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Everything posted by Firestorm

  1. I didn't much care at first either. In most people's cases I'm ok with them claiming millions of people. Those people don't create instant armies out of nothing and nor do they demand that they be allowed free reign to control their citizens when they've lost their country. In Sumerqai's case it is very simple. Her civilian population is yet another issue with her role playing that needs some sort of mod intervention. I no longer recognize Sumerqai, her civilians, or her role play because of it. That's my choice and likewise I respect the choices of others who do acknowledge her.
  2. At least in Rockport you wouldn't be there.. So maybe it isn't such a bad idea after all?
  3. meh.. I notice you have oil filled. I have oil and aluminum.
  4. With the United Military Command of Boomtown deployed to Diberia our economy has experienced something of a slump. We wish to inquire into the possibility of procuring three of your pocket factories for internal production for both military and civilian uses.
  5. If we do have a restart i claim everything that has been claimed already just to dispute everyone's previous claims with my Native Plonkistanian tribe affiliations.
  6. To join or not to join? Now that's a loaded question...
  7. I can't say I'm very good with short and sweet. What boggles my mind is how the rp is actually conducted. For instance, Nation A launches an assault on my nation and dictates to me how many of my men were killed, how or if any at all response was put up to their invasion. In the past I've rped under the T-1 para rules in other role playing scenarios. These rules basically state that someone can attack you, but you the defender have the chance to defend yourself and respond accordingly. Further, it is the defender who chooses how much damage is taken from an attack. To prevent godmodding sanctioned bouts were judged by someone who knew something about T-1 fighting. The way people fight out wars here in CNRP takes alot of getting used to.
  8. OOC: C'est le bon anglais dans Arkansa. IC: Lt. General Firestorm, currently leading the Boomtown Expeditionary Force in Diberia, wishes to reserve a room upon his return from Diberia for leave with his wife and son.
  9. OOC: Fo' sum reason dem dere x-ray thingies techs tend to get a bit confuzzled when dem dere suitcases aren't all dat dere hepful by lettin' demselves be x-rayed. When dey get confuzzled dey tend tah start askin' dem dere questions. Jest ask mah cousin Jebadiah wut happened last yahr on his trip to Vegas when his wife's hairdryer showed ep as a 9mm glock. Mah lawds wus he insulted! An Eyetalian pistol? LAWDY LAWDS!!! IC: President Song Lee of Boomtown expresses his sincerest congratulations to the nation of Saboria for its magnificent architectural accomplishments. Perhaps in the near future the President will find the time, with the government of Saboria's permission, to visit this tower in person for a bit of well needed holiday. (The President promises to leave his cousin Jebbadiah at home)
  10. More like a morbid observation of the shallowness of the gene pool in certain parts of my beloved land.
  11. This implies Obama lives to see 2012. I think the odds of that are somewhere between slim to nonexistent.
  12. *goes to check the location of Boomtown..... lol.. and on that note I'm going to bed. Have a happy new years everyone. I know I did.
  13. Hopefully it wipes out New York. I hate that town.
  14. Most of 100,000 kilometers still leaves a lot of cable to cause some serious damage to someone.
  15. Considering the global implications of having a cable of that size crashing to the earth I'd hope the whole world would be on the idiot's butt for all eternity for severing it.
  16. The space station doesn't quite have the same military implications that these underwater doodads seem to have either. I'm sure you could arm this space station, but who in their right mind would take the risk of having the cable severed? Think of the absolute destruction that would occur by having 300 miles or more of cable plummeting to the earth? Ouch.. not pretty.. I'd say that would be a nation killer if not a continent screwer upper.
  17. You make a very good point Hawk. We'd all be wise to consider his words.
  18. I don't have a digital camera on hand, but I found this snap on google. I brought two bottles of the stuff myself at a local supermarket today when I was ought scrounging for supplies to make some homemade wine.
  19. OOC: hey is that sister single? IC: The government of Boomtown will remain neutral in this matter as we tend to remain neutral in all other matters, but in this matter we will remain even more neutral than before.
  20. :lol: I've been spending way to much time online for the last few years. Seems like a right easy escape from life, but in the end it makes me wishing I knew how to do more things. Definitely, I need to spend a bit more time considering finding a hobby or two to peruse and to use the internet more to support the aspects of my life that I find interesting rather than letting the internet be my life. meh.. THIS WILL NOT end WELL!!
  21. I'm all for unclaimed islands going bye bye.. but to arbitrarily say, "HAHAHAHAH my super bomb of doom just created a 400 foot wave and your pissant island is screwed!" That's so wrong on so many levels.. hahaha. Let's just not get to carried away though.. I can see using a few islands full of peaceful native NPCs getting wiped out as good for the on going Role plays, but everyone doing it tends to limit the number of islands we can claim later as outposts and refueling stations.
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