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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. OOC: Music: The Inferno from WOMG your Post-Apocalpytic Radio Headquarters

    IC: Amid the ruins of the once glorious city of Okchabursk (actually one big crater with a few damaged buildings around it) there was no movement in the area, it was as if the land went dead.

    In the epicenter of the blast however, a young woman managed to get out of the rubble that she fell into. It turned out to be the Prime Minister, Catherine Reznov. Somehow, perhaps by luck, she survived the devastation, albeit wounded, struggled to walk across the desolate landscape.

    After what seemed to be hours of walking, a helicopter was seen hovering over the crater, it's purpose to survey the damage and the potential ecological effects. The pilots in the chopper noticed the figure and came down low enough to realize that the Prime Minister indeed survive. The people picked her up and sent her over to Virjunji, in Southern Yuktobania. Reznov, thankful of the people who helped rescue her, fell into a deep sleep. (aka coma)

  2. OOC: And so, let the Apocalypse begin, do you want it with music or without?

    IC: As people were awed by the sucessful test. A reporter began to notice a small paper clip start to be attracted to the machine and flew right into the orb. Soon thereafter, all metal objects, including the Prime Minister's gold necklace, flew right in, startling the crowd.

    "Don't worry!" Dr. Furitara exclaimed, "It will soon restabilize!!"

    Immediately after that is said, The computers then said, "OVERLOAD. SYSTEM UNSATBLE." Sirens went off throughout the city, as people started to evacuate. Furitara's aide, said, "We have a containment breach sir!!!" A Spark electricity left the orb and shocked the man with a very lethal dose of electricity (~1 Amp), killing him on the spot. Reznov, was worried, but wanted to ensure that everyone got out safely. She started getting people out to safety. Another aide, (which happened to be Dr. Furitara's wife), tried to get her husband out, but him being so stubborn, still believed it would be stable. By then, everything started to have a magnetic attraction to the machine, and Ms. Furitara was being pulled into the once again growing EM Sphere. The Prime Minister went in to rescue her, catching the young woman's hand and used all her strength to try and pull her back in. Though Ms. Furitara was safe, Catherine was not, as she herself was being pulled in by the field. Dr. Furitara tried to go in and rescue her, but was killed by a bolt of electricity running towards her.

    The last thing that came into Reznov's mind before she was enveloped by the giant 'Killball' was, "So this is how a life ends. By a force of nature...."

    The EM Field began to envelop the experiment area, then enveloped the building where the project takes place in, before finally exploding with a large shockwave. The resulting blast was like 5 Hiroshima's in one, destroying 90% of the city of Okchabursk, as well as shorting out power to the entire Northeastern Half of the country. It is presumed that 85% of the population perished in the event.

    OOC: In other words, played out like Spider-Man 2, but without the Spider-Man to save the day.

  3. The number of border guards have doubled as strict border policies are implemented along it's border with Buryatia as well as the Buryatian-controlled Magadan Province. Yuktobanian Army personnel have also been sent in to further support border patrol.


    Cruik Fortress, east of Yuktobania's capital Cinigrad, has been put into an moderate state of alert.

    OOC: Only because I'm still worry for potential Buryatian expansion.

  4. The Yuktobanian Prime Minister, Catherine Reznov, took a trip to the Northeastern Yuktobanian City of Okchabursk, to witness the first use of an experimental power-producing device, it was headed by a doctor and his team of top representatives from the Ministry of Energy.

    The Doctor, Dr. Furitara, was a Yamato-Yuktobanian, coming from the former Yamato state of Manchuria, and was the top designer for the Yamatan government, but ever since their government collapsed, Furitara was scared and fled the country, first to Hanseatic Manchuria, and then to Yuktobania. Where he works directly for the Minister of Energy.

    "Ladies an gentlemen, and my humble Prime Minister, Today I will show you the future of energy!" He turned to the device, it looked like something straight out of science fiction, 4 arms standing still surrounding a piece of titanium and says, "This device, is a Electromagnetic Powered Ion Core (EPIC). The device is designed to power our homes and business, using the power of the Sun!! It is capable of imroving the efficency of energy by well over 35%. " He took a control device from one of his aides, "And so, we begin."

    The device's arms began to spin around, causing the titanium to lift in the air due to the gravitational pull it caused. When it reached the center of the array, a series of chemical lasers began to bombard the metal. In doing so, it caused the titanium to turn into an sphere of electricity, which started to grow twice it's size per every 5 seconds. After about 60 seconds of this, the sphere started growing, as plates of rubber began to float up into the air and surround the orb, eventually orbiting it. One of the doctor's aides said, "The sphere has reached stable mass, your experiment has suceeded Dr. Furitara.

    The guest, including the Prime Minister applaused, impressed that the design worked, said "I am impressed, Dr., you are sure to win a Nobel Prize for this!"

    OOC: You know where I'm going with this, right? :nuke:

  5. 3 Yuktobanian Ch-47 Chinooks landed in southern Phnom Penh, with orders to eliminate the Khmer forces in southern Phnom Penh, as well as find the hidden location of the Khmer's Ministry of Defence, to acquire their databanks to use in "Projct Scinfaxi." The soldiers landed near the Comfort Star, about 2 clicks from the Interior Ministry. The first objective would be to prevent potential resistance by capturing the Interior Minister. The Spetsnaz, divided into 2 teams of 10 each, were to split up, one taking the south route using an allyway, the second would take the longer way through Monivong Blvd into Oknha Khek Tioulong and attack the ministry from the north. A sniper team would stay at the hotel and snipe enemies alongside the major road.

  6. -All A-6E models will be sent to Axe & Hammer Industries to be upgraded to EA-6B standard.

    -Thanks to data recieved from the Khmer War, 65 of the 120 F-4E models will be upgraded to F-4G standard, also by Axe & Hammer.

    -115 of the 190 MiG-21bis models will be updated to 21-93 standard, including capacity to fire AA-11 Archer missiles.

    -The A-6E's which will be modified, will be replaced by the A-10A in Close-Air Support.

    -Tu-16 Badgers will be replaced with B-52 Heavy Bombers.

    - F-16C's will supplant the F-4's in Interceptor duties, as well as replacing the Yak-28.

    We will accept any questions regarding the air force (OOC: I know that last statement sounds stupid, but I like input.)

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