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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. Return Start:

    We have a source of Aluminum and Rubber. We can provide those to the your Company. At the present time however, we can only afford to build up one factory at this time, though we may build up our infrastructure to build another one.

    OOC: Basically, I only have one factory improvement.

  2. From: Yuktobanian Democratic Republic

    To: Gadget Technology Industries


    The Yuktobanian Defense Minister, Ruslan Khasbulatov wants to meet with a representative of the GTI Corporation. This meeting is to discuss the order of tanks to be ordered, as well as the possibility of setting up a factory in the young republic, in order to help revitalize the economy.

  3. The YDR has made their decision.We are pleased to annouance that the tank contract shall go to GTI and their DFT-Mk1. We shall arrange a deal in a few days to discuss our arrangement.

    OOC: Why I did this, because Firestorm proved a point and that If I acquired any other tank, (besides the T-72 mind you) it wil be not only too expensive, but to maintain it would put me into a defecit...

  4. OOC: Well, I have not started my own weapons industry as of yet. Though I might take your advice in the future, I suppose it won't be the case at this time.

    @Merger: I suppose you really don't want me to do war, not that I would want to anytime soon.

    IC: The T-72 and the Panzer are now in the competition, the gov't however wish for the specifications on the latter

  5. The Yuktobanian gov't, with homeland security in mind, shall offer a contract to build a Tank to replace the aging T-54/55 tank models. These are our design requirements:

    Requirements and Constraints:

    Autoloader for 120-mm gun

    Must go at least 55 km/h

    Must have an interchangable secondary armament (can switch between 12.7-mm HMG and a 40-mm Grenade Launcher)

    Must not go over 40 tonnes.

  6. The Yuktobanian Air Force:


    Total of 160 aircraft consisting of:

    MiG-21bis Fishbed-L (Fighter)

    (1x 23-mm Cannon, 2x K-13/AA-2 Atoll or K-60/AA-8 Aphid Missiles [MSSL] and 2x Rocket Launcher [RCL])

    A-6E Intruder (Attacker)

    (2x 20-mm Cannon pods, 2x R-60/AA-8 Aphid MSSL and 2x Mk-84 UGB)

    F-4E Phantom II (Multirole)

    (1x 20-mm Cannon, 2x R-60/AA-8 Aphid MSSL, and 2x Mk-77 Napalm Bomb [NPB])

    EA-6B Prowler (Jammer)

    (2x 20-mm Cannon Pods, 2x R-60/AA-8 Aphid MSSL, and 2x AN-ALQ-99 Electronic Countermeasure Pod [ECMP])

    EF-111A Raven (Jammer)

    (2x 20-mm Cannon Pods, 2x R-60/AA-8 Aphid, 2x AN-ALQ-99 ECMP)

    Yak-28PP Brewer-E (Interceptor/Jammer)

    (2x 23-mm Cannon Pods, 2x K-13A/AA-2 Atoll MSSL and either an ECMP or 2x R-98M/AA-3 Anab Semi-Active Air-to-Air Missile [sAAM])

    Tu-16K Badger (Bomber)

    (6x 23-mm Cannons [2x each in tail, ventral and dorsal], and either up to 9,000 lbs of UGB or 1x Kh-10/AS-2 Kipper Long Range Anti-Ship Missile [LASM])

    AC-130A Spectre (Attacker/Gunship)

    (4x 7.62-mm Minigun, 2x 20-mm Cannon, 2x 40-mm Cannon)

    C-130E Hercules (Transport Aircraft)

    CH-47D Chinook (Transport Helicopter)

    Mi-8T Hip-C (Assault/Transport Helicopter)

    (up to 1500 lbs of weapons including RCL's, Bombs or 3M11/AT-2 Swatter Anti-Tank Missile [ATM] [Assault Role only])

    Mi-24 Hind-A (Attack Helicopter)

    (1x 12.7-mm Heavy Machine Gun, S-5 RCL's, and 3M11/AT-2 Swatter ATM)


    5th Air Division, 10th ELINT Squadron "Dune"

    Aircraft: 4x EA-6B Prowler

    5th Air Division, 12th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Buran"

    Aircraft: 4x F-4E Phantom II

    5th Air Division, 20th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Molniya"

    Aircraft: 4x MiG-21bis Fishbed

    6th Air Division, 11th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Luch"

    Aircraft: 4x Yak-28PP Brewer

    6th Air Division, 7th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Wisna"

    Aircraft: 4x A-6E Intruder

    6th Air Division, 19th Tactical Bomber Squadron "Lunokhod"

    Aircraft: 8x Tu-16 Badger

    6th Air Division, 24th Gunship Squadron "Ijema"

    Aircraft: 4x AC-130A Spectre

    4th Air Division, 22nd Transport Squadron "Kiparis"

    Aircraft: 6x C-130 Spectre

    Army Coming Soon!!!

  7. ==A Private Message from the YDR Prime Minister to the Transvaal Foreign Minister:==

    Good evening Foreign Minister, I am saddedned about the loss of life earlier today and we send our condolences. May I ask, did any of the assailants ever say who they were working for? As we have had an attack from a terror group a few days ago, and we are currently setting up an investigation.


    The Foriegn Ministry building, which was attacked by Belkan terror group, "The Falcons of Dawn" will begin having floors 9-13 being rebuilt and renovated today. The project, will will take about 3 months to build and will cost 25 Million Credits (about $15 Million) will be the pinnacle of Yuktobanian infrastructure.

    "The Falcons of Dawn" is a terror group from the former Princpality of Belka, in a video they have sent to the Yuke government, they have stated that they want revenge on the victorious combatants from the Magna European War. So far however, this was their first attack since their creation, but has stated on their video that many more are to come to the other Russian nations, as well as the Dutch Republic.

    The Yuke government has officially stated that all nations should seek and hunt down "The Falcons of Dawn" and their leader, Oswald Bertmann.


    Today, we are pleased to annouance the creation of our news network.

    The purpose of this is to bring news to Yuktobania, from the inside and out.

    Dimitri Petrenko Jr. will be our lead anchor while Alexi Chernov available for weather.

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