple revisions of some areas. In other New Era News: -New Era Reaches Score of 1.00! -Also, as you can see we have 35 members. -I would also like to direct you at our Growth Progress. Again, I just want to throw out a Thank You, and a huge pat on the back to all of New Era's Citizens, and Government members. Obviously, without all of them we wouldn't be where we are today, and growing. /me huggles all of New Era o/ New Era and her Supporters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Without further hesitation, I give you are fully revised Charter. I would appreciate it if you find any Spelling Errors, you let us know. That would be thanks! >>>>Follow Us on Twitter Today!!<<<<
  15. Since we met Octava Orden, they have been nothing but helpful and good friends to talk to. Adding this ODP to the treaty really benefits both of us in that, it draws our friendship closer, and makes us work together closer. We in New Era look forward to great success from signing this treaty, and a friendship that lasts forever. o/ Octava Orden o/ New Era
  16. Thank You For the Advice, it is greatly Appreciated!
  17. Good News! New Era just got a little bit better. We signed a Protectorate Agreement with NATO, and we became a little bit more social!! Now you can follow us on these social sites! - Twitter -- Facebook (Friend Us, as New Era Cybernations) - - Myspace - Get Connected with New Era!
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