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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. OOC: This is a national situation, not an international one, plus I am not dealing with the Nulcear Winter yet, as it has absolutly nothing to do with it.



    Derg Congrssional Complex, Cinigrad.

    ORDER, WE SHALL HAVE ORDER!!! Yuktobanian Speaker of the Derg, Andrey Fursenko yelled at the ever arguing members of the Senate. They were hard boiled at whether or not to pss an act to durther redue the standing military of Yuktobania. The Ultranationalists were not there, but the Communist Party, the Second largest party in Yuktobania, was still supporting the same cause. Over the course of the next few hours, the guards within the Derg Complex, belonging to Zakhev's Spetsnaz, began to signal the start of the operation. The guards began to put on their gas masks and began to storm the Congress meeting room. They managed to barricade the doors to prevent anyone from getting out. Meanwhile, as this was done, more Russian paratroopers landed at the complex. They were there to tell police that terrorists has taken hostages in the building and were trying to ensure their safety. Instead, they would only start removing hostages once those that were against Zakhev were terminated. One by one, all 315 congressional members of the United Yuktobanian Party and all 40 members of the Free Yuktobanian Party were assassinated, leaving only their Communist allies. Now they were the ones in control.

  2. Prime Minister Nikanor has handled every situation thrown at him. He has survived a lingering economic crisis, a natural disaster, and a terror attack. yet many members of the Duga, the Yuke Congress, especially it's hardline militaristic leaders refuse to support him, mainly because of his cutbacks on military and defense spending to work on other projects. The leader of these "Ultranationalists" was one Imran Zakhev. His goal is to reestablish the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, using Yuktobania to supply the strength. Although they only control 11% of congress, the Ultranationalists managed to have support of more than two-thirds of the Yuktobanian Military as well as their Special Forces, Spetsnaz.

    Cinigrad, under the Cathedral of St. Vladimir of Kiev.

    "Gentlemen," said Imran Zakhev, silencing the rest of the members in the area. "We are going to undertake one of the most daring plans in the history of our country. We are going to overthrow the weak, powerless and corrupt goverment of Seryozha Nikanor." There was a lot of cheering at what was to happen. "Our Spetsnaz Guard Brigades shall launch an airborne attack on the Derg Building while the Derg is in session. Meanwhile and attack from the swers shall be done to capture Reindeer Square and the Cinigrad Capital Building." He turned towards his son, who will be leading the Ultranationalists on the field. "My son, Victor, I entrust you to ensure that we have control of the capital. Bring the fool to me. And as for you, " He then turned towards Oswald Baermann, a former Belkan General and leader of the terror group, 'The Falcons of Dawn,' "You will be repsonsible for attacking the Derg, I want all Supporters of Nikanor dead. Our operation shall begin tomorrow, when the Derg meets.

  3. We urge both sides to agree to a cessation of hostilities.

    ==Classified message from the Yuktobanian Congress to Azerbaijani government==

    We are willing to send a small team of Spetsnaz soldiers if you need any support. The prime minister has stated a cessation only to improve public relations. However, we are acting so to see if there is any connection between the Talysh and the Grey Men who attack several days ago.

  4. We thank you for the support.

    YBN NEWS: Construction crews and aid workers from Yuktobania and multiple nations, inlucidng Yuktobania's ally, the Northern Empire, has already begun serchaing for survivors and providing them with food, clothing, blankets and medicene. So far, only 150 survivors, and another 250 casualties has been confirmed in the city of Darina. This has brought up the death total to about 3,550. Yuktobanian military troops have been patrolling the area, ensuring that no crime has been committed in the disaster zone. Already, 65% of the city has been confirmed destroyed. Funds are being poured into the region to rebuild the city, much to the chargain of the Parliament members of the Yuke National Party.

  5. 3,300 people were confirmed killed when an earthquake rocked Northern Yuktobania last night. The eqrthquake was registered on the Rhicter scale as 7.3. However, the government responded to late to help get some of the people out of the area. The hardest hit was the Yuktobanian port city of Darina, which has suffered 1/3 of the 3300 killed.


    In an address to the nation, Prime Minister Nikanor stated, "We were not quick enough to get people out of there. However we will send food, medicene, clothes and any & all construction equipment to rebuild the Northern Yuktobanian region. Already, the gov't has spent over $360 million in aid to the region. However a few parliament members called it, "A disaster, as far as our current economy is going." Nikanor responded to the statement that "People are far more important than the economy and military are.

    To help make up the money lost, the prime minister has called for a plan for a further reduction in troops and tanks.

    OOC: RP response to an IC Attack

  6. Constantinople, Federal District, Byzantium - A bill was passed through the Meclis and signed into law by Leader John Kelikark today. The National Security Act, de-jure, granted the Gizli Polis and Orgutu "extensive powers and rights" to 'conduct mass-surveillance in the interest of maintaining national security'. Under the new Act, the Gizli Polis is allowed, in addition of monitoring the Internet, to monitor and keep records of telephone (including mobile and phone) communications, emails, text messages, all financial transactions, and many others.

    In addition, security measures and devices were instituted in both urban areas and the countrysides, beginning with the major cities and towns. With millions and millions of funding from the Government, closed-circuit security cameras were established in most, if not all, buildings, public areas, public transportation networks, and as such. A network of roadside cameras was established all over the country, and connected to plate recognition networks. More extensive means are also being instituted.


    A virtual rendering of the closed-circuit camera system.

    A 'door-lock' system was also established in all cities, towns, and villages as a means of "extending national security". Most, if not all, buildings (especially apartments) were fixed with door-lock device that functions to prevent unauthorized access. Citizens are required, under the new law, to apply for an 'access card' that would enable them to enter and leave the premises.

    OOC: Not to sound like a total fool, but isn't that a bit overkill?


    Due to an economic downturn, the Yuktobanian Army will be downsizing from a 40,000-strong force to one at least 30,000-strong. It's tank force will also be cut to at least 400 tanks. Many military commanders dissaprove of Nikanor's methods, claiming that he is "weaking the army to the point where it could be rolled over by larger nations." Nikanor responded as "a way to help stimulate the economy without going through tax and job cuts.

  8. Minerva Kentavr Rald, wife of the late Belkan Grand Prince Waldemarr Rald, left a private jet at the Franzharian capital. She left her exile at Camberlain to see her husband's final work for a peaceful and stable Franzharia. She is not wearing her lavish Belkan royal dress that she was famous for, but instead, in a casual business suit. She left to meet the Neo Franzharian representatives.

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