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Razgriz 2K9

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Posts posted by Razgriz 2K9

  1. The Belkan aircraft launched attacks on the Slavorussian military at Danzig. However, they were ultimately supressedout by the enemy SAM batteries even after taking out half of them. The Belkan army launched it's attack, but were hit hard by the enemy, losing about 3,000 men and most of the armored vehicles. The Belkans managed to destroy most of the outer defenses but another 60% of it's army doing so. As they entered the city, they tried to strike at the defenders but were ultimately routed and were forced to retreat (at this time, about 1,000 menand about 2 tanks) but encountered the 5,000 strong Slavorussian force. The Belkan's prepared their last stand as they were to die for their country. They would fight a vigorous fight curageously to their deaths as they would do serious damage to the enemy.

    Belkan losses:

    All Belkan army units

    5 of the 6 F-86 Sabres

    OOC: You can RP your losses Justinian

  2. ==Private Message from Belkan Grand Prince Rald to the Margrave Khendon==

    The Belkan royal family and as many as 20,000 civilians shall head for Camberlain, however I shall remain with our military, finish the fight with honor.

  3. With Poland about to fall, The Belkans were now entrapped in the Central baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and some of Lithuania). They now had no choice but to either try and fight there way out and risk total annihilation, or surrender and face shame. They chose annihilation.

    The Belkan military front in the Baltic chose to abandon Saulai and Riga and moved southward to face the Slavorussian-Estovakian forces that are in Poland and Belarus. The army was prepared to die for their country, and thus that would be what they would do. The Belkans would attack a strategic Slavorussian point in Danzig (GdaƄsk).

    Using fighter bombers and artillery, most of the Slavorussian defensive positions would be destroyed, making a clear path for Belka to move to Danzig.

  4. OOC: Cut the OOC people

    IC: Belkan artillery continue to attack the advancing Northern Forces. Meanwhile, the city of Saulai is being strengthed into a fortress, with sandbags, Machine Gun nests, Tanks and Anti-Aircraft Artillery being constructed to ensure that the allies shall not pass.

  5. OOC: So you decide to ignore my presence mykep.......for shame.........

    Belkan forces were being forced to retreat to the Baltic States, where they planned on daring counteroffensive in Siaulai, Lithuania. Despite losing some token forces, (a good 1,000 troops and about 10 tanks. The Belkans were able to make their retreat. Now they are planning to send in the air forces to launch attacks on the advancing Northern Empire forces. Meanwhile, the Belkans started setting up defenses in the city. Further defenses were set up in Riga, in Nordlandic Latvia. The stage was set to prove Belka's support to the Magna Europa, doing whatever it takes, even at the cost of Belkan lives, to prevent a RUSSIAN dominated Europe.

    An official statement from Grand Prince Waldemarr Rald:

    The people of the RUSSIAN forces fail to understand the situation, and until we force them to agree, Belka will not stop fighting. When all else fails, Belka will sacrifice everything to ensure Franzharian independence, even if it means the end of Belka as we know it.

  6. Order of Battle:

    Belkan Army

    Belkan 2nd Armored Division

    -Belkan 4th Artillery Battalion (50x M109 SP-Howitzer)

    -Belkan 3rd Shock Batallion (50x Leopard 1 MBT)

    -Belkan 10th Infantry Battalion (Infantry)

    -Belkan 1st Calvary Battalion (50x M113 APC)

    Belkan 6th Infantry Division

    -Belkan 31st Infantry Battalion (Infantry)

    -Belkan 34th Infantry Battalion (Infantry)

    -Belkan 45th Infantry Battalion (Infantry)

    Belkan Air Force:

    Belkan 2nd Air Division

    -52nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Rot" (4x F-86F)

    -109th Tactical Bomber Squadron "Otto" (6x Blenheim)

    Belkan 18th Air Division

    -5th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Gault" (7x Yak-23)


    General Carsten Nowotny led the invason force into Slavorussia. Among him were over 150 tanks and over 15,000 troops of the Belkan Military. The assault began with Belkan Air Force fighter-bombers launching rocket attacks on Slavorussian positions in the Belarussian territories. This was followed by the Belkan 4th Artillery Battalion to bombard the remaining enemy positions. The troops and tanks of the invasion force however, are to remain within the Nordlandic border until the time is right to finally invade. Their objective will be to take the Slavorussian province of Belarus, starting with an attack on Brest Fortress.

  7. Well, if you don't like it, it's your problem.

    Not my fault other people didn't bother spending !@#$loads of money and making lots of threads researching new tank technologies like did. I went out of my way to make the best of the best.

    No offense, but most people don't use the kind of tactics that employ high-class tanks Martens. Taking myself for an example, I try to research air power since, IMO, I am more comfortable with aerial tactics than ground warfare.

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