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Mr Rosenberger

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Everything posted by Mr Rosenberger

  1. Hey, the SMF tried getting us to merge into them! Congratulations to SMF and CBS, I hope you guys the best of luck together! o/ CBS o/ SMF
  2. Touche, Mia. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to step boundaries and speak for TOOL.
  3. Thank You Kzoppistan, for understanding the reasoning behind this post. People automatically believe that there are conflicting reasons for this cancellations and can't take the facts to face, without wanting more. I appreciate you increasing respect for New Era, it means a lot to us. Thank You o/
  4. o/ Marquis Chris 1 NATO and New Era have a lot in common, and we both are excited to get the ball rolling with this new start.
  5. First off where is the dropping of our your business? Secondly, all of our Treaties we held were canceled for reasons, that both signatories of each treaty agreed on. Sometimes, alliances sign treaties, when they haven't seen the true colors of their friends. If you want to talk about reasons why treaties were canceled, come to me in private and we can discuss them. Airing Dirty laundry on OWF isn't something I would like to do. Clearly TOOL and New Era had disagreements. These disagreements were discussed in private channels, and both parties agreed on the outcome. We did not just flip a coin, and we are not tired in living in TOOL's shadow.
  6. o/ NATO o/ New Era Thanks for being Awesome Friends!
  7. New Era has made a few posts this week, some important but this is the most important announcement we have made since we DoE'd. Today, New Era is announcing our withdrawal from our protectorate treaty with The Order of Light. The Cancellation was discussed in private channels, and worked out to the best of both Signatories ability. The Cancellation was mutually agreed upon at the end of the discussion. New Era would like to stay close to TOOL friendship wise, and looks forward to continue our friendship. Thank You TOOL for your protection and the help you gave us while we were under your protection. o/ TOOL o/ New Era Prophet - Rosen Director of Internal Affairs - Fuhrer Director of Defense - Uroboros Director of Commerce - RichardReich Senate of New Era- Elomeryx Robotman321 UnashamedRiver
  8. Sorry if you think its random...its a marker in our existence, which we hold high.
  9. Thanks Mia..and are you calling me weird? XD I know, time goes by really fast...but it doesn't seem like I was away that long. Thank You Ar Pharazon! o/
  10. Like I said, it is a little late, and it is an ODD number, but we have been busy with other things...and well it just caught up. But Thanks!
  11. Hello All! Today I come to share with you a bit of, old news about New Era. New Era was started with one member, and that was myself. I worked as hard as possible to get New Era running, and even had a few throw backs, and obstacles to get through before even posting a DoE right here. A lot of you supported New Era from the start, and some I may have lost due to my actions, and others may have thought we wouldn't exist after a month. But......... New Era is now 105 Days Old, and Kicking. New Era, and everyone in it has worked hard to get to this point. We have gone through many obstacles, found wrong treaty partners, and made big decisions in this short time, but we have a lot to show for. I just want to congratulate all the Citizens of New Era, and all of the New Era Gov for putting time and effort into the place they call home, New Era. Also, thank you to all of our supporters, without your great comments and help we wouldn't be where we are today. Thank You! o/ New Era -Rosen
  12. Some New Era Facts: -Over 100 Days Old -27 Total nations, with over 20 Active -142,154 Alliance Nation Strength .....and Growing
  13. Congratulations you guys! Lets hope you achieve great things together!
  14. Finally One Step Closer With a Signed Bond! o/ Octava Orden o/ New Era May this pact benefit both of us, and help us achieve great things.
  15. Nice to See this little recruitment thread from our friends at OO!! o/ OO live long o/ New Era
  16. Congratulations on your week! and Great Charter. o/ TFoR o/ Zenith
  17. Well, under the circumstances this was the best thing for New Era to do. We are willing to keep an active friendship with CBS, for as long as we both exist. Like I said, o/ CBS and Long Live CBS o/ New Era
  18. Today, I come to you with a bit of bad news. A little while back New Era and Coalition of Blue States decided to get together, and create a little pact that would draw us closer together, we signed a ToA named "Best Freaking Friends Forever!!" Today, that pact/treaty is cut and we move our separate ways on Planet Bob, and in CN. Both signatories have discussed the cancellation in private channels on IRC, and the 48 hours notice was given. New Era wishes the best of luck to CBS and all who are in it, as always. o/ CBS o/ New Era -Rosen
  19. Guaranteed, Everyone is ready, just waiting for you.
  20. You can count me in. I'm going to have to go with Taylor
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