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Everything posted by shavar

  1. NAC 2.0 I like it !! We are looking for active ,experienced members wanting to be a part of this great alliance .. We will even take rookies just trying to learn .. swing by our forums and get to know us. Just over look the funny smell Hellbilly just kicked his shoes off !! (sorry) at least he is house broken.
  2. nice .. Good to see things going well gotta get me some purple love
  3. sold .. if I have a extra donation next month I will post a new topic ..
  4. nice job .... congrats to you guys !!! I wonder if you can get the second million as fast . o/ASGAARD
  5. good to see ... Never get enough PURPLE LOVE .. o/Invicta o/SNAFU
  6. I am looking to sell a $20 donation in AUG with the payments being made on the 22nd , I can help find middle man if needed , just in-game me if you are interested .. 9m 150 tech (3 payments of 3m/50 tech ) is what I am asking my nation link http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=257034
  7. Once again INVICTA steps up and shows what a true friend is all about . I am proud to say I am a FRIEND of INVICTA and they have done nothing to make me change my mind on that. o/INVICTA We just need to hand out a little Purple love .. You cant go wronge with that.
  8. Well I fell like I need to post in here as well. ACf was one of the first alliances to even give my poor little alliance (NAC) the time of day , I have seen leadership change a few times and the one thing you could depend on, they would be there for us if we needed them. In fact we was so close that when we decidded that we had ran our course as a alliance we merged into ACF. After a couple months NAC re-birthed but still plenty of the original NAC members have been flying the ACF "AA" since April and was a part of the brightest moments they went through. anyway THANKS for the memories and good luck to all ACF members .. o/Tehol o/ACF
  9. all the way down to page 4 .. that is a no no bump
  10. nice to see some purple love tonight !!!!
  11. Well you will allways remember your first ..... o/Asgaard
  12. I am not ACF .. but I will bump for ya !!!
  13. hey ,,, That is my family yall !!!!!! bump
  14. cool . A new bump page to play with .. kinda like a brand new toy .. and all the talk about landing on the moon , man I feel like a kid again ..
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