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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. OOC: I'm back :).


    *A Classified Message from Yuktobania's Ministry of Defense to the Allied forces in the assault of Phnom Penh*

    We plan on sending in a Yuke Spetsnaz team to enter from the southern part of Phnom Penh, firstly to support the liberation of the capital from Khmer agression. We plan on attacking from the South, with plans to take the Interior Ministry, and the Ministry of Planning. We hope you approve the plan and wish you the best in your landings.

  2. With Somal's forces being withdrawn to their homeland, the Yuktobanians were now under increasing attack by Khmer forces, it was very difficult to pinpoint the attacks. The plan was to continue, but an airstrike was ordered to locate an end the intolerable artillery barrage.

    Biela Squadron, armed with Rocket Launchers were sent in to attack the position where it is believed to be the artillery positions. 4 aircraft fired off all their rockets within a 5 mile radius.

    Despite these annoyances, about 33% of the wall was completed after taking 2% Casualties and .3% fatalities.

    OOC: Chris, I want you to RP the damage, just so I don't be unreasonable.

  3. "It has become clear that the Transvaal Gov't is in disarray," Catherine Reznov said in a press conference, "while we condemn the gov't for killing innocents, we also condemn De Ruijters and hope he gets the trial he deserves."

    OOC: $20 says Botha's gonna do Civil War. Otherwise nice RP Botha. I really like to see how this plays out.

  4. Haiphong

    The 1st through 4th Armored Divisions have arrived and they have arrived in style. Each turret is wearing the flag of Free Somal as it dances in the wind. Speakers mounted on the tanks are blaring a variety of different rock songs as well. The hard looking men of the Somal armored corp aren't here to put on a fashion show, they are here to conquer a city. After making contact with the Yukotubian Military authorities the Engineers of the Free Somal military put their CEVs to work.

    It will take time, but the race to construct a nine foot earth berm around the entire city of Haiphong is on. To fill in the gaps teams of mechanized infantry and tanks are deployed behind temporary coils of razor wire. The city is deafened by the sounds of prerecorded messages for Khmer soldiers to surrender and how to go about it. Civilians are advised they can leave their homes to seek refuge in camps guarded by the Somal Military. One would think that such a large perimeter would be difficult to guard, but as the Armored Corp arrives so does help from the sea.

    When the Somal forces arrived at the battlefield to assist them, the Yuktobanian army had already built 36% of the wall. Soon, Yuktobanians on the field got a morale boost thanks to this arrival. The wall would be complete soon and Haiphong would be soon be surrounded.

    Mindripper squadron, heading back from Hue, was given orders to drop leaflets over the city, these leaflets contain information on how to go about surrendering to the Somalian-Yuktobanian force.

    OOC: Sorry, but that's all I got.

  5. Yuke forces continued to build up the wall and cut off the city. Since the Khmers in the Red River Delta are currently focused on the Somalian Navy near the Delta, the plan could work without a hitch. At this point around 20-25% of the city has been sealed. But in order to speed up the construction, Somalian forces will have to make haste and head to Haiphong.

  6. OOC: No problem, I had to transport my troops out of lutai back into Yuktobania, then fly to the DE via the Pacific and the South China Sea. (C-130's if I recall, has the range for such flights.) Also, put into consideration, that I don't think that you need to worry about jumping into another's airspace if flying through international waters airspace.

    Though now that I think about it, It might be a bit difficult to say how I got fighter jets, which lack that kind of range, over there..... I'm gonna need a map.

  7. OOC: Hey Razgriz, Just a quick question, how are your forces making it from Yuktobania to the field of battle? (i.e. were they all transported by sea, and if they were transported by air, who's countries did they pass over?)

    OOC: I sent in soldiers to help supress the Yellow Turban Revolution, shortly after the war was over, the DE requested soldiers to help in supressing a potential Pax Pacis invasion. Although the planned invasion did not come, Malestrom requested my troops stay in DE longer due to the situation in the neighboring Khmer Empire. In other words, he gave me an offer I couldn't refuse. (Btw, they were all transported by air, I didn't have a navy at the time.)

    [OOC: Sorry but which one is a gift for me ? PT76s or air defense fighters, cos I have already Rped as having quite enough and more of both amphibious armor and fighter forces. I am actually withdrawing my higher tech forces because with the suppressio of air defenses by Wave 1 anad Wave 2 air attacks they are no longer needed in the country.

    OOC: I actually sent in SEAD fighters, but if you don't need them, I'll just move them back to our forces.

    **Private to Yukotobia**

    Just hold your current positions for now. My navy will assist your forces in evacuating refugees that present themselves to you. We'll set up a temporary holding camp to house them for now. Once our Engineers arrive we'll build something a bit more comfortable and out of range of the fighting.

    The plan is a very simple one designed to avoid extensive house to house fighting. By denying them access to the outside world they have the choice of either withering on the vine or coming to us. Your positions, while a bit of a surprise due to your sudden arrival, will be advantageous. Fortify your current locations and stand ready to be attacked. Sooner or later they'll come for us and when they do we'll be waiting.

    Supplies of razor wire, concrete blocks, sandbags, mines, and other supplies are heading your way to assist you in this project.

    Supplies were being sent in by Somalian forces. The Yuktobanian Troops were ordered to hold the line and build a wall to blockade the city, and put it under a de facto siege. Construction of the wall would begin, with checkpoints being made for any civillians looking to escape. Soldiers were also put to work in digging trenches and building minefields. Others would pitch tents for civilians to live in during the siege.

    OOC: Hopefully, by the time of my next post, you guys come to start up the wall on the east.

  8. OOC: Keep in mind my navy has been hammering away at anything resembling a defensive fortification with cruise missiles and 406mm Naval Artillery rounds since this began in and around Haiphong. Given we would have noticed you cruising by to deploy the fire would have been halted.


    **Private to Yukotobian High Command**

    Proceed with great caution as the Republic of Free Somal is advancing down the coast and will be on the outskirts of Haiphong shortly. Sharing of radio frequencies requested and Naval Gunnery Fire support is avaliable for your forces upon request.

    **Classified to Somalian High Command*

    Thank you for the support, you will also have access to our air cover.

    Yuke Army radio will be at 55 MHz, YAF aircraft frequency will be at 229 MHz

    Here's a map for the city.

    Haiphong Map

  9. OOC: Hey you guys, don't leave me out on the Ace Combat Fun? Also, I'm not waiting, I'm posting now.

    IC: Yuktobanian forces stationed on high alert (from the Pax Pacis crisis) has, on the request of the Dragon Empire, began invading the Khmer Empire. Using the Dune Squadron to jam enemy radars, other fighter squads used rocket strikes to damage port facilities and drydocks in the city of Haiphong. Due to the Jungle warfare type terrain, it is made impossible to bring heavy vehicles other than PT-76 Light Tanks and M113 APC's. So Yuktobanian troops were forced to be choppered in to the city, under threat from Khmer Triple A and SAM Batteries. Those that made it to the ground would face stiff resistance as the Khmer's were tenacious opponents.

    OOC: A present for you Cochin, I hope you use it well.

    Meanwhile, Mindripper Squadron, Yuktobania's recentyly formed elite squadron, was tasked for the tedious and life-threatening task of Wild Weasel, the Supression of Enemy Air Defenses. Using F-4G equipped with AS-14 LAGM's. Mindripper Team was tasked to defend Cochin's air forces, as well as the ground force at Hue.

  10. *Classified to the Dragon Empire from Yuktobanian Air Commander Suvorov*

    The Yuke Air Force is mobilized and ready for attack, just give the word and we'll bomb any target in Khmer.

    *Classified message to the Dragon Empire from Yuke General Zhukov II*

    Our armies are ready for combat, our navy has sucessfully acuqired it's first ships and will be a good test on the field.

    OOC: I will begin RP my navy as soon as i purchase my ship. I have already completed all requirements for owning a ship.

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