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Leetopia II

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Everything posted by Leetopia II

  1. Well, even when we were the only people they declared on they really weren't fighting us either, given that they have the lowest wars per nation.
  2. You only have 1 nation in my range, but by all means come on by.
  3. Yeah, I can picture that. MA crying bloody murder because they were mocked on the internet in a morale boosting thread. Get over it, it'll have no impact in the end.
  4. A giant soccer ball crushing a building is inappropriate, but there's a thread in another subforum here where people are supposed to be eating the leader of the NPO, and that's perfectly fine? Questionable propaganda only applies to certain people, eh?
  5. No, they clearly want NPO to be the ones to break it for them.
  6. The funny thing was they were initially acting for a member of your own OUT bloc, whom you say you're defending in this war. The hypocrisy of it all is mind boggling.
  7. Um, no? You have allies on both sides and you're blatantly choosing the side that'll save you the most infra. This comes back to haunt EVERYONE eventually.
  8. Yeah I understand your reasoning, but we aren't even in a position to engage them. It's retarded, that's not defending an ally, that's just jumping in late and getting some free tech/land under the guise of a defense pact. It's pathetic and TOP will have this late cowardly DoW thrown back in their faces in a future war.
  9. It's okay, I'll do it for you. Zero attacks launched on a single orange nation, R&R or whatever else was even mentioned. It's laughable to activate a MDaP without even having a shot fired.
  10. And now go and find where we're actually at war with them. It's okay, I'll wait.
  11. Echelon hasn't attacked any of those people, but okay, whatever rocks your bandwagon!
  12. go go gadget bandwagon! Edit: 12 SDIs, lewl, good luck rebuilding.
  13. Is everyone in Karma !@#$% whipped or what? Might as well have just called yourselves Operation Panty Shield.
  14. Can't be controlled by someone when they aren't even talking to you, or do you still not understand why we cut ties with NPO?
  15. Respectable? Hard to lose respect when you're too afraid to think for yourselves and do everything you're told. GR is a skidmark on the cybernations universe.
  16. In the grand scheme of Karma? Yeah. GR has done nothing but ride coattails and has never once even tried to make a name for themselves. Nothing wrong with the status quo I guess, but to see a treaty activated on their behalf is hilarious.
  17. LMAO, grats on activating a treaty with some obscure alliance that we aren't actively fighting and declaring war on us. Gotta find room on the bandwagon somewhere, eh?
  18. Kind of, there's more to it, but I obviously don't want to discuss private politics.
  19. Um, we're still members of 1 Vision. We just no longer have a separate deal with NPO.
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