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Jonathan Archer

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Everything posted by Jonathan Archer

  1. It's sad to see you guys go, but I'm glad you've decided to enter the corporate world. Welcome aboard guys! o7 IPA
  2. I like it. Congrats on being here and having excellent protectors.
  3. I'm sorry, Mr. McCarthy's Commie detection methods are rather slow and prone to letting the real ones slip through. We are currently working to correct this though.
  4. I used what was at the top of our forum to determine order, so blame the person who made that.
  5. The Corporation has decided (amongst much controversy) to do something unconventional in our grand alliance. Yes, that's right, we've decided to actually follow our charter. As such, we recently held elections, to which you are now forced to see the results of. In an amazing turn of events, iClean retained the title of Chief Executive Officer by a 27-0 vote after editing his opposing candidate's place in the poll. As a result... I'm still the Chief Communications Officer. You'll notice that most of these people are familiar faces in our government. For those that aren't... well... their predecessors were deemed to be commies and thus not suitable for leading the well-oiled Capitalist machine that is the Corporation. I'd like to close with our motto, as I feel it adequately sums up the events that happened here; Full speed towards iClean! o7 Corp
  6. Why does WickedJ keep throwing beer bottles at me?
  7. It hurts. Sisko was second in the blame vote, I got the "honor" of first.
  8. o/ Corp Todays musical selection: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKu2QaytmrM
  9. you too Joe Also, I accept all blame except for the lack of fizzing, which is entirely Kev's fault.
  10. Lack of fighting ability does explain why all the Sith in the movies die... Edit: Missed the 18 bombers things. If you're going to rogue could you at least attack properly?
  11. Glad to have signed this with RoK. I see a great future together for us.
  12. Sad to see that Guardian. Good luck to all your members in finding new homes.
  13. I approve iClean's approval of this message.
  14. Not if I get you first. I'd probably go rogue on Balder.
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