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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Drakoria: Approved, we will send in Sergei Ungar as Ambassador

    Mascurian Pakistan: Approved, we will send in Ilya Mironov as Ambassador

    Buryatia: Approved, we will send in Victor Duvornik as Ambassador

    Selenarctos: Approved, we will send in Nikita Putin as Ambassador

    New Andromeda: Approved, and we will agree to your wishes.

    Procinctia: Approved, we hope your decontamination efforts are sucessful

  2. Nation Name:

    Nation Type (government):

    Nation Ruler:


    Wish for embassy in your nation: Y/N


    Republic of New England (Kira Israkov/John Garrett)

    Republic of Aiginor (Irena Chuikov/Abbie Payne)

    Kingdom of Caucasia (Sergei Ungar/Charles Loud)

    Mascurian Sultanate of Pakistan (Ilya Mironov/Maximilian Fightmaster)

    United Kingdom of Buryatia (Victor Duvornik/Sir Andrei Trubachev)

    The Nation of Selenarctos (Nikita Putin/Juan Arellano)

    Republic of New Andromeda (William Smithe)

    Republic of Procinctia (Liska Atka)

    Kingdom of Cochin (Boris Yeltsov/Lin Biao)

    Queendom of Australia (Maria Shamanov/Harley Drake)

    Shinsei Shikkoku Teikoku (Ivan Kentov/Kallen Kouzuki)

    Fascist State of Italica (Michael Disarov/Carlo Rossi)

    The Commonwealth of Texas (Arisha Akarov/Simon Dice)

    Kingdom of Disparu (Valentina Putin/Gustavo Bauer)

    Republic of Kitex (Fyodor Brezhnev/Charlie Brown)

    The Empire of Golekh (Sergei Kinslev/Yu Izuka)

    Kingdom of Zargathia (Cecil Harvarov/Kuang Shi)

    Union of Artica (Alexey Furisaka/Simone Beauregard)

    Slavorussian Empire (Galina Garza/Grand Duke Konstantin)

  3. OOC: 1st to Generalissimo, Yeah, that's gonna take that smile off her face, good job.

    2nd, to Comrade, how is he able to attack you since you guys are a third way across the world

    and finally the IC question

    IC: A Yuktobanian reporter stands up and says, with Procinctia off the coast of our motherland, how can you assure that no Yuktobanians will be attacked?"

  4. "Madame Prime Minister, "An aide said, " We have recieved reports on the threat of war between the Lu Empire and Yamato." Prime Minister Reznov responded, "Let me see." While reading the report, she placed her hand on her head. Believing that it was a stupid move by the people of Yamato. "This has become a slap on the face of peace. It's getting to be a bit too dangerous for Yamato to do things like that."

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