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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. We offer our deepest condolences to the Emperor. To answer that question, there may be many reasons as to why that may be the case, revolution, autonomy or independence, many other things. As Emperor, you must see that their goals should not be met using terror. Yuktobania will be there to help if you need it.

  2. A note:

    Dear Sarah,

    I am saddened of what had happened in Brisbane many days ago. The Yuktobanian government will send in our transport unit to airdrop as much as 5 tons of aid a day, it was signed on by Prime Minister Zakhev himself. Also, I will be coming to Hanseatic Australia to meet with you personally.

    I offer my condolences and hope to meet with you soon.

    Catherine Reznov,

    Foreign Minister of the Yuktobanian SFSR

  3. The Yuktobanian government, to benefit from the support of the nations of Europe, propose 2 key peace setlements concerning the former Nordalandic Republic.

    1. No Nordic state are to be allowed to unify together into a "greater Nordlandic Reich.

    2. Any leaders and personnel tied to the recent WMD scare is to be arrested and tried.

    That is all.

    Victor Zakhev

    PM of the yuktobanian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic.

  4. (Classified to Sarah Tignayl )

    Understood, we've sending our forces to defend Brisbane and Hanseatic Japan.

    Be careful out there, the Nords are well known for their brutality.


    Georgy Zhukov II

    Supreme Commander of the Yuktobanian Army

  5. A Public Mesage:

    As of June 16, 20XX, there will be a state of war, between the Yuktobanian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic and the Greater Nordic Empire. For the past several years, we have seen the tyranny that has been caused by Nordland in the past, and a coalition of RUSSIAN Nations stepped in, to ensure that Nordland will not oppress the people with their monoculturistic, anti-minority hate. By doing so, we have suceeded in defeating and dismatling Nordland and it's closest allies. But time has passed...and as time has passed we have long since forgotten about what we had fought for, and let EVIL, try to claw itself back up. I, Victor Zakhev, have personally seen the horror on the battlefields of Belarus, where friends of mine have died trying to defend the people from Nord aggression. Now, I can no longer sit idly by with my hands behind my back when the free people are being threatened by a dictator. At the moment of this message, our forces are mobilizing and will be flown west across the Arctic Circle.

  6. Prime Minister Zakhev quietly read the letter, after which he put it on the desk, and told the Deputy Prime Minister, his son Victor, to run the country while he heads off to Velsk.

    <<2 1/2 hours later.>>

    PM Zakhev's private jet touches down on Velsk, Int'l Airport. The conference begins after Zakhev arrives at the venue and takes his seat.

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