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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Evstafiev-sarajevo-building-burns.jpg

    The Yuktobanian Foreign Ministry Building, day beore the bombing.


    27 people, including the newly appointed Foreign Minister of Yuktobania, as well as his family, were killed when a small bomb detonated in the 10th floor of the Ministry Building. This terror attack was the first in the history of the new nation, which only became independent Yesterday. No one has taken responsibility for the attack as of yet.

    Ivanovich Lebed, was hand-picked by the Prime Minister, Seryozha Nikanor, to the Foreign Minister position. He was currently working on working relations with several other RUSSIAN countries.

    Yuktobania will have a day of publc mourning tomorrow.

    OOC: I had an IG event

  2. OOC: Something like that yeah.

    IC: In a recent interview with the Prime Minister of Yuktobania, Seryozha Viktorovich Nikanor, he said "though it is a difficult job running the country, if you put your heart and soul to it, treat it like you would treat your child, then it will be worthwhile."


    Prime Minister Nikanor

  3. IC: We like to thank the Philippines for recognizes the state. Though we wonder why New Byzantium doesn't wish the same?

    OOC: In order of how the OOC went, I'll add you as a friend Malestrom and Rick.

    As for where I got the flag, heres the link. The website is known as The Electrosphere, and serve as a complete (at least for now) Ace Combat Encylopedia.

  4. Kabe26l.gif

    A speech from Seryozha Viktorovich Nikanor, Prime Minister of the new Yuktobanian Democratic Republic:

    "We are gathered here today, in the ancient Yuke city of Cinigrad, as citizens of a new state, as people who can govern themselves and ensure peace with it's friends and neighbors. Today, we issue a declaration of independence from the Northern Empire. Today we are not Northern Imperialist, today we are Yuktobanian!!!"

  5. This is Coaltion land and its been claimed by someone else :D

    What about the land in Scandinavia that is also occupied? Is that still unclaimed, and if not, I will claim it as a new nation, the Republic of Wellow.

  6. OOC: Are any of the remaining areas still available?

    EDIT: With the recent map edition, I assume the Western (Blue) and Northern (Cyan) area''s are still available, I still want the blue area if it's available.

  7. A statement from Belkan Democratic Federalist Party Leade Erich Hillenbrand.

    "The principality is dead, our leaders ran out of Belka when it was at their time of need, our allies we're weak and unable to prevent the fall of Belka. Now, we need to regain the stability that we had before the war, one without a corrupt monarch pulling the strings. With the help of the RUSSIAN coalition, we can look towards the future and write a new page in Belkan history."

    OOC: Basically I'm reforming my government into a Federal Government, and I seek the blue region.

  8. OOC: This is going to be the one and only post that can be considered public, and the only post the public can reply to, IC. OOC comments must be directed via PM, no exceptions.


    A Statement from the Government of Neo Franzharia

    "Earlier this morning, the Princess Anabelle passed from this Earth. She was placed into a position by those who would seek to manipulate her. The burden proved too much for her, as she succumbed to overwork, lack of proper maintenence, and illness.

    Those who placed her on the throne contantly manipulated, bribed, cheated, and harrassed Government officials, and frustrated my own efforts to intervene. The Duke Edmund Relivere and Duchess Diamond Relivere of Bastion, Baron Gaston Hugenot of Murmansk, Cardinal Markus Soretti of the Catholic Diocese of Murmansk, and Undersecretary Revan Dreth of my own Office have all been implicated in this crime. They have all disappeared and are listed as Fugitive.

    They have been given a 36-hour ultimatum to surrender."

    - General Larsa Solidor, Steward of the Kingdom

    A Statement from the Former Grand Princess, Minerva Kentavr Rald, in exile at Camberlain

    The royal family is saddened by the loss of Princess Annabelle. It has beem confirmed that a few days before we left for Camberlain, the Franzharian Undersecretary has met with my recently passed husband, the late Waldemarr Rald. It is implied that he may had a hand in this situatio and I request that the men in question is brought to justice.

  9. The reason why I was going to leave as stated by a post in the Europe vs. Russia thread, this was due to the fact of my parents moving to a new state. However, due to a change in plans, and a change in jobs. I'm not going to move after all. I might be going back to RPing as the months pass, but at least I'm going to be back with a vengeance.....

    .....that includes you Mykep. <_<

  10. The Belkan government officially surrenders to the Slavorussian Empire. This is due to recent events that has happened in the war front and the home front. With the loss of almost half of our military might in the battlefield, coupled with the death of our great leader Waldemarr I Rald, which was ruled as an assassination attempt, our nation is no longer capable of governing itself. Because of this, The Belkans will disarm and surrender peacefully to the allies.

    OOC: I'm leaving sometime after this, I don't know when I'll be back, which is why I'm making this annouancement.

  11. Had you stayed out of the war your homeland would not be under threat, and you would have one to return to after the war. But who knows perhaps your gods will bless you, and make us merciful, thought I doubt it..

    In the end, our homeland will be lost, but we will make it a living hell trying to pry it from our cold dead hands.

    OOC: Wow, bad choice of words for someone who's about to take a VERY long leave of absense from CNRP.

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