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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. A Message from Yuktobanian General Georgy Zhukov II

    Molniya Squadron, loaded up with Rocket Pods, will be called in to eleiminate isolated rebel forces. We also request intel as to located the remaining leaders of the Yellow Turbans. It is possible we can capture or eliminate them using the Yuktobanian Spetsnaz Battalion known as Varyag.

  2. OOC: I can't believe I missed this one.

    Due to the insatility in the nearby region, Yuktobania will send in the Buran Fighter Squadron to engage the Yellow Turban bases from behind enemy lines. 2,000 Yuke soldiers including 100 Yuke Spetsnaz fighters, will also be sent in under the service of the Hansa and the Lu Empire.

    Prime Minister Reznov requests an audience with the Emperor himself at a location of his choosing.

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